Whats your state

I hope so,ive sank my life savings into residental real estate in the last year:eyesmoke:

renting or flipping ?

If renting get sect8 housing ,,The gov pays your rent and is never late ..
If flipping ,,Plan on holding onto them till at least summer and try not to put Too much into them

Good luck ,,I played that game for awhile ,, Its a stressful hobby but the payout can be well worth it
illinois. 2hour south of Chicago.

and thank you Michigan!!! Medical marijuana!!!! hopefully Illinois will follow soon. i know the state could use the tax revenue, i could use the income.
For all you non Aussies, Queensland is the best state in Australia. For all you Aussies, don't argue. Deep down you know it's true.


yeah from SB,IN 5 minutes from michigan... just legalized medicinal thank you jesus... indiana sucks they went to zero tolerance but hope they change their minds