Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
I spent my entire childhood thinking my name was Cochino!
to each thier own, if someone thinks they need to smack their kid around a little then thats their decision.
Were you ever hit as a kid, Hep?
i didn't say anything about "beating the shit out of your kids" i'm saying if somebody wants to smack their kids when they get out of line that is their own choice.
If I misunderstood you when you said it was cool to smack you kid around a little if you felt they deserved it, my bad. If you mean giving them a little swat when they do something really wrong then I agree. Such as the time my niece ran out into the traffic area of a parking lot right in front of a car. I swatted her on her diapered butt one time and she cried for two seconds, but so be it. I would rather be known as the uncle that gave one weak spanking vs. the uncle who saw his niece get run over. I just think it's VERY important to remember that if you have to continuously strike your/a child time and time again over the same thing, then it is not working. Doing such things to children can cause them to not be able to regulate their emotions, and have an extremely difficult time getting through life. Especially because I have similar problems, I would really rather that, my kids, my family's kids, anyone's kids don't share the same problems.
ive helped raise many kids. it DOES take a village. and as corporal punishment goes you only need to get kids undivided attention. sometimes that takes a smack on the butt. but it's not the pain that gets their attention. it's the humiliation. conversely my grandfather only had to give us "that look" and we knew our limitations. i'd rather have a kid's respect than a kid's fear.
lol i know what your talking about with humiliation my friend one time prank called my parents and has father found out and he took him to our house and whipped him right infront of all of us.i think it was to far for something that little