What's For Dinner Tonight?

I wish i could quit soda completly, i just like DR Pepper to much. I think I am doing either Chicken and Dumplings tonight or chicken wings. I made some good chicken stock this weekend so probably the soup.
there shouldn't need to be a need for adblocker plus. rollitup should not be at in the situatiopn where it needs 4 of the same advert on one page. right now it's bright orange nirvana. next thing we know all the buzz words will be ad taged :P

and my bad cracker, i'm jsut not accustomed to company so didn't read it in that sense. i still can't quite see the apeal of guests coming over and then you fill the eggs. what was that about? :lol:
chicken marsala, risotto, broccoli

What???? No Ham??? :lol:

there shouldn't need to be a need for adblocker plus. rollitup should not be at in the situatiopn where it needs 4 of the same advert on one page. right now it's bright orange nirvana. next thing we know all the buzz words will be ad taged :P

and my bad cracker, i'm jsut not accustomed to company so didn't read it in that sense. i still can't quite see the apeal of guests coming over and then you fill the eggs. what was that about? :lol:

Oh, there's ZERO appeal in it for me.... I just do it for the kiddies. I'd rather be smoking a cuban and sipping coffee and reading the paper all morning.

I hid the eggs while everyone went to the chapel we have in the woods. They know better than to ask me to go.... so I picked up the slack and hid the eggs so the hunt could begin as soon as they were done singing and genuflecting....
"the chapel we have in the woods"
"oh that's just barry, he's our neighbourhood armadillo"
"we've a couple of snakes in the garden that han g around"

i swear you must live in some kinda of fantamagical wonderland!
It's a big place....and privately owned. Airstrip, skeet, shooting ranges, lodge,pool, gym, chapel (open air in the middle of a tremendous oak hammock, horse stalls for 200, 50 miles of trails....all private.

I like privacy....I like room.
wow, that sounds simply amazing. i'm assuming you don't privately own it :P

you know what that sounds like, that sounds like the survival complex from tom clancy's rainbow six :P
No ... there are about 150 homes and maybe 50 are year round like mine. We all kick into a till to upkeep about 3500 acres. It is a very unique place...but no survivalists.... only professional career folks... doctors, lawyers...and somehow they accepted me (by invitation only)

I pulled an electric permit on one of my other properties and the estimator lived there ( a retired pilot)... he invited me to take a look after a lonh talk and the next thing you know... i received an engraved invitation.
wow, that sounds really really cool. you must have hella interesting conversations with neighbours like that :) just a little envious, sounds fantastic. is it all nice and classy and scenic or has it been mass developed into concrete paths wherever you'd like to go, i assume no by the stables, but wow, sounds idyllic
wow, that sounds really really cool. you must have hella interesting conversations with neighbours like that :) just a little envious, sounds fantastic. is it all nice and classy and scenic or has it been mass developed into concrete paths wherever you'd like to go, i assume no by the stables, but wow, sounds idyllic

It is intentionally kept rustic.... horses...no ATV's allowed. All the roads are dirt, not paved...on purpose. Green is the mantra....along with habitat. It's an attitude that they guard like ppl guard money. It was probably my having the same ethos that got me the invite.

Need a roomate Cracker? lol

Tonight bacon and cheese perogies and creamy parmesan side kick

Roomate? hahaha.... you have about 15 relatives of mine in front of you.... I have to beat them sticks sometimes to get them to LEAVE! The Xmas before last I had a cousin "hang around" for three extra weeks.... I like him.... but not that much!! :lol: Where's that stick!!!

Love Perogies BTW... Mmmm MMmmmm
heh... we don't go that far....all the homes are a half million and up....way up. The place is very secluded..... I lived near it for ten years before I even realized it existed.... low profile.

We had a new member join about four years ago....a fireworks nut with connections to the BIG STUFF. Last July, our show lasted an hour and was bigger then the closest city's display...:lol: I'll bet the guy spent 20k on it.... yes some amazing ppl living here.
Your are exactly right.... there is a veritable brain trust in that neighborhood....the conversations are informed and formidable.... it keeps me sharp. I do also have access to a multitude of "in the know" sources I ordinarily wouldn't.

But in the end....and especially on weekends....most of these high profile professionals.... just want to RELAX....and that's why this place was created.... to RELAX.