White Terrorism Is as Old as America

pious, peaceful, unarmed people.
In my many years and a multitude of churches and religions in the western world, I rarely encountered the types of people you have stereotyped. I would say easily half of the people going to church do it simply for business purposes. The business owner who needs profits will press the flesh and act like a wonderful caring person in order to get more customers who will trust him simply because he is of the same denomination.

Then you have the true sinners, they make up another large piece of the congregational pie. These are the people who have committed terrible acts and are in church to atone for their sins. Most of them are just temporary members until the next episode of sinning causes enough guilt to send them to their house of worship and into the arms of others who will remind them of reassuring fables.

Perhaps one person in ten is a truly pious, caring individual. Interestingly enough almost all of those are children.
In my many years and a multitude of churches and religions in the western world, I rarely encountered the types of people you have stereotyped. I would say easily half of the people going to church do it simply for business purposes. The business owner who needs profits will press the flesh and act like a wonderful caring person in order to get more customers who will trust him simply because he is of the same denomination.

Then you have the true sinners, they make up another large piece of the congregational pie. These are the people who have committed terrible acts and are in church to atone for their sins. Most of them are just temporary members until the next episode of sinning causes enough guilt to send them to their house of worship and into the arms of others who will remind them of reassuring fables.

Perhaps one person in ten is a truly pious, caring individual. Interestingly enough almost all of those are children.

totally spot on! +rep:clap:

you forgot the true sinners believe in the devil; that they are being haunted: church = 'safe';..there was a peer reviewed study on this.
I just wish we could torture him to death on national television. THAT would at least be a deterrent.

just like the isis beheadings? capital punishment? even knowing now that they could very easily fuck it up with an agonizing death to follow?

my friend, you are so sweet:hug:..you have no idea how disgusting people are in their minds.
totally spot on! +rep:clap:

you forgot the true sinners believe in the devil; that they are being haunted: church = 'safe';..there was a peer reviewed study on this.
"totally spot on!" my ass. A clearly biased and nonfactual statement like that doesn't deserve a "totally spot on!", even tho you hold the same biased viewpoint.
If there was "a peer reviewed study on this", you would cite it instead of pretending it existed. I'm calling BULLSHIT.
just like the isis beheadings? capital punishment? even knowing now that they could very easily fuck it up with an agonizing death to follow?

my friend, you are so sweet:hug:..you have no idea how disgusting people are in their minds.

Every time I get the chance, I vote to end the death penalty. It's people like this who make me want to reconsider, that's all.
In my many years and a multitude of churches and religions in the western world, I rarely encountered the types of people you have stereotyped. I would say easily half of the people going to church do it simply for business purposes. The business owner who needs profits will press the flesh and act like a wonderful caring person in order to get more customers who will trust him simply because he is of the same denomination.

Then you have the true sinners, they make up another large piece of the congregational pie. These are the people who have committed terrible acts and are in church to atone for their sins. Most of them are just temporary members until the next episode of sinning causes enough guilt to send them to their house of worship and into the arms of others who will remind them of reassuring fables.

Perhaps one person in ten is a truly pious, caring individual. Interestingly enough almost all of those are children.
"totally spot on!" my ass. A clearly biased and nonfactual statement like that doesn't deserve a "totally spot on!", even tho you hold the same biased viewpoint.
If there was "a peer reviewed study on this", you would cite it instead of pretending it existed. I'm calling BULLSHIT.

lol, the two bible thumpers just outed themselves.
not sure what u meant by "be the break-out", but i dont think its an age/psyche connection.

i see the trait you described mostly in crowded urban areas of all ethnic makeup.

but supposedly, theyve confirmed this guy was a white race war jihadist. i dont have much to go on differently, unless something else comes out. like a psychotropic binge study or some evil CIA mind control false flag or alien implant with time release ayahuasca or some shit... you know... the usual culprits. :wink::twisted::lol::fire:


or should i call you by your real name, alan?

dannyboy says you are fucking nuts.
keep snoopin googlin dancing shuckin and jivin buckybrah. :joint::bigjoint:

ill keep LOL'in at the contemporary useful idiot crusade you think youre waging by riding my scrotum into the depths of google so zealously.... ;):roll:
keep snoopin googlin dancing shuckin and jivin buckybrah. :joint::bigjoint:

ill keep LOL'in at the contemporary useful idiot crusade you think youre waging by riding my scrotum into the depths of google so zealously.... ;):roll:

dannyboy says you are fucking nuts, fucked in the head like no other.

is that why your daughter won't talk to you, alan?
whoops, i think you hit a nerve..

that much is self evident. i did that in that other LOLemic thread just by not clinging to the narrowminded narrative of the resident single issue thought process limited tap dancerbrah coalition.

but ill continue to LOL @ their perpetual routine and his patheticly incessant strawgrasping via an abundant amount of google searches and private messages to buckybrahs reacharound buddy moderator.

but how many messages to rolli and google searches is it gonna take for buckybrah to continue feigning insight into my life?

ill take the over. im all in. :razz::joint::bigjoint:

In my many years and a multitude of churches and religions in the western world, I rarely encountered the types of people you have stereotyped. I would say easily half of the people going to church do it simply for business purposes. The business owner who needs profits will press the flesh and act like a wonderful caring person in order to get more customers who will trust him simply because he is of the same denomination.

Then you have the true sinners, they make up another large piece of the congregational pie. These are the people who have committed terrible acts and are in church to atone for their sins. Most of them are just temporary members until the next episode of sinning causes enough guilt to send them to their house of worship and into the arms of others who will remind them of reassuring fables.

Perhaps one person in ten is a truly pious, caring individual. Interestingly enough almost all of those are children.
So he went to a church hoping to find business men.

You're even dumber than Harrekin.