Well-Known Member
What the fuck does franken have to do with the atrocities being committed by the elite in government and business?al franken is a scumbag. i hate him

What the fuck does franken have to do with the atrocities being committed by the elite in government and business?al franken is a scumbag. i hate him
I would certainly appreciate that ...fuck that shit
those arent real american soldiers
real american soldiers dont pick up the enemies weapons and only uses his own weapons
this is the army where they accept felons and shit marines dont do that kinda shit cause they the shizznit
talkiung bout marines im leaving to afghanistan in december
ill keep you all posted on whats going down over there really kk??
Oh right ... and since their own family members do it then it's OK for our soldiers to do it too right dumbass?Hate to burst your bubble there, dip shit - but pimping, raping and killing girls is common place in every Islamic country. Including killing young girls that have been raped by their own family members.
I keep my own fucking house clean.Where is your thread about that?
The only thing you have stated that made sense.Does any of this justify war crimes? Hell no!
They are participating ... there is no doubt of that.But don't come in here acting as if the big bad military are the only ones doing these things.
So fucking what? It's still NO EXCUSE for their behavior ... NONESuch things are a huge part of Islamic culture.
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. You may have fell for the elite terrorist bullshit ... but some of us aren't that easily fooled.And guess what? When they emigrate to your country, they take that culture with them.
Says the sissy sitting safely behind the computer ... No justice ... no peacethere isnt much sense in arguing with sissys that have never been away from their bong for more than a couple hours, they have never had to anything they didnt want to do, so many spoiled little children talking trash they dont understand.
the more i hear from these whiners the more i think going into Afghanistan is a good idea, or would have been before we hit iraq
we hung their president? Excuse me but their "president" was tried by Iraqi's and hung by Iraqi's. Because he was a murdering bastard. Now there was a dude guilty of some WAR CRIMES!Why did we go there to start with?
to stop Iraq from manufacturing weapons of mass destruction?
THE USA invaded a foreign country, took it over and hung thier president. We were the invaders!
And what about that $700 Million Embassy we built there???
January 09, United States opened its new $700 million embassy in Iraq on Monday, inaugurating the largest and most expensive embassy ever built.
The 104-acre compound, bigger than the Vatican and about the size of 80 football fields, boasts 21 buildings, a commissary, cinema, retail and shopping areas, restaurants, schools, a fire station, power and water treatment plants, as well as telecommunications and wastewater treatment facilities.
The compound is six times larger than the United Nations compound in New York, and two-thirds the size of the National Mall in Washington.
It has space for 1,000 employees with six apartment blocks and is 10 times larger than any other U.S. embassy.
I heard a returning soldier on an airplane talking about being in Afganatan. He said a group of solders and himself were walking down a rural dirt road and saw a farmer standing in the middle of his field of crops. A solder who spoke the language yelled
And the farmer replied
we hung their president? Excuse me but their "president" was tried by Iraqi's and hung by Iraqi's. Because he was a murdering bastard. Now there was a dude guilty of some WAR CRIMES!![]()
George Bush SR helped put Sadam in power when Bush was with the CIA. Saddam was our puppet then.