When I got set up years ago, there weren't the options. I got a Low Temp Plates set (the one with the springs) and a Dake 10-ton press. But it takes up a lot of room and it's pretty heavy. It works great.
Now there are these "NugSmasher" all-in-one types of machines that are small enough to fit on a countertop and look like an espresso machine! If something like that had been available several years ago, then I'd have gone that route. The only advantage that my old school setup has is that it's modular and if something breaks or needs replacement, then I don't have to send the whole thing in. Most likely, the only thing that will ever break or go bad are the heating elements...and those are easy to replace...for me.
Some of these machines can get really expensive, though. It really depends on what you want to do -commercial work? Or just personal use?
There are LOTS of videos about these machines on YouTube, by the way...You should probably look at a few of them if you've never seen any.