what is with riu


Active Member
It looks like we've got two camps here. The reasonable camp that expects people to put some effort into solving their problems, and the babysitters who believe that you should spoon feed people the information they want. I belong firmly in the former camp. If somebody asks a question that's answered in a sticky, I'm not answering it. If it's clear they haven't made any attempt to find the answer before posting, I'm not answering it. If the person doesn't bother to make their thread at least look presentable, I'm not answering it (I'm talking about the really bad ones, not people who use English as a second language). My time is just as valuable as your time, and if you're not going to put in your own time to solve your problem, I'm not spending my time to help you.
i agree but sometime there are more then one answer depending on ones situation (lights,med,nutes,flowering time,etc..)but for the most part the answers are there but you should tell noobs hey this is already answer look it up under..... it is still better then not answering at all because we were a beginners at one time.


Active Member
Its a forum with SOME grown men but mostly teens and yungsters. I recommend that everyone just keeps doin what there doin, be open minded and help who they feel like helpin. No other f%ckin explanation. Y change people and what works here. Everything changes to some point. I feel this thread is over and anyone who continues is biting the hands that feeds.


Active Member
it gets really old answering the same questions over and over again, i have just started to tell ppl to read the forum or point em to a thread where the question has been answered, you can only tell ppl so many times how far to have there lights away from a plant or that the shitty incandescent light they have right next to there plant wont do anything, there is a search button for a reason

Illegal Smile

The one I'll never forget was - I have a seed I planted in a paper cup. I keep in under my bed and shine a flashlight on it every night. Will that work ok?

My answer: Yes, that should work fine.


Active Member
sagensour that is the attitude im talking about you see these kind of post more and more who r u to say this thread is closed and no one else should post


Well-Known Member
I won't help a lot of the time because 1. I'm still a newbie (only on my second grow). And 2. I've put in hundreds of hours of research to be able to grow, so when somebody comes in here with a question that shows that they haven't put in the effort to do any research - why the fuck should I tell them?

Do your fucking research, you lazy cunts!
And I couldn't agree more brother! RIGHT ON! If you aren't even willing to try and help yourself, why should *I* help you.....


Well-Known Member
Yeah! Just try using the shity search feature to find a topic. IT DON'T WORK!!!!! AND YOU SHOULD HELP YOU ARROGANT FUCK ASS BITCH.....
It does work, learn to use the search options. Such is in post, or just title, by user, or by tag etc. Yeah it may be a bitch to sort through it....but you will find the answer if you keep looking.

Like I said though, you dont have to use the search feature here. Use google, or any other search engine for all I care. The answers are out there.

I went out and collected as many old High Times mags as I could back in the day. Read the grow articles in them whenever I had the chance. Then I went and bought books, like the Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible and DJ Shorts book on breeding.

I am not only registered here, I am on a few other grow forums (in the background mostly) also.

If you TRULY have the desire to grow, you will do whatever it takes to find the info required at the time. If people decide to not answer your questions on one forum...try another. Use search engines, buy a book...read some grow mags....but for crying out loud stop the:


Smoke a:

:joint: or :joint::joint:




Active Member
thats what im sayin post anything except asking a question and youll get a ton of replys but if you post a question you will get a bunch of lookers but no posters LOL


Active Member
Did anyone consider that it is sometimes better to have someone to talk things through with. I read hundreds of posts to get the info I need. But I am the type of person that likes to talk things through. Some people just need that dialog and regardless of how dumb the question I try to help if I can. But then again there is the people that just want attention. I have also seen posts where people got all the answers they needed and still insisted on asking the same question over and over. That does get kinda annoying.


Well-Known Member
It does take a little time on this site to realize that virtually every answer to every question is on this site somewhere. Just not always where you would assume.. There was a thread going around awhile back soliciting support for a "Nutrients" sub-forum. Well, there already is one.. just not completely "stand alone".

I sympathize with people who like myself were so excited about their first grow, but also clueless about MJ in particular, that you really don't think you have time to figure out a problem. So, you want answers right away, and I'll give them if I think I have the right one(s). But yeah, questions like "what do I need to grow?" don't get my help. Sometimes, too, I open up a thread asking for answers and it's already riddled with so much bad advice.. I don't know where to begin.

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
There's a whole lot of punkass kids on here that are spoiled little pissants that think the world revolves around them.


Well-Known Member
This is my all-time favorite, epic, RIU newb-dumbass thread:


Go all the way through it and you will see exactly why veteran members grow weary of answering help-request threads.

It is highly enjoyable reading when a newb asks a question; and then within an hour of starting the thread starts bumping it.

"Anyone there?"


"Why won't anyone answer my question?"


Well-Known Member
I would have to Vote for the guy who actually drew a picture of his plant and asked how it looked. I wish someone could find the thread as I forgot to add it to favorites. The site may have changed obviously it was founded by plant lovers and of course over time other casual people find the site including kids so the shit talking starts and to be honest as long as your getting advice from some just ignore the comments that arent meant to help at all. I think it adds to the reading now to have a laugh while I am waking and baking instead of constant droning on and on about lighting and nutes. I like how the site is now as it reminds me so much of IRC and chat rooms as well as helpful info if you stick around and not run off like this is a banking website all professional, if you want to make it better then make a large donation and get some pull around here!!


Well-Known Member
I really don't mind helping out my fellow grower.

Not ALL answers can be found using the search feature.

Even if they CAN be found by searching, its ok with me. I don't mind answering the questions.

Some people are just anal.