Active Member
hmm ive done...mush + pills and thats about not into the other shit. I dont do mush or pills anymore just a straight up pot head...i dont even drink...well about once every 6 months or so?!
So nobody around here fucks with that wet?
yea i still get lsd, alot of "lsd" is LSA...which is very close to lsd. a lsd trip is much better than lsa. btw i really like tripping on acid, but im trying to stay away from it....till summer.....for music festivals@ Nelson Ledges Quarry Park...
Acid... Must have a wright state of mind, can anyone still get acid?
Wow you did that w/ your parents? was is lyk a one time drug party of did ya get fucked up w/ them all the time?yea i still get lsd, alot of "lsd" is LSA...which is very close to lsd. a lsd trip is much better than lsa. btw i really like tripping on acid, but im trying to stay away from it....till summer.....for music festivals@ Nelson Ledges Quarry Park
i think the best drug, other than XTC...honesty if you ever get a truly good pill of will blow your mind...if not change your whole outlook on a good way.
also if your marriage is and your wife should eat good x together...never fails....will always bring you closer no matter why your taking it....
me and my mother and father all ate X together a few months before my dad died. it was a great x-spearence, i will remember the night for the rest of my life...we all felt very connected, and my dad felt wondefull.
this is why some drugs should be legalized...if a dieing man..who is in tons i mean tons of pain, the person should be able to take a drug...that makes them be at ease with the world, them self. makes them have almost no fear of dieing. takes away the pain. ecstacy is honestly a wonder brought a dieing man with cancer...who couldnt speak...tons of joy, and pain free time.
thanks for listing to me rant. love your families all of you
O well if ya just said that in the first place see i'm only 19 so i only know it was angel dust, white girl, powder, and coke.. actually im smokin on a premo bluntskee rite now, i love my shit when its laced, i tried it laced w/ PCP once it was badass!!!
how do u change the ph of a pot plant mine is real acidy what do i add to it
Weed and Xanex are my only vice.
Ive done it all....outgrew it by the time i was 20. screw all that.[/quote
yea dude xanax..the only thing about those is i usually dont remember shit when i take them.but together with weed its nice..
u know that when u say u take 500 mg vics thats just the amount of tylenol thats in it..well weed is my thing. but sometimes when i have to do something boring. like go 2 court for tickets.
i ake 2 500mg vicoden. that sets me up for about 8hrs