• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

When men talk shit to your wife in front of you (a very angry rant)


Well-Known Member
Well I don't actually care who has a negative opinion of me. Let somebody talk shit to your wife and see how you feel. Unless you're a psychiatrist, you probably shouldn't diagnose people. The only unresolved issue I haven't worked out yet, is my issue with some dick who liked to talk shit to my wife.

My attitude is getting me very far in life. I have everything I want, except a decent education. In a few years I will have more money than I can count, when I have a PhD, choose my own hours, and make a 100k a year. I mean, that's all I really want, is to go to work, come home, smoke some weed, and watch my kid grow up.

I probably come off as a little hot-headed in my post. That's fine, because if you were in the situation, you probably wouldn't just say, "oh please do excuse me kind fellow sir, i would sincerely appreciate it with the utmost gratitude if you would refrain from disrespecting my spouse, thank you so much and have a really perfect day."

Sometimes, it takes a bad attitude to get what you want out of life. Nobody who is successful on any level has ever been "nice".


Well-Known Member
Good on ya for remaining relatively calm, considering the circumstances...

I'd have spat the dummy too...but probably would have whispered sweat nothings in his ear...("if you don't settle down, I'll bite your nose off. Then you'll bleed all over the floor and upset everyone else...").

About the worst that's happened to me is a drunk neighbour came over one night. He was OK for about ten minutes, then started having a go at us about being rich, posh fuckers. Now, this bloke was about ten inches taller than me, twice the body size and about ten years younger than me...

I asked him to go home but he ignored me, turned to my (now ex) partner and said, "and your nothing but a slut"...

...so I grabbed him, dropped him to the ground and threw him into a special little strangle hold to settle him...I also told him quite calmly, "My missus is going to call the cops to take you away to sober up. If you try to have a go at me or my missus, or you ever so much as LOOK at my wife in the wrong tone, I will kill you. I won't beat you up a bit. I won't break your arm like I could do now. I won't even make you a cripple. I will break your neck and kill you.":-|
I had him on the ground, one armed twisted in a position good for snapping at the elbow, and his neck in such a way that if he struggled, he'd be at best sore for a few days, at worst, in hospital. Well, he struggled and I twisted his neck some more...after a few seconds, he whimpered, "I just want to go home...I've had too much to drink..."

The cops turned up 40 minutes later. I was still holding him on the ground.
Anyway, he didn't come over anymore after that.:?


Well-Known Member
Me and my woman were in a parking lot walking to the store and this group of guys was behind us. I've got long hair and am pretty thin for a guy. They started cat calling to my girl and asked me for her name, only for me to turn around and be a dude with a beard down to his chest. I got pretty mad, and started to walk towards them.

A lot of my friends said that when they first met me I kind of intimidated them, not sure why. I don't look like I could take a cat tied in a sack. Apparently I looked pretty intimidating then.

I'm white and the group of guys was of a different race. They started to apologize and back away instead of bowing up and acting like they would kick my ass. Maybe I should grow my beard back out.


Well-Known Member
Seems like alot of people have nothin better to do than to talk about how bad ass they are on the net....


Well-Known Member
Well I don't actually care who has a negative opinion of me. Let somebody talk shit to your wife and see how you feel. Unless you're a psychiatrist, you probably shouldn't diagnose people. The only unresolved issue I haven't worked out yet, is my issue with some dick who liked to talk shit to my wife.

My attitude is getting me very far in life. I have everything I want, except a decent education. In a few years I will have more money than I can count, when I have a PhD, choose my own hours, and make a 100k a year. I mean, that's all I really want, is to go to work, come home, smoke some weed, and watch my kid grow up.

I probably come off as a little hot-headed in my post. That's fine, because if you were in the situation, you probably wouldn't just say, "oh please do excuse me kind fellow sir, i would sincerely appreciate it with the utmost gratitude if you would refrain from disrespecting my spouse, thank you so much and have a really perfect day."

