What strains would you pick to start a breeding program?

Have you found any strawberry phenos in the Panama's? @GroErr ( I just read about Panama's strawberry taste at the beginning of this thread)
I ran a second pheno of the Panama that had more sweet fruity smells but idk if it was strawberry. It was good but the female pheno I kept for a bit and made some seeds with was killer old school Panama like the stuff I smoked in the 70's, very trippy high, found myself staring at cloud formations :) That pheno was more a mix of dirt and spices which I considered closer to the old school version.
Were you to start over from scratch, what changes, if any, would you make with your starting selections?
idk if I'd go back & change any selections other than I wasn't impressed with any of the World of Seeds other than the Columbian Gold. It wasn't much of a choice with WoS as I wanted regs and they were the only game in town at the time in reg form. The most difficult part in breeding is male selection imo, it's difficult to know how good it is until after you've made some seeds and test the outcome. I choose primarily on smell, structure and keep them constrained in cups for a while to see if they start flowering in veg. I prefer the males which don't show flowers until flipped, they seem to do better in outcrosses.
Currently doing 2 projects or 3 maybe... lol

1. Line breeding skunk #1
2. Crossing skunk #1 x white widow
3. skunk #1 x unknown indica female

using this male skunk #1 with a unique pheno (phenotype could be just sex-linked type)

Id gather as many Pure Indicas and Pure Sativas together as I could. They would have to be worked enough to eliminate traits that could contaminate the genepool like intersexual traits. Mix and start to stear the resulting generations towards something that finishes nicely in my climate.
Pakistani Chitral Kush if you want colors and Afghani for the Indica strains. For Sativa you can't go wrong with Durban, Thai, and South American sativa's. Start with landraces. Find your own fire.

ACE is a good place to start for genetics although their selection is getting limited with regards to landraces. Many of their lines are no longer available. World of Seeds has some good stuff as well. And don't forget about Sensi. Cannabiogen has good stuff as well.
Spending $2000 ....

1. Buy a Thai hooker or two
2. Some coke
3. Box of straws .... fuck the turtles

And self , cross my own shit ..... watch “ sticks Larkin “ on Live PD