Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, the WH took the petition down because of the crude language.
However, the original author was quick to put up a replacement.
Tell Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni that he is a Ding-Dong-Boob-Poopy and request he kill himself.
We are disgusted by Uganda's backwards, human rights betraying anti-gay law that passed recently. Knowing that it is not appropriate for the President to swear in front of children on television (even HBO), we ask that Barack Obama calls Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni a "ding-dong-boob-poopy" over and over and then sincerely for five to ten minutes, tries to convince him to commit suicide. We'd then like Obama to sternly request that everyone involved with passage of that law puts "their ding-dongs into their own hoo-hoos for up to forty-five minutes."
It only needs another 99k+ signers!
Do your part for FREEDOM!
EDIT: Here's the original petition text,
"I would like Barack Obama to go on television and tell Uganda that their new anti-gay law is an outrageous crime against mankind and that they should go fuck themselves. I want him to keep saying "fuck you Uganda" until it is clear he is tired. Them I want him to say it one more time."
However, the original author was quick to put up a replacement.
Tell Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni that he is a Ding-Dong-Boob-Poopy and request he kill himself.
We are disgusted by Uganda's backwards, human rights betraying anti-gay law that passed recently. Knowing that it is not appropriate for the President to swear in front of children on television (even HBO), we ask that Barack Obama calls Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni a "ding-dong-boob-poopy" over and over and then sincerely for five to ten minutes, tries to convince him to commit suicide. We'd then like Obama to sternly request that everyone involved with passage of that law puts "their ding-dongs into their own hoo-hoos for up to forty-five minutes."
It only needs another 99k+ signers!
Do your part for FREEDOM!
EDIT: Here's the original petition text,
"I would like Barack Obama to go on television and tell Uganda that their new anti-gay law is an outrageous crime against mankind and that they should go fuck themselves. I want him to keep saying "fuck you Uganda" until it is clear he is tired. Them I want him to say it one more time."