White Elephant

Party at larry's.
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The other night I "camped" down there. I woke up in the night, I walked out on the deck and peed. Can't do that after daylight though. The bad thing is I know the lady across the river. She's friends with my wife on FB.
This is pure coincidence, but. . . .

The bed I picked for myself is on the southwest corner of the house. . . . . .

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while the wife is getting the one on the northeast corner. {although I did sleep in the big bed the night I camped down there}

The stain on that body pillow is shaped like a penis. Was that intentional, or just serendipity?
One of the side effect of Sister and BIL parting ways, he is taking the new tractor with grapple {along with the payments} with him. I'm not going to use it, and risk breaking something. We talked to a friend yesterday about bringing his tractor and grapple down. There are lots of piles of tree debris too close to the house to burn.

I did put one big pile in the river yesterday. I rolled the rounds down the bank and threw smaller limbs off the deck. I've been down there almost everyday for the last two weeks, and have not seen any boat traffic during the week. Also I haven't seen anyone at the houses across the river during the day. I'll keep throwing what I can in the river during the week.

Lots of the rounds are red cedar. Will try to save the good looking ones for seats around the fire pit or whatever. And in the woods part, there are many many cedar trees that could be used for lumber if I can get in there and get them out.
After the hurricane, the lady bought an enclosed trailer to store stuff in. [the roof had a dozen trees on it for a long while] We dug into the trailer this week. We gained a queen sized been with drift wood head and foot boards. The king in the house now will have to be moved to our new shed at our old house.

Also in the trailer, she had a bunch of canned food in an attempted pre hurricane prep. {which she left behind when the shit really hit the fan} About 4 five gallon buckets worth.
One of the fore mentioned piles of tree debris is right over a broken pipe. So it's either try to move it by hand to get water up to the house, or wait for my buddy with the grapple.
There was a cabinet full of ammo that I showed the son. About 2-300 bucks worth easy. Lots of 410 shells, and they cost like crazy. And my reward was him finding a jar with a couple of dozen train wreck cross seeds and giving to me. He told me the other possible strains involved, but I didn't write them down. Lately my best plants have been from grab bags. I have a Sour Wreck grab bag, Random Bud x TPD grab bag and now a Trainwreck grab bag. The pros of growing grab bag seeds, every seed is it's own strain. The cons of growing grab bag seeds, every seed is it's own strain.
. . . . . . We talked to a friend yesterday about bringing his tractor and grapple down. There are lots of piles of tree debris too close to the house to burn. . . . . . . .
Tonight was the wife's monthly get together. Our buddy with the grapple was there, so she got a chance to talk to him in more detail. Turns out his dad was friends with the Col. and he has been down there many times 15-20 years ago. He's excited about helping. I'm excited about him helping. He's coming down Wednesday morning. Not with his tractor, but just to check out the lay of the land.

There are 7-8 piles like this, all around the house. I cut some down trees off the side/back yard so I can move them to make more room to pile it.

This is the older {and lower} part of the house, the south wing, where I'll be sleeping. The Col built this first and they lived in it while he built the rest of the house. The river has got this high once. The little section to join the two halves is half a foot lower, so it did flood for real.

These steps are in the worse shape, but a couple of others are going to need some work too.

A couple of different guys coming to look at the house tomorrow. Our old part time guy who is contracting full time now is going to bid on the roof. My current part time guy is going to help with deck rails, steps and wiring the pump. His lady friend will be helping with cleaning and picking up debris.
My buddy and his lady friend {the maintenance and cleaning crew here at work} came out to look at the house on Tuesday. They are willing to start as soon as the previous owner gets all her stuff out. But we need to get the water going before doing much cleaning. We need to move brush piles before we can get the water going. Which brings me to. . . .

The other buddy, the one with the tractor came out Wednesday. It turns out he has a backhoe not a grapple on his tractor, so he will be limited in what he can do. But he says he can push the piles, just not lift them. Also his prostate cancer has returned, so I will have to make sure we work short days when he's helping. But he says with his backhoe pulling, and me on the chainsaw, we can safely cut the trees leaning over the house. With no insurance, this is kind of scary.

The other contractor has not called back with a roof quote.
I've been chainsawing and pulling weeds everyday. Yesterday I worked on the down pines in what they called the field. It's 2-3 acres of mostly open land. {the only open land on the 23 acres} The plan is to stack the logs as far back as I can get them with the tractor and hayforks. There is a crushed barn up there. Have not cut my way into it yet, but the Col used to have an old 8N Ford tractor. I can see a Craftsman rider in there.
I've been chainsawing and pulling weeds everyday. Yesterday I worked on the down pines in what they called the field. It's 2-3 acres of mostly open land. {the only open land on the 23 acres} The plan is to stack the logs as far back as I can get them with the tractor and hayforks. There is a crushed barn up there. Have not cut my way into it yet, but the Col used to have an old 8N Ford tractor. I can see a Craftsman rider in there.
If the 8N Ford is there, is it yours? Sweet deal if so
If the 8N Ford is there, is it yours? Sweet deal if so
Yes. Everything left will be ours. Would love to have a working 8N. But I can barely get my mechanic to work on my other tractors. . . . . .

The lady lives in a 430 square foot {100 sf of that is screened porch} tiny house on the beach at Carrabelle. Her son has a house in Tally. Neither have space for anything. It's been raining so they haven't been able to get anything moved this past week. But in a couple three weeks at the latest she will have got what she's taking. I'm trying to wait until they are done before digging too deep. She did say she was leaving the records. A pretty good jazz collection. I'm stoked about that.
Yes. Everything left will be ours. Would love to have a working 8N. But I can barely get my mechanic to work on my other tractors. . . . . .

The lady lives in a 430 square foot {100 sf of that is screened porch} tiny house on the beach at Carrabelle. Her son has a house in Tally. Neither have space for anything. It's been raining so they haven't been able to get anything moved this past week. But in a couple three weeks at the latest she will have got what she's taking. I'm trying to wait until they are done before digging too deep. She did say she was leaving the records. A pretty good jazz collection. I'm stoked about that.
8N's are so easy to work on, and everything is accessible. It was design excellence