What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

I have to admit that I have tagged more than a few fatties. When the lights go out they become xxx porn stars, like a zombie who wants brains cept they want cum LOL!
and that's the sluttiest thing you've ever done Chronic :-) or the nastiest

I come from an alcoholic family. Our toilet's name was shirla, and I hugged and vomited into her hard. Then she became my escape for all things evacuating from my body. I feel like a whore for not taking Shirla with me when I moved away.
My sluttiest time... I have to start with my first time.

So i was 15, i knew this girl a year older than me... We made out all night once but neither of us came, no penetration.... A bit later, there was a party with her, her bf (+4 years than I), his friends (i was in a province where everybody talked funny) and somebodys sister..... We all got drunk, and the sister pinned me against the wall in the kitchen and started kissing me, so i took her by the hand to her room (party was at their place) and porn starred for an hour... Then I had to get my clothes, somehow they were in the bathroom, so i walked past everyone to the bathroom.... funny that the bf and everybody else didnt know about his gf and i, and she was the only other girl there, so my nudity didnt seem to matter at all.... lol. We were really loud, everybody could hear and they were cheering from the living room.
i slept with my best friends step sister and didnt remember shit i woke up the uncle woke us up i was so hung over a bottle of captin and no additive man i was introuble with my friends family lolz it sucks cuz i dont remember to this day she past away and nevor told me what happend that night.. another time i was parting hard in my late teens i was worried about busting to soon she was so hot that i laid some powder on her back as i had her dogie and did a nose full of coke lolz dont tri this at home lolz back in the day shit..
i slept with my best friends step sister and didnt remember shit i woke up the uncle woke us up i was so hung over a bottle of captin and no additive man i was introuble with my friends family lolz it sucks cuz i dont remember to this day she past away and nevor told me what happend that night.. another time i was parting hard in my late teens i was worried about busting to soon she was so hot that i laid some powder on her back as i had her dogie and did a nose full of coke lolz dont tri this at home lolz back in the day shit..

Do you know how to use periods and commas?
How. An people write like this. I would feel like such a fool.
My sluttiest time... I have to start with my first time.

So i was 15, i knew this girl a year older than me... We made out all night once but neither of us came, no penetration.... A bit later, there was a party with her, her bf (+4 years than I), his friends (i was in a province where everybody talked funny) and somebodys sister..... We all got drunk, and the sister pinned me against the wall in the kitchen and started kissing me, so i took her by the hand to her room (party was at their place) and porn starred for an hour... Then I had to get my clothes, somehow they were in the bathroom, so i walked past everyone to the bathroom.... funny that the bf and everybody else didnt know about his gf and i, and she was the only other girl there, so my nudity didnt seem to matter at all.... lol. We were really loud, everybody could hear and they were cheering from the living room.

Dude, your avatar is ... LOL
wouldnt work with any other pirate..... cant imagine Captain Morgan stroking off a matey. "Stroke! Stroke! ....... Stroke harder!"

ALMOST any other pirate. cn

what is a comma? i dont get periods? why should i feel a fool when the flower is what counts!

Because it is an embarassment.
Writing stuff that just runs on and on that makes no sense without any punctuation can get very hard to read and comprehend it starts to hurt my brain after a while think im gonna go take a shit and then take a shower i had cereal and an iced coffee for breakfast this morning regardless of flowers this has nothing to do with butchering the english language maybe its the weed that makes you write the way you do and if it is the reason you need to layoff the stuff for a while know what i mean
Me and 3 Liberal chicks... Got pics, but they would get me banned :hump:

Who says right wingers aren't kinky :o
I use to fuck with a girl who was missing one eye.
She let me tear up her eye socket.
I used to fuck with her mind.
Her head was the bomb.