What's For Dinner Tonight?


Well-Known Member
marinated some cunter cut pork chops in an asian inspired mix ~2hr
fresh Ginger, fresh squeezed oranges, honey, soy sauce, garlic, and a dash of sesame oil. Grilled em up real quick on the bbq w some sweet corn and i was in business, delish.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Navajo Tacos - beans, chili rojo, onions, cheese, lettuce and tomatoes on top of navajo fry bread or dah díníilghaazh. Yumm


Well-Known Member
Nutmeg chicken with peaches and cream served with basmati rice.....last nights dinner.

2 chicken breast cut into slices,
1 large onoin chopped up,
can of or 2 peaches cut into slices.
chicken stock
100g flour
salt and pepper

Flour into a bag with ground nutmeg and salt and pepper, mix cut chicken and coat with flour mix. Fry onions until clear and then add chicken and brown off. Then add stock, simmer down and reduce. To finish add peaches and cream. Serve with boiled rice, or noodle, Lekker!


Well-Known Member
Baked potatoe anyone.....fill as you desire. My fave is egg mayo, loads of grated cheese, topped with pickle (branston preferably).

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Baked potatoe anyone.....fill as you desire. My fave is egg mayo, loads of grated cheese, topped with pickle (branston preferably).
Baked potatoes have to be butter beans and cheese :D that is the law mister. Although well, a good number of folk would claim otherwise. I cook up a bunch of jackets every day for some folk at lunchtime, but they crazy, who the heck has a jacket potato with cheese and prawns, yuk!

I got up rather hung over so had a can of pepsi for breakfast, a bottle of pink fizzy stuff for lunch and a pint of milk for my tea. Hopefully get some chicken wings or soemthing in me by bedtime :D

Cooking and alcohol is dangerous. For me at least. I'll have barely started braising the meat 'fore a good glass of white is polished off. Also tend to end up with 3/4 of a bottle of wine in a saucepan of soup :D nom nom nom