Sometimes, it takes a bad attitude to get what you want out of life. Nobody who is successful on any level has ever been "nice".
I'm glad you stood up for your wife, and while I don't think getting angry helps, I can definitely understand why you did. I'm glad you didn't do anything physical though, because you got a son on the way after all :grin:

Personally, in situations such as this, I find that staying calm infuriates the other person even more :razz:


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everybody who supported me. I think that if you don't stand up for your family, you're just a pussy and deserve to be disrespected. I've had a "good" attitude too many times in my life and guess what, I regretted not putting people in their place when I had the opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Me and my woman were in a parking lot walking to the store and this group of guys was behind us. I've got long hair and am pretty thin for a guy. They started cat calling to my girl and asked me for her name, only for me to turn around and be a dude with a beard down to his chest. I got pretty mad, and started to walk towards them.

A lot of my friends said that when they first met me I kind of intimidated them, not sure why. I don't look like I could take a cat tied in a sack. Apparently I looked pretty intimidating then.

I'm white and the group of guys was of a different race. They started to apologize and back away instead of bowing up and acting like they would kick my ass. Maybe I should grow my beard back out.
Hell yes man! The beard always makes one appear more rugged. I am growing a slight beard and today I bought a beer in a bar. When I went to present my ID to the waitress, she was like "No I believe that you're 21 it's okay." Guess what, it never happens without the beard :D

It's a good thing to come off more intimidating. People won't walk all over you. It lets people know they can't mess with you before the thought even enters the mind.

I've been told I'm an intimidating person. I consider it a compliment.


Well-Known Member
I've never understood why people consider me even somewhat intimidating. 5 feet 10 inches and 110 pounds. I don't think a squirrel would be intimidated by me.

I've only been in 1 fight in my life, and no one really got hurt in it.


Well-Known Member
Oh joy, the holidays are here and so is waiting in line for 10 minutes at the checkout line.

So my wife and I are expecting a little baby boy and we went to the store to buy a few outfits. Everything was going great this holiday season when my mother, my wife and I decided to go to a department store that I'll not mention on this thread.

So we are waiting in the checkout line and we wait and wait for like 10 minutes. The clerk opens up another line at the store to lighten the load on some of the other cash registers. So my mother goes to get a place in the shorter line. I made my way through the crowd of people to get in line behind her. My wife was behind me and had to make her way through the crowd of people also.

At this point we are waiting in the next line, the shoter line, and we wait for about 15 minutes. Everybody is waiting patiently, and right when we are about to pay, this old fucker who was listening to my conversation between my wife and myself started talking shit to my wife. "I thought you were together," he started, referring to my wife and I being together. "You should have got to the back of the line", he begins with. "You have seperate purchases, blahblah", he said something to the effect of "you were cutting in line, now go to the back." He was very condescending about it. He continued to say, "I'm in a big hurry." Well old dickhead, it was not a separate purchase. I informed the guy that the purchases were together, as if it was any of his business in the first place.

Immediately, I feel my heart pounding through my chest. The adrenaline is flowing through my veins, I'm so angry at this point. Who the fuck does this guy think he is, he's like 50 or something talking shit to my wife who is half his age. I immediately told him, "I am warning you. You don't need to talk to her that way. And you better stop right now."

The old fucker starts in on me, talking shit to me to instigate me. He told me he could talk to my wife any way he wanted to. I then got about 4 inches from his face, and very sternly warned him to shut his fucking mouth before I broke it shut and he would be enjoying his christmas dinner through a feeding tube in his vein. He starts looking around, and at this point people in line are starting to look concerned--it was as if they were kind of scared, but hoping at the same time that they could watch somebody get their ass kicked.

