White Elephant

Sister is going to Denver next week, but she has been down with her tractor and grapple yesterday and today. We got a ton done. Moved all the brushpiles but the ones between the house and the river on the other end. I can get in there, but it;s a lot of tooing and froing around a power pole. I may end up rolling those in the river. There is a big hickory down by the pumphouse. It has to be moved before we can get it ready for the AC to be turned back on. Also want to move the trees I cut up in the field.

The place looks fantastic! Should come up a treat with some elbow grease. Nice score mate
Thanks. I've got a lot done the last three days using Sister's tractor with grapple. I worked around the pumphouse today. Big hickory tree came down between the pumphouse and the powerpole. I had to saw it in 6-8 foot sections, then gingerly remove without knocking down the powerpole or the pumphouse. There is a clear {relatively speaking} area out past the pumphouse to the river. Maybe an acre or two. I was able to push out a place to pile, then I moved several whole trees. Pretty fucking epic to carry a 40 foot tree 10 feet off the ground. But not a ton of elbow room. Broke the top out of most of the tall ones.

Went back up to the house and cleared an area across the driveway, pushing it as far back as I could toward the river. Moved most of three piles and lots of down trees. Ran out of time.
The contractor showed up today. It will be early next week before he can give me a quote. I'm going to get a price on leveling the house too. {as well as deck, steps and railing repair} It needs to be leveled before the new roof goes on. Also have to get the trees down before they start working. He said it would be at least 2-3 weeks. Which means 4-6.
Two trees need to come down before we start on the roof.

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And I bet I know which two :joint:

Twice now I've seen a small fury animal run across the road heading down to the river house. Knee high or taller with black fur. Too big to be a coon, but runs kind of like one. Small bear is my best guess.
Sounds like a very large skunk doing undercover work. I'd be wary of its fury.
And I bet I know which two :joint:

Sounds like a very large skunk doing undercover work. I'd be wary of its fury.
The wife doubts my close quarters tree cutting ability, so a tree guy we know is coming tomorrow to give us a quote on 4 trees. There are about 4 more that I can safely get with saw and come-along.

We have not had skunks in our area for 20 years. Not sure what killed them all off, but you never see them anymore.
I got the busted water pipe patched yesterday. Looks like it broke about 4 foot from the root that lifted it up. I don't like how much slack there is in the power line. I'll need to check the box at the barn and make sure it didn't pull loose up there.


The power is still not on to the pump, so it's all natural flow from the well. Outside the ground level spigots have real good pressure. In the lower part of the house it's pretty good. Not so much in the main part. But the flow in the tub is enough to fill a bucket for toilet flushing. Both toilets are going to have to have flapper valves. The water is leaking out as fast as it fills up.

This is the sink in the lower part. I let the water run for a good while. The septic tank hasn't been used in a year, so it's got to be dry.

Most of the yard debris is moved now. Just the part between the house and the river with real tight quarters to go. I cut a couple of trees, but need to get a few more down before I can clean it up completely.

Back yard debris. I tried to put everything over downed trees so as not to lose any yard. Added bonus. Gun season starts in a couple of weeks, and now we have a back stop.


Front yard debris. Not as much space to spread out, so I stacked this high and tight.

It's tight quarters between the house and river. I had to chainsaw the outliers on this load to get through the trees. I cut three trees next to the power pole guy wire, so it's easier getting in and out, but still lots of 7 point turns. All the piles close to the house have to be moved so the tree guy can get his equipment in there.

That looks small for a power line, does it just run to the pump?
No, the pump is 220 and is far enough away from the house it has it's own meter. {Saturday we are working to rebuild the pumphouse and get the power ready to be turned back on} I assume the water and the power lines go up to the barn. Likely nothing more than a couple of lights and receptacles.

I haven't actually gone up to the barn and listened to see if I can hear running water. But judging by the pressure I have, I'm guess I have no more leaks.