yea xanax is the shit fo real tho... i just got prescribed xanax xr today, i haven't tried it yet tho... is there a way to break the extended release so u can get "high" off it?has any one ever tried this b4?Weed and Xanex are my only vice.
Ive done it all....outgrew it by the time i was 20. screw all that.
k dude i use to do coke, YEAH dont do it.... but NEVER DO ACID MANi love XTC. i dont do it that much. but it is so amazing. i also used to like acid, but i dont eat acid any more. opium is a good smoke. DONT DO COKE! besides that, i just smoke marijuana.
I love shrooms, although I know not to take them very often. It's a very fun educational experience for me. I have snorted a little coke on several occasions, and each time I regretted it. I wanted some pure product with the ether I got.
Salvia: I have smoked my fair share of this, and it's just weird. It's fun I suppose but kind of pointless. If you want to hallucinate, shrooms are the way to go. Now, I took a bong hit of Salvia one time. I say one time because I was so far gone that I only became aware of myself and where I was 15 minutes later in the front yard with no shirt on spraying myself with the hose. When I say gone, I mean gone.
One thing I would like to try at least once is DMT.
RAVER PRESENT !So Am I The Only One Thats Done Foxy-methoxy (5-de0tmp Sumthin)
And Where Are All The Ravers?? Must Have All Burnt Out