What to do with my peppers?

Those cajun bells look kinda like these pickled cherry peppers I used to get at this place called Bay City Imports. in Santa Monica they r freakin awesome. They open up the peppers and stuff em with cheese wrapped up in prossucito(spelled wrong) and pickled they r so freakin awesome. Could do some spicy pickled green beans with some garlic, dill, and sum of ur peppers.
Wait untill they turn red then dice them and slow simmer them in vegetable oil for 30 minutes and then let them sit in the oil for a couple hours then strain the peppers from the oil and pour the oil into a heavy duty spray bottle and then spray it into your eyes, it burns like hell, you can also spray it on your plants it will help with pests, you can also mix it with dish soap and warm water and shake it if the oil is two thick to spray.
I'll tell you what not to do with those Cayenne peppers... Don't fuck with some of them, then come inside and get stoned and forget about having Cayenne juice on your hands and rub your eyes. Yeah, definitely don't do that..

Or scratch your nuts................not fun
Wait untill they turn red then dice them and slow simmer them in vegetable oil for 30 minutes and then let them sit in the oil for a couple hours then strain the peppers from the oil and pour the oil into a heavy duty spray bottle and then spray it into your eyes, it burns like hell, you can also spray it on your plants it will help with pests, you can also mix it with dish soap and warm water and shake it if the oil is two thick to spray.

Ill make sex lube out of my peppers so I burn my pecker off.