White Elephant

My buddy came over this weekend and we started on the pumphouse. The frame looks pretty bad on the bottom boards.


We boxed the five upright corners with 2 2x8's and used 1 on the three middles. I'm using the boards off the sections of pole barn roof. All the old wood took screws really good. Only had a couple near the bottom spin on us.

Rob Peter to pay Paul. . . .

The power pole at my old river camp had a meter base with a breaker box. It was in pretty good shape, with only one of the four main connections broken. We got it and the mast {and will go back and get the wire} the other day. We took it out of the box and put it into the smaller meter base. Saving 67 bucks, plus tax. We did have to buy a new weather hood. {which I haven't paid my buddy for yet either}

We got the roof on the pumphouse yesterday. Need to add a couple more uprights and wrap all of them. Then hang the siding and get the electrical sorted. Since we raised the roof so high, we may have to get an 8 foot mast. The 7 footer only takes us two feet clear of the roof. We think three feet is code, but our building inspector is pretty lax. We may try and see if he will pass it.

The first tree guy never called back with a quote. I called another fellow, and he was out the next morning to look at it. He was idle at the time, and gave me a good price. 8K to take out everything tall enough to hit the house, as well as the log jam over the road. He had to include that, as he couldn't get his equipment in until they were cut. He also took out stumps and widened the road so the big trailers could get around the bends better.

Worked out a deal for the tree guy to clean out the slough while he is there. He's going to get everything real good at the end nearest the house and river, then clear at least a path so I can get through to the back in a boat. 8.5K for everything.

There was a chance they would have finished today, but with the slough added on, it will be tomorrow.
We have rain in the forecast today, so the tree man went ahead and cleaned up the slough yesterday. We ran by there just before dark as he was wrapping it up. We were only there a few minutes, and he made 3-4 trips up the hill with big loads in that time. I didn't go around the bend to look, but he had moved everything at the end close to the river. The wife was very impressed.

Down at the far end of the slough it is like a regular cypress swamp. There were so many cypress knees, I ask him not to go back there with the Bobcat. I will need to move any downed trees back there by hand, then I can turn on the water. {well, as soon as I patch the pipe in the 3-4 places it's broken}