The old guy starts trying to antagonize me, and with every stupid word that came out of his mouth, I just got closer to his face, and let him have a piece of my mind. I told him I was going to give him a fresh bruise for christmas, to which he replied, "Bring it on , Son". Then I told him to take the first shot so I could send him away to the hospital as a christmas present. He tried to patronizingly laugh at me, and then I just got really close to his ear and began yelling as loud as I could at him, "You fucking dick, you should fucking die, don't you ever fuck with a man's wife, especially not in front of him, so shut up, do not say another word, you stupid motherfucker, you piece of old shit, and if you open your fucking mouth again I will make you bleed out of your fucking asshole." That's not a verbatim transcript of the conversation, but it was kind of similar to what happened. I actually shouldn't post all the details on this website. There is such a thing as "criminally threatening" somebody, and that is exactly what I did to this guy. Technically it was breaking the law. Technically the joint I smoked last night was a crime. Technically gay people in Texas are breaking the law when they sodomize eachother, does that mean I should give a fuck??????

So the old man shut up at that time. I was shaking because I was so mad. The store clerks, at this time, were concerned. I was giving this old man the glare of death--you know what I mean? I told the clerks, right in front of the old guy, "Oh no, I put this old man in his place, see he's not talking anymore shit to my wife because he knows he is walking on dangerous territory." The clerks looked very nervous, and then they were finished ringing up my purchase. When I walked past the old man on the way out, I told him one last thing. "Suck a dick, and you better hope I don't run into your redneck ass in the parking lot."

I am determined that he was only mad because my wife is clearly Mexican and I am clearly white. We've ran into these kinds of people before--I've dealt with them the same way every time.

Sorry if this post pisses off any moderators. I just had to vent. Come on people, support a brother. Post your responses.

i'm not seeing the part where your wife was "disrespected". and wtf is with the racist crap? did he say anything racist or are you just making shit up so you can justify your uncontrollable RAGE?

and why didn't you whoop him? you all talk or what. oh yeah, the gun. you needed the gun. i forgot. lololol

merry christmas.

i would have just let the dude go ahead of me and felt good about being kind. but that's what makes me the loser. :cry: :cry:


Well-Known Member
i'm not seeing the part where your wife was "disrespected". and wtf is with the racist crap? did he say anything racist or are you just making shit up so you can justify your uncontrollable RAGE?

and why didn't you whoop him? you all talk or what. oh yeah, the gun. you needed the gun. i forgot. lololol

merry christmas.

i would have just let the dude go ahead of me and felt good about being kind. but that's what makes me the loser. :cry: :cry:
If you can't see how she was disrespected, maybe you should re-read the post. He told her to go to the back of the line. The dick had no clue as to what he was talking about.

And I didn't hurt him because I didn't want to be arrested. It's logical, right? Can you comprehend that?




Well-Known Member
If you can't see how she was disrespected, maybe you should re-read the post. He told her to go to the back of the line. The dick had no clue as to what he was talking about.

And I didn't hurt him because I didn't want to be arrested. It's logical, right? Can you comprehend that?



so why threaten him?

maybe you could have politely explained what was up. :-|

you gettin' all froggy with me now. like i said, you seem to have some issues. :hug:


Well-Known Member
Can I call bullshit on this story? If you were yellin at the guy in a department store I am sure you would of been asked to leave. Chances are you told him to fuck off under your breath or something, and are exaggerating the shit out of this.


Well-Known Member
My daughter and I just got back from doing some last minute christmas shopping. :shock: Oh, please God, don't make me have to do that again for at least another year!! The place was packed... just a sea of people ebbing and flowing between the shops. It was a nightmare, but it kind of works if only everyone's patient... problem is, not everyone is!

Anyway, to get back to my story... We'd been there for a couple of hours and had finished doing the christmas shopping, but I also had to pick up a few groceries. So my daughter (she's 10 and kind of small) and I waded into the sea of people again.

Now, we had a trolley full of various presents and such, and were following the flow of the crowd slowly but surely towards the supermarket. We were about halfway there when this other stupid woman came towards us, pushing her trolley impatiently against the flow. She had what I can only describe as a mask of complete fury on her face as she strode along, parting the crowd before her. Her trolley almost crashed into the side of mine as she barrelled past... and I stopped to pull my daughter out of the way. She would have hit her if I hadn't.

