What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
Navy beans, northern beans, smoked pork neck cooking up now, lot's of onion in it just like my granny used to make :-) i love smelling it cook for hours and hours before supper time. i think we will have cornbread too *rubs growling belly*

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I thought I had posted a pic of one earlier in this thread but I couldn't find it. You take two ground beef patties (about 4 oz) and cook them with salt, pepper and garlic. Take the hamburger buns (one per two patties) and toast them along with the patties in the griddle (make sure you don't burn the buns). In the meantime, chop up some onions and set aside. Also lettuce and tomatoes which will top the dish when you've finished cooking. Grate some medium sharp cheddar. Enough to cover both patties. Once the buns and meat are done, place the buns face on a heat safe plate, top with ground beef patties. Cover meat and buns with chili rojo (I cooked up a pot earlier this weekend) and then smother with cheese and onions. Place into a 350 degree oven until cheese is fully melted. Take out and top with lettuce and tomatoes. That is a Mexican burger. :)
that sounds to me a lot like simply a cheeseburger with chilli sauce :p

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Marmite pickle and cheese vegetarian scotch egg :)
i don't know why but the thought of a vegetarian scotch egg repulses me.

marks n spencers make scotch eggs with black pudding using a quail egg! the yolk is still runny inside too. only make them on fridays for some reason. things are awesome!


Well-Known Member
field roast, tricolored potatoes in chunky mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, and for dessert if i can scrape together the funds, a shot of scotch on vanilla ice cream.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
scoffed a handful of hobnobs earlier, dinner is liquid tonight though, to the pub! Hopefully work are picking up the tab on this one.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
^whats a hobnob? similar to bigwigs?
i had soup outta a can. nom nom
Haha, i'm laughing because of an inside joke, last week a celeb Italian tv chef was in a radio interview, a very funny guy not quite there with his english, and he was introduced to hobnobs for the first time, couldn't get the name right "nob nob's" "hob hob's" It entertained me haha.

They're just "nobbly oat biscuits" basically a step up from rich tea and a bit more exciting than a digestive :) Both of which you are most likely not accustomed to either :D we build our biscuits to work with our tea.


Well-Known Member
One of our children made dinner today,he is an awesome amature chef.

Big ass T-bone steaks with massive 3lb lobster tails,fresh scallops with white asparagus spears,home made raspberry tarts topped off with vanilla & truffle ice cream.

For apatizers he made (fagua),i cant spell that word right ,its goose liver pate,he served it on a slice of fried bread,he shaved bits of truffle mushroom over the tops before serving & lemme tell ya it was without a doubt the best thing i ever ate in my life.

Its nice when somebody else makes dinner.

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Haha, i'm laughing because of an inside joke, last week a celeb Italian tv chef was in a radio interview, a very funny guy not quite there with his english, and he was introduced to hobnobs for the first time, couldn't get the name right "nob nob's" "hob hob's" It entertained me haha.

They're just "nobbly oat biscuits" basically a step up from rich tea and a bit more exciting than a digestive :) Both of which you are most likely not accustomed to either :D we build our biscuits to work with our tea.
if an italian chef tried to serve me some nob nob i would not be happy:)
well im aussie mate, and we do love our tea n bikkies indeed


Ursus marijanus
One of our children made dinner today,he is an awesome amature chef.

Big ass T-bone steaks with massive 3lb lobster tails,fresh scallops with white asparagus spears,home made raspberry tarts topped off with vanilla & truffle ice cream.

For apatizers he made (fagua),i cant spell that word right ,its goose liver pate,he served it on a slice of fried bread,he shaved bits of truffle mushroom over the tops before serving & lemme tell ya it was without a doubt the best thing i ever ate in my life.

Its nice when somebody else makes dinner.
Probably foie gras, you lucky dog. That stuff is as delicious as it is morally vexing. cn


Well-Known Member
we did the traditional thanksgiving meal. a huge turkey, stuffing, potatoes, green bean casserole, sourdough rolls, gravy, cranberry sauce, carrots, two kinds of pie, potatoe soup. then my friend and i made a plate for each other, she gave me greenbean casserole, ham, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, turkey, bluebrry and apple pie, and some oreos. i havent eaten it yet, saving it for tomorrow.

oh and we made our traditional breakfast for every major hoilday, biscuits and gravy, bacon, eggs.


Well-Known Member
the Hungarian stuff is actually fairly PC as they don't force feed the poor birds, the French however........

Probably foie gras, you lucky dog. That stuff is as delicious as it is morally vexing. cn
Dinner last night was part of a Bar of Cadbury's chocolate, then some chocolate fingers....I do like chocolate.


Well-Known Member
the Hungarian stuff is actually fairly PC as they don't force feed the poor birds, the French however........

Dinner last night was part of a Bar of Cadbury's chocolate, then some chocolate fingers....I do like chocolate.
What a coincidence. I just come on to announce Gulyas (Hungarian Goulash) for dinner this evening. I'm just waiting for a couple of ingredients to arrive and I will be getting to work. I also have some plants that need to come out of my tent for renovations so I'm timing it with dinner so the house smells scrumptious when I do it. FYI. Gulyas is the Hungarian word for Herdsman. Gulyas leves (soup), which it's actually in between a soup and stew, is how it's properly referred to.

Now I'll have to go back and see what your talking about D.