White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!


Well-Known Member
Ha od is a great dog :-). I had a dog get tubes in her gut after she bolted down a hill after something and impaled herself on a stick. It's some maintenance keeping it all clean. Glad you're on top of it. Those smaller branches that escaped are happy to have their own space it looks like lol.


Well-Known Member
I saw a lot of moths out in the garden last night/this morning and found many a 'pillar egg as it's been a week since I last sprayed. I think I'm going to spray them with spinosad or BT and then harvest the jack in 4 or 5 days. spraying it with ROd water the morning before harvest.

I pulled a cola off one of the purple elephant/satori's on tuesday so my mom could bring it down to my cousin today but she forgot to take it down to sac with her. now I got a nice 8th of premie nug, I dried it in my garage which was like 90 degrees so it dried completely in 2 days and still really chronic. can't wait to smoke some and to see it when it's dried and cured right. gonna be some nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
sweet man it sounds delicious.

i forgot that my poor baby, she jumped up on my old chinchilla cage to get a peek in there, and she impaled herself on one of the little metal pieces sticking out. it wasnt sharp, but it went into her belly and she needed some stitches. once the meds wore off from surgery, you'd never know she was injured, but i still felt so terrible. i love my dog


Well-Known Member
The Jack and the Hash Plant are ready whenever I am. The Cali Orange's and my purplekush/skunk#1 are getting close too. I just sprayed with BT last night so they are all gonna go at least another 4 days.

All the satori crosses still have weeks to go. I have a feeling the buds are gonna be FAT by the time they are fully ripe on those plants.

someone else

Active Member
I saw a lot of moths out in the garden last night/this morning and found many a 'pillar egg as it's been a week since I last sprayed. I think I'm going to spray them with spinosad or BT and then harvest the jack in 4 or 5 days. spraying it with ROd water the morning before harvest.

I pulled a cola off one of the purple elephant/satori's on tuesday so my mom could bring it down to my cousin today but she forgot to take it down to sac with her. now I got a nice 8th of premie nug, I dried it in my garage which was like 90 degrees so it dried completely in 2 days and still really chronic. can't wait to smoke some and to see it when it's dried and cured right. gonna be some nice smoke.
Were you worried about the high heat in the garage damaging the THC? I wish I had a garage to dry my plants in!


Active Member
Yea I think I wanna pull my Indica up tonite/tomorrow morning....Im getting real anxious and its been a real long time! lol


Well-Known Member
Were you worried about the high heat in the garage damaging the THC? I wish I had a garage to dry my plants in!
Yeah, The heat kills a lot of THC and makes it taste grassy but I just wanted it dried fast and it's still chronic. when I harvest the whole plants I will probably have no problems drying in the garage because the temps should be down in the 70's.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, The heat kills a lot of THC and makes it taste grassy but I just wanted it dried fast and it's still chronic. when I harvest the whole plants I will probably have no problems drying in the garage because the temps should be down in the 70's.
Im in the same boat. lets just hope it cools down enough by then cuz this heat's been surprising me.
is it safe to say this is a grower friendly indian summer? ;-)


Active Member
Ay homie I cut down my indica today...After you said "they're ready when I am" tht buzzed in my head for a few hours and I took another look at my plant and I had everyone who watched her grow around me to pass judgement and they all were telling me to pull it so I gave in to temptation and said my hard works finally paid off! Cant wait to see your harvest. Happy Tokin!

:leaf:P. Stone


Well-Known Member
More Jack Herer shots


Lime Trainwreck


Purple Elephant/Satori Sativa Pheno


Purple Elephant/Satori Indica Pheno


Top View



Garden Shots


Big Praying Mantis that was just chillin on my window


Odie hanging out at my feet. He's finally doing better. Lost a lot of weight though and hasn't gone to the bathroom in like 4 days either even though he has been eating pretty well. kind of weird. He goes in today to get the drain tubes cut out..




Well-Known Member
Good luck to Odie today and wow nice looking plants.
Thanks Fil!

I decided to take a pic of that premie nug(p. elephant/satori indica pheno) that I cut off a week ago. it's only a gram piece but it shows what it's gonna look like pretty well. Not bad at all for being a month premature.

It's funny cause so much weed out there looks like this. a lot of my friends already harvested and could have went weeks longer. people just can't seem to wait the last couple weeks for some reason and those are the most important in my opinion!

Can't wait to smoke the Jack!



Active Member
Lookin good! I'm always fighting the urge to harvest early, this year I cut a few premature oz's to help resist just chopping everything. I also found 2 praying mantis in my plants yesterday, I never see them around here. Also how did your spinosad work? Any sign of caterpillars?


Well-Known Member
Lookin good! I'm always fighting the urge to harvest early, this year I cut a few premature oz's to help resist just chopping everything. I also found 2 praying mantis in my plants yesterday, I never see them around here. Also how did your spinosad work? Any sign of caterpillars?
only seen 1 or 2 dead little 'pillars this year. will know for sure when I hang them. seems like thats when those little shit-heads start showing up and coming out of the middle of the buds. I ended up getting some BT as well and rotated spraying that and spinosad every 3-7 days. seems to have worked perfectly though.

Looks like it's going to sprinkle today and I hope it does, that way it will wash off any leftover BT residue from 2 days ago, and then I will harvest my Jack and Hashplants in 2 days and maybe one of the purple e/satori's just get a start on trimming and be able to be making some money while harvesting the rest.


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome. I had the same thoughts on cutting that jack as you. Thought 'looks ready but another couple days wont hurt'. Great job. Happy harvestin dude