Your welcome.
I'll have to tell you guys my George Clinton story. I worked in the get together business. We did everything from weddings and birthday parties to the ladies club meetings and state mandated logger training. My (then) part time maintenance man worked full time at the prison. He is a red hat wearing, country music fan. His step son was going to school at TCC and was interning at GC's recording studio in Tally. He asked me one day, "have you ever heard of George Clinton?
I said, "sure, he's the granddaddy of funk."
He said, "my wife's kid works for him you know. And he will not stop talking about him. It is non stop. I figured he was some gold chain wearing rapper, but the other day when the kid's car was in the shop, I went by there to pick him up and he introduced me to George. He was just an old dried up black man. I couldn't figure out what the fuss was about"
So I showed him a few you tube videos. He might not have got the funk, but at least now he knows who George is.