Well-Known Member
However there are certain industries in Canada like the oilfield for instance that want to keep urine testing for THC after it becomes legal. But they will not be allowed to do this anymore because it will be against the Canadian charter of human rights (basically meaning it's none of their business according to the Canadian courts). These companies in industries like the oilfield are currently petitioning parliament to give them an exemption to allow them to maintain their complete ban on THC and allow them to discipline workers for a positive test (It's not going well for them currently).
When I started this thread I was asking if these companies would be allowed to continue urine testing for THC for employees and potential new hires and since then I have found out that they won't.
They can at most do a mouth swab or blood tests to prove impairment (like alcohol) but they will no longer be allowed to urine test for THC after July 01, 2018 because it will be a legal substance and considered discrimination according to Canadian law.
This is news to me and I'm not convinced it's correct. The new rules regarding re-legalization are yet in the fermenting stage and not even close to being laws and I seriously doubt that Trudeau the 2nd will pull it off by next Cannabis Day on July 1.
I'm not calling BS here but it's way too early to be counting your chickens as yet. If he prorogues the gov't all the work done in parliament to push forward re-legalization goes right back to square 1 and the process starts anew. There is still the details about international drug laws that Canada signed decades ago that have to be dealt with yet and that's like opting out of NATO if we just say FU and it's legal here now.
Trudeau is just another lying, rat-bastard LibTard like his old man who was PM when I was about 13. I've voted a straight NDP ticket since I was old enough to vote. I miss Jack Layton so much. He would have had this crap done years ago.
Good luck to us all!