Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
That's interesting, you must have read Some Arthur C. Clark.He also hypothesized about bouyant creatures floating in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter.The chances for bacteria are probably better on Mars, however, even though I have always been fascinated by Venus.(it's probably the cloud cover that shrouds it.)Mysterious.And the fact that she's so close to us in size,but her day is longer than her year, and her rotation is retrograde.I thought maybe Venus was where the story of the garden of eden came from, a failed paradise where something went horribly wrong.It rains sulfuric acid there, and is hotter than an oven.Atmospheric pressure is 90 times ours, so it's like a big pressure cooker.If any bacteria are living there, they are some mean motherfuckers that I hope never find their way to earth, because we will be wiped out! for intelligence, that's relative...some life form may look upon us and not even recognize sentience, they're so much further along the evolutionary path.Didn't mean to ramble atcha.

I don't really know.
I practice Wicca I feel some connection to the ole times before the Christians murdered those who wouldn't accept their pagan beliefs.
Still though I honestly don't know.
I believe there must be something, but that is I have no idea. And what created that?
I guess I'll really know when I die.
I do not believe we are alone in the universe but I don't think alien life looks anything like our ideas of life/ I actually believe there is life within our solar system Earth it's so alien that we can't understand it and don't recognize it as life.
Or on worlds we can't probe I imagine a that big worlds like Jupiter are teaming with life in their atmosphere jellyfish like creatures and the like.
On Venus there's a kind of bacterial life in it's atmosphere.
Intelligent life is however very rare.