Where else to store money?

Buy something else with less mass per ratio of weight, like gold or silver. That would be easier to hide away, maybe. Those are also less likely to degrade if you continue to bury it in the ground...
Dont burry ur cash, the drones can scan for the little bar thingy.... ur screwed. and the caymans havent been safe since the late 80's.

buy baseball cards, and comic books.... maybe a cpl of old harleys....

* this post would be on the sarcasm scale.. about a 5.2 ( moderatley sarcastic, with undertones of truth)...
I'm wondering why the op is trying to hide money in the first place lol.

You are more then welcome to hide some on my land if you'd like or I can put it in my safe. I'm just a nice guy like that and willing to store money for people ;)
buy gold and keep it in a safety deposit box. gold only increases in value. plus 40 grand worth of gold can fit in a relativly small space
With cash, inflation will devalue it so it's a poor choice to bury. Buy gold and/or silver and bury that instead. I wouldn't put it in the bank either because if you die and don't have a will, they will lock out your family and the court will take a large chunk of it in taxes. Obama also wants to raise the "death tax" back up near 50% for wealthy people so make sure the government can't get at it......
several small gold purchases, spread out over a large area. dont go to the local place every week. travel around a bit. anitques are good to, you could blow 40g's on a Tiffany lamp or a Dahm vase really easily.

Why don't you clean it , open a small business ,get a loan , pay loan back with dirty cash , then sell the business !

Fuck it open a hydro shop. !! Lol