Whats your state


this is why i disagree (jk really, but if you want a good laugh at calis expense, this is the website for it)

Tennessee here

but we got the good weed

theres a pretty big drought in some parts from what i heard.

memphis is supposedly pretty bad

i hope not though cause im headed there in a week or so

ya the drought has recently ended(hopefully) here in east tn.

nashville and knox has the good shit. im sure other places i just dont know about do too. you just have to know the right person where im at. and even then its rare
this is why i disagree (jk really, but if you want a good laugh at calis expense, this is the website for it)


Holy shit! I just looked at the Hall of Shame page on that site... hysterically funny and downright scary all at the same time.....
........... 'Scrotal Inflation'.... WTF??????
The state of corruption: New Jersey. I'm about 10 minutes from Staten Island.

Ive been in Jersey many times over the years for work with the Volvo Corporation,my longest stay was a full year & i ever could find my way around that tiny ass state,worst designed road system in the USA.

Cool state but the roads are like a maze.
Ive been in Jersey many times over the years for work with the Volvo Corporation,my longest stay was a full year & i ever could find my way around that tiny ass state,worst designed road system in the USA.

Cool state but the roads are like a maze.

my mom lived out there for awhile when she was a kid, she said it was never that bad till after she moved. she was like 8 or 9 lol or something and she's 47 now.