I have been smoking the herb since 1994,
In 1995 i sampled acid for the first time, in the right company can be be really good n funny, downside last too long, after hallucinating for 5 hours stops to be funny, fuck still got another 5 hours plus left on the sob. Total times done 7.
In 1999 when the trance music explosion really hit the uk i got heavily in to xtc pills and took this religiously every weekend sometimes fri sat sun then back to work mon morning, I'd usually take anywhere between 2 and 11 pills in a night and would often take 2 at a time, everything on this was great but it just died down and i started wanting different things from life
Pros, great high, value for money, feel the love
Cons, comedowns, jaw ache, damadged teeth, live for the weekenditis.
Been given coke a few times thought it was ok, have paid for it a few times too but it isnt worth the money as the buzz is nowhere near that of xtc.
Last year the guy who was selling me green asked me if i did pills, I said I used to but havent had any in a long time, he asked if i wanted some 98% pure mdma gel, i tried it out with the mrs, and we got into it and were having it every weekend but moneys been tight for a while so we havent had any, this mdma gel is totally unbelievable you wouldnt think half a gram of something would hit you so hard and for so long.
Anyway I had my rant now so gonna go hide n toke