What's For Dinner Tonight?

the ham "cut" is just leg of pork :P and that's almost the best roasting joint alive! crackliiliiiiiiinng. instead of hearty eating though i've got fresh gnocci and pesto. that sucker only takes 2 minutes!
i've never been a masssive fan of ham, to start with they've normally been cured with about a pound of salt :P (here's where i go duhhh, is ham the ham as gammon in the way you're talking about it?)

grab yourself a pork tenderloin with some chilli jam wrapped up in prosciutto :)
Mmmm sounds delicious.

I've done a few pig roasts in PR....and we dress a 40/60 pounder out 2 days ahead and puncture it all around and slip garlic cloves and spices all over and inside. Wrap it and refrigerate it for another day. Then slow charcoal with little fire until the skin is crackled.

Drinking PR moonshine the whole time...:lol:
This is a simple thread.

Post what you are having for breakfast lunch, or dinner today. (depending on your time of day)

Tonight I am eating a very simple Tuna submarine sandwich with black olives mayo, black pepper, and tomato, topped off with some banana peppers (semi hot). :wink:

So, what's on your menu tonight?
i just ate a med fri 3 ham & cheese sandwitches. still a little hungery. might eat the other 2 ham & cheeses. themn a blueberry muffin.
Gotta love the pig roasts man, nothing like 'em, good friends, booze, music and roasted pig. Do you guys do the pit thing?

Mmmm sounds delicious.

I've done a few pig roasts in PR....and we dress a 40/60 pounder out 2 days ahead and puncture it all around and slip garlic cloves and spices all over and inside. Wrap it and refrigerate it for another day. Then slow charcoal with little fire until the skin is crackled.

Drinking PR moonshine the whole time...:lol:
Oh yah..... my Uncle has quite a spread down there....and a distillery for the petorro (moonshine). He built a sweet concrete and brick chamber with vents. He had an electric setup, but after a couple of times, we went back to the old way. Pig on the spit with a steering wheel attached. You turn it for an hour while everyone fills your drink and brings you all kinds of food. Then someone takes over for you and you serve them. The electric took all the fun out of it. :lol:
I've had it done 2 diff ways, buryed in the ground and on the spit, I like the one cooked in the ground better, it's like it's steamed really tasty, takes 2 days though, but what a party lol