whats your favorite game while stoned?

So many new horror games out there that are way better than this one. But I gotta admit that even after these few years, it still creeps the shit out of me :D


Copped Age of Empires III Definitive Edition on Steam as part of the Black Friday sale... the AoE series as a whole was one of the precious few enjoyable things about my childhood so this will be the cherry on top of an actually bomb AF day
I loved playing "Disco Elysium". Probably the best game I've played in 10 years. Had to order the soundtrack on vinyl, I've never been that much of a fan of any game.

Stoned? "Borderlands 2", "The Long Dark" and "South Park: The Stick of Truth"

How about Borderlands 3?
Sekiro Shadows Die Twice. Wow. Weed is a must for this game. After dying on the first boss for almost a whole day I had to hit the pipe hard. Really difficult game but one of the only games in my life that actually got my adrenaline pumping. Finishing off a difficult enemy was extremely gratifying.