What's For Dinner Tonight?

stupid thread...we all want to know how all of you fat american pigs eat!!!I do not fucking want to know and i hate how all americans eat so much and only drive with car wherever u go..this does not include all of you but most of you!

Don't be so harsh bro! You haven't even tried my swinging sirloin yet. Enjoy your crapes and I'm sure you look really metro sexual in your skinny jeans. Hhahahahaha!
And if he even BOTHERED to actually READ the thread...the TROLL would have seen that some of the ppl posting are NOT American.

This is an American thread? Just how deep does your insecurity go? :lol:

Holey moley..... seek some help.
i love hearing about other peoples food and recipes and even more so when it's cooking from another country and continent.

i'm in this thread to talk about food :) not who ate all the pies
growspace anytime your in south texas brother your welcome to come by the house and i will BB-Q you a nice dinner with all the sides
yo crackerz, stare at the dude in my ava, rob was right, he does make u laugh..
and ill be back in a shake with an update of my chosen munchie
Tell, you what....that dude is built.... all sinew....the guy in the background? He looks like the practical joker of the tribe.
now u just made me lol fo' real... i wouldnt wanna piss sinew guy off
Funny to think we all used to be like that, take a look at tom hanks in castaway wen hes hunting his own food n shit, hunt to live basically, no time for flabby hangers on
That's why "LOST" was so funny.... the fat guy!!! always fat!! Either lose some weight.... or at some point, the rest of them are going to vote you as dinner.
ok so this is how its goin down.. leftover grilled capsicum (think u call 'em peppers) and eggplant from dinner, in the microwave and a handful of those lil mini choc easter eggs from easter in my top pyjama pocket..ate most of 'em while waiting for the microwave.. then couldnt leave well enough alone and smothered my healthy grilled veg in sour cream upon exit from the microwave..woudlve been cheese too to if we had any left
I had eggplant parmigiana for dinner last night.
the boss guy at rehab was italian and he made us the meanest eggplant parma, damn it was good..
So ive got problems here, i went searching for some other food stuffs to smother in sour cream,..found nothing, so i just put sour cream on the plate:hump: