What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

I've never seen so many pirates having so much fun with just themselves. Fuck cannonballing port cities, they are happy pissing into the captain's open mouth! Over the gums and into the tum, yummy yum yumm. Why isn't the president of the united states as cool as this captain?
because it is an embarassment.
Writing stuff that just runs on and on that makes no sense without any punctuation can get very hard to read and comprehend it starts to hurt my brain after a while think im gonna go take a shit and then take a shower i had cereal and an iced coffee for breakfast this morning regardless of flowers this has nothing to do with butchering the english language maybe its the weed that makes you write the way you do and if it is the reason you need to layoff the stuff for a while know what i mean
hey im offended it a free country so they say>>>>>>
I've slept with sisters a couple times, but never simultaneously and definitely not quite as exciting as nailing the whole family. Shit.

I was pounding a chick I was dating who was 15 years older then me, while my younger best friend was pounding her daughter and well we went to run both them home and it turned out my roommate was hitting the GILF grandma in the front room! 3 generations all getting tapped in the same house at the same time!
I was pounding a chick I was dating who was 15 years older then me, while my younger best friend was pounding her daughter and well we went to run both them home and it turned out my roommate was hitting the GILF grandma in the front room! 3 generations all getting tapped in the same house at the same time!

...Nah. I won't. But just know I could have.
Why not start a thread called "The Funniest STD you have ever gotten", or "the funniest child support court case you've ever lost", or "the funniest unborn child you ever had".
Showcasing sexual deeds no superior than that of street dogs is not fucking funny at all. RIU is becoming more and more like a ghetto in the Bronx, lots of darkie attitude and us gentle non-rapist criminal folk don't like it. Stop cruising for pussy, and cruise for decent culture improvement. Morals are disappearing like a limited supply of CRACK
Why not start a thread called "The Funniest STD you have ever gotten", or "the funniest child support court case you've ever lost", or "the funniest unborn child you ever had".
Showcasing sexual deeds no superior than that of street dogs is not fucking funny at all. RIU is becoming more and more like a ghetto in the Bronx, lots of darkie attitude and us gentle non-rapist criminal folk don't like it. Stop cruising for pussy, and cruise for decent culture improvement. Morals are disappearing like a limited supply of CRACK

....or you could just stay away from threads with such titles?
Stop whining, it makes you look like a little bitch
....or you could just stay away from threads with such titles?
Stop whining, it makes you look like a little bitch

You want to call me names. Then get out. Read the rules or shut the fuck up so you don't get culled by the Mods. Bitching to you is calling out a problem. If you don't like it when someone wants to clean up your shit, then don't defecate on the boards.
U Mad ? Making my self look like a bitch is just one step away from being one, should qualify for corrective behavior son. How about just a spanking? Yes, these are white people jokes. I leave the dick part out because I have a fully functioning brain and I don't need to bring my dick or balls into this topic because I am not a ______
A. No one is calling anyone names. i said you were acting LIKE one.
Comprehend what you read.

B. This site, is pretty much designed around adults. I'm pretty sure the other adults on this site can handle a racey topic here and there, or at least have the will power to skip past the thread.
dunno if ud call it slutty but yrs back i did my dads wife 2 be a week before they got married then again a week after they tied the knot

what can i say i was young and under curfew to reside at dads address
dunno if ud call it slutty but yrs back i did my dads wife 2 be a week before they got married then again a week after they tied the knot

what can i say i was young and under curfew to reside at dads address

Sounds like the guy loves to marry whores. I wonder how long that pseudo marriage would last. God bless America :):):):):):)
A. No one is calling anyone names. i said you were acting LIKE one.
Comprehend what you read.

B. This site, is pretty much designed around adults. I'm pretty sure the other adults on this site can handle a racey topic here and there, or at least have the will power to skip past the thread.

I don't know about that. I got caught "bashing atheists" and calling them scum and I got called out for it. My thread was closed and I was made an example, and I learned. Why can't you? And how does TNT include pornographic content, there are children here, 18 years old is still a child. Have some respect for the WHOLE community bro. I responded to this thread because of its popularity and appearance on the new posts all the fucking time, not because I wanted to be here. Now you know.
There is nothing racey about porno in my opinion. Lust is inherent in all of us and most people want to clown it up with their dicks. Why reveal that side of humanity on a website about cannabis? I've changed, so, I'm a crappy guy for taking control of where my dick leads me? Don't answer. For a lot of "brothers", pussy is 2nd to how much money a fool can spend on useless shit like rims for a 1990 ford crown victoria
Adolescents are not children.

thankyou, James. you are right. But adolescents are not "adults". They go to college for expensive "edumacation" but no wisdom, I.E. experience. This thread teaches adolesents on RIU that these fuckups that adults have posted are okay and "COOL" to replicate. Remember, monkey see monkey do.