What's your thoughts on vauum sealed food bags?


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys/Gals

Wondering if anyone is familiar with or has an informed opinion about vacuum sealed food storage bags?
How dry do the buds need to be?
What are the pro's & cons?

I've used the search function already but can't seem to find what I'm looking for, so please help if you can, please don't if you can't,


Well-Known Member
The only reason I would use those would be for shipping (hypothetically) :). They work for smell but the process seems to compress and crush the buds a bit. The buds should be fully dry (like as much as would normally be desirable,not crusty) because if theyre soft and moist the pressure will mash the buds together and misshapen them. Large glass jars are best for long term storage.


Active Member
i have a friend who has been doing the vacume bags for years and this is how he does it. First he will dry the buds on screens for about three days and then will place them in ziplock freezer bags sealed up tight for 24 hours, then he will open and place on the screens agian until they are almost completely dry. he places the bud which still has a little moisture in them in the vacume bags. the trick is to vacume the bags just enough to slightly(very slightly)compress the buds. i cannot stress enough that very slightly is key. like when it presses firmly agianst the bud and the buds compact about 1%. then he freezes the bags until he needs to sell or smoke them. when you pull it out of the freezer open it up and let it air dry about 6 hours and you will have bud that looks, smeels and tastes fresh picked all year if you put enough. The downside is that if you overcompress it, it will turn brown and look like mexican dirtweed once you open it. i ruined a QP of the finest i ever grew doing this


Well-Known Member
Yoda, Food Saver, the vacuum sealing company, now has attachments for their units that you can use with both small and wide mouth mason jars.
Although my grow is not ready for harvest so I have not use it just following curing, I do use it for herb that I get shipped to me from a friend out of state. It keeps the buds very nicely.

They also sell one for small mouth jars, thats what I keep my daily stash in.