Well, that really pissed me off. But that wasn't the worst. Then I heard the voice of an old lady next to me saying 'It would all work fine if only people wouldn't stop where they're not supposed to." When I looked around at her, she was giving my daughter and I the death stare. Now, I was really pissed off. I was probably about 2 seconds off telling that stupid old duck off... then chasing down that other stupid woman and beating her senseless with her fucking trolley... ... and I looked down at my little girl.

Not much of an example to set, would it be? Instead I apologised and wished the old lady and her husband a merry christmas (For the record... I still wanted to smack the old bat in the mouth... but I didn't).

A few minutes later in the supermarket, my daughter put her arm around my waist. 'Christmas brings out the worst in people, hey? Everyone gets a little bit impatient.' That was all she said, but her little voice spoke volumes. She might be little, but she's wise, that kid. It makes me proud that I've raised someone who posesses such patience and understanding at such a young age.

Kind of makes all that frustration from earlier a little bit easier to take.

Merry Christmas, Peace on Earth, and all that shit... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you know, i don't really care what anybody has to say about this. anybody can call "bullshit" on this thread. I suppose that is your right, but keep in mind I was on my way out of the store when this happened. Nobody had a chance to kick me out, understand?

FDD2BLK: And how could I be getting "Froggy?" with you? Could you define "Froggy?" Is that a word you made up to describe people who don't agree with everything you say? For somebody with 30 thousand posts, one would think you'd have something more useful to say. Or maybe that's why you have so many posts, because you just post rubbish. IN your own words, "lolololololololololol" el oh el.

Sorry for not kissing everybody's ass. God help my soul.


Well-Known Member
you know, i don't really care what anybody has to say about this. anybody can call "bullshit" on this thread. I suppose that is your right, but keep in mind I was on my way out of the store when this happened. Nobody had a chance to kick me out, understand?

FDD2BLK: And how could I be getting "Froggy?" with you? Could you define "Froggy?" Is that a word you made up to describe people who don't agree with everything you say? For somebody with 30 thousand posts, one would think you'd have something more useful to say. Or maybe that's why you have so many posts, because you just post rubbish. IN your own words, "lolololololololololol" el oh el.

Sorry for not kissing everybody's ass. God help my soul.
your comments towards me were of a "snotty nature". the "can you comprehend". i most certainly comprehend. you said if you had a gun you'd do something. then you say you didn't do anything because you'd get arrested. you seem to be all talk. i comprehend perfectly. your wife isn't worth assault charges. once again, why even bother threatening him in the first place? bark, bark. :bigjoint:

i have 1 question: why can't your wife stick up for herself?


Well-Known Member
You're such a troll, it's sad that you're considered "staff" on this website. I don't care if you consider my comments "snotty nature." I consider your comments disrespectful as well. It must be fun to pick apart somebody's words on the internet. It must also be nice to hide behind the internet. Get a life. I'll stop responding to your stupid bullshit starting now.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, man I am so baked,
and your writing style is so nice to read.
I was like holy fuck, so into it.
That's a fucking amazing story with great detail man hahaha.
I could put myself in your shoes.

Like man, I basically did the same thing in school a little while ago,
some old fucker was all up in my face,
like I'm stuck in this shitty careers class which is for grade 10 students,
and I'm always fucking bored out of my mind,
so I did my work in 10 minutes,
and started playing video games like usual,
to pass the time because you know,
laws say I have to be in class 75 minutes.
The fucking dick is supplying my class and instantly just starts flipping on me,
and I'm like okay,
that's nice on a monday morning.
and he keeps saying shit like that to me.
He's all like,
and I'm like,
what the fuck man,
this is fucking bullshit,
That actually hurts, why the fuck would someone say that to me.
Then he said it again,
and I just snapped a little,
and I was like
and he was like
What did you say?
then I just left man.
And you know what it fucking was,
I'm into punk rock and stuff and I happened to be wearing a pair of tight straight legged jeans.
The fucking homophobic thought I was gay,
and was acting out on his views against gay people and fucking patronizing me like some old aged fucktard.
That shit really pisses me off where people like that can be in administrative roles.
Good job on standing up for your right to marry a different ethnicity and not have to be profiled.
I kind of wish you fucked him up hardcore though.