What's For Dinner Tonight?

i just orderd some pizza and bar bq wings from dominos...

im munchin in some fritos right now
I fucking hate easter.Who's idea was it to cook ham every easter?And not only that all my family are hogging my fucking tv lol im just trying to watch the pacific.I dont want to look like a dickhead and kick all of them out the living room but somethings about to go down.
Well anyway im eating some left over prime rib
The Pork lobby? :lol: Before my company arrived I asked everyone what they wanted for Easter dinner.... Ham Ham ham Ham....etc. I complied....

Saltines....there's a thought. :wink:
I fucking hate easter.Who's idea was it to cook ham every easter?And not only that all my family are hogging my fucking tv lol im just trying to watch the pacific.I dont want to look like a dickhead and kick all of them out the living room but somethings about to go down.
Well anyway im eating some left over prime rib
Cant wait to watch that after my workout.

Eatin some fire roasted red peppers now mmmmmm
haha, where'd ya think you got your eggs from kids, daddy shot these suckers dead at 5 in the morning just for you. shot dead that fluffy bunny, just for you.. show some festive spirit!
I hid 54 eggs this year, all outside.... :lol:

I told the kids that next year I was going to use BROWN eggs only.... kick it up a notch.

There are still 8 eggs missing....
haha, ent had an easter egg hunt in years! used to have enm when i was a kiddie, but that wasn't very fun, it was kinda "here is a big green garden, somewhere there is a full size big egg, maybe in a tree, go!" then i went out one easter with a mad family, they'd turn the hunt into a 24hr ordeal, dredging through bogs and such, that was a little odd.

other than that i like to go into the gravyard on easter morning and nick all the little eggs so that the egg hunt for tall the toddlers in sunday school is that little bit more challenging, hahahaha, that was a while ago though :lol:
These eggs were plastic & neon colored .... hideous...but my company brought them so I obliged. We filled them with candy. I wanted to fill them with shaving cream, but was over ruled .... :lol:
plastic and neon eggs. these are the best days of our lives!

company i work for was going to get their shit together on the egg front, delegated it to the manager, who promptly forgot to do anything about it. it's fun working with him, honest.
I have so many of them plastic eggs on my floor right now.I even stepped on one and it cut me lol.
Apologies TTT ... point of clarification... when I said company... I meant my invited guests. It was a private affair. We even had fireworks...:lol: