Why Abortion is Moral

another abortion argument involving men arguing about something they will never have to make a decision about.
it would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.
stick with issues that concern you directly.
another abortion argument involving men arguing about something they will never have to make a decision about.
it would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.
stick with issues that concern you directly.

How dare you say the murder of our children don't directly concern us.
You know, I'm a faithful person and I'm a scientist. I'd never want to lose my life to an abortion. There is also no way to properly weigh the true morality of abortion. In a world where we have too many people abortion is necessary and people demand the services be legal. On the other hand if we were an endangered species I can guess that many fewer people would want to have an abortion as propagation would be the priority. I'd never ask for my own child to be aborted. However, I happen to believe in family. Some other person may have a totally different set of beliefs. AND WHO AM I TO SAY MINE ARE BETTER THEN THEIRS. I don't believe in abortion but that doesn't make it wrong.
another abortion argument involving men arguing about something they will never have to make a decision about.
it would be funny if it weren't so fucking sad.
stick with issues that concern you directly.

the great battle cry of radical feminism is that anyone who dares to limit the functions of a woman in society is a misogynist. no man is allowed to pass judgment on those realms which are distinctly a matter of womanhood. as with most other downtrodden minorities, the mantle of victimhood is donned proudly and questioning its validity is considered a mark of bigotry. the simple fact is that we all have our limitations and we have even more limitations imposed on us by agreeing to live within a society.

while the ethos of our society may affect the regulations we are forced to live under, our personal moralities often differ greatly from the compromises we must make for the sake of community. the premise of this thread, that abortion is a moral alternative, is a direct result of those compromises. we hem and haw over the definitions of "life", we weigh the rights and desires of one group against another, we allow the demands of the mob to overbalance the scale and come to the conclusion that no woman should be held accountable for the results of this particular action. in a society that would scream if i were to crush a puppy underfoot, we glorify the right of women to deny the duty inherent in this action and betray their unborn children. i'm certainly no adherent to the concept of the sanctity of life, but neither am i so callous as to find any good in its wanton destruction. call me misogynist if you like and i'm certain that there are those who will consider it hypocrisy because of the impossibility, but these are the same standards i would hold myself to in a similar situation.
I deleted the post. You can google images of abortions. It is highly disturbing and I probably shouldn't have posted one. Just hits a nerve when these babies get dismissed as being a nothing. Just look at them and how can you argue they are not human and deserve life.

How dare you say the murder of our children don't directly concern us.

It would seem pretty obvious you're arguing from an emotional foundation.

Take a step back, go read the OP and understand it's just a medical procedure.
People are nothing more than animals with the ability to think. Saying you have a soul just makes you think you're something special and you're not. Some animals can swim, some can fly, and some are our food. We have the ability to think for survival. Humans are not a higher being, we're flesh and bone with knowledge, nothing more. Everything in life is just for entertainment till you die, enjoy it!
How dare you say the murder of our children don't directly concern us.

you have some kids that someone is trying to kill?
if you have a wang or a weenie or a twig and some berries, you won't ever have to
make that decision for yourself, and it's nice you would decide not to. You don't get to make that decision for somebody else, though.
it's laughable that in using the word 'our' like that you are declaring collective responsibility for responsibilty for that "life".
you also don't get to do that.
So that's your view. I'm not going to call you absured, as you so blatantly refer to me as, some others have different views, are they absured also or are you just singling me out. As for the 1/2 person malarky, it was an attempt at levity in a hot subject. Your inability to recognize this, speaks volumns about you.
And your incessant whining about people having more than you speaks volumes about you med.;-)
It would seem pretty obvious you're arguing from an emotional foundation.

Take a step back, go read the OP and understand it's just a medical procedure.
Bro, I've been in medicine for over 20 years and saying that an abortion is "just a medical procedure" is pretty callous. One day you may have kids of your own or have to deal with the death of a child. I once felt much the same as you Pad..............until I witnessed an abortion for the very first time. I've lost count of the number of kids I've responded on who died, some in most horrific and tragic ways. I once responded to a trailer fire in which 2 young boys were entrapped. They were alive and screaming when we arrived on the scene. We desperately tried to make entry so we could save them and as we were advancing their screams stopped. We didn't make it in time and they fucking burned alive! I hope with every fiber of my being that you never have to experience anything like that. Children, be they in the womb or out, are not "just medical procedures" and "parasites"! For crying out loud, have your opinion, that's fine, but don't demean the life of something so precious and valuable!:evil:
stick with issues that concern you directly.
what could concern anyone more than the ethos of the nation? those whose liberalism gives them some illusory moral high ground tell us time and again that we are all responsible for the well-being of our neighbors, but on this subject we are to merely remain silent because we are men and will never have the procedure performed on us. what hypocrisy is this?

it's just a medical procedure.
as is vivisection, but i certainly wouldn't condone the use of the procedure on anyone i know (well, maybe a couple of folks. any takers?). even the most indifferent of us is not purely a rational being. our emotions tinge even our most scientific endeavors and cannot simply be severed from any issue.
well blah blah blah blah.
personaly i don't think abortion is either right or wrong.
i agree that it is sometimes necessary and at other times it is
merely convenient. it is something that should be, and is, decided on
a case-by-case basis. Women and couples who go through the decision process
engage in agonizing introspection, extrapolation and guilt. None of this is anything
i feel right in judging. having known women who've made the decision both ways
after considering it, i've seen the pain they go through.
if it was illegal it would still be available, our presence on this website is proof enough of that.
and just because the US enjoys sub-standard education, infant mortality, senior care, medical care, infrastructure and internet speeds
is no reason to take steps to the rear when it comes to women's reproductive rights.
as many kids as there are uncared for in this country, we should be applauding the women
not bringing children into the world they don't feel prepared to provide for. and we should do a better job educating
the kids who are already running around, because while we may be below #20 in quality of public education, we're #1 in per-capita
Bro, I've been in medicine for over 20 years and saying that an abortion is "just a medical procedure" is pretty callous. One day you may have kids of your own or have to deal with the death of a child. I once felt much the same as you Pad..............until I witnessed an abortion for the very first time. I've lost count of the number of kids I've responded on who died, some in most horrific and tragic ways. I once responded to a trailer fire in which 2 young boys were entrapped. They were alive and screaming when we arrived on the scene. We desperately tried to make entry so we could save them and as we were advancing their screams stopped. We didn't make it in time and they fucking burned alive! I hope with every fiber of my being that you never have to experience anything like that. Children, be they in the womb or out, are not "just medical procedures" and "parasites"! For crying out loud, have your opinion, that's fine, but don't demean the life of something so precious and valuable!:evil:

The 'potential life' argument is the same in my eyes for sperm, yet each of us beats it as frequently as we sleep, for anybody to use that, especially a guy, and I'm not saying you did specifically, but I know it was brought up in the thread already, I just wanted to address it. Why is one full 'potential life' more valuable than one half of a 'potential life'? They are equally as 'potential' forms of life in my eyes, that's why we can't be so distressed over the loss of all of the BILLIONS of 'potential' lives, and start worrying about all the actual lives that are already here that are lost on a daily basis.

It might be callous, but life itself is pretty callous.

as is vivisection, but i certainly wouldn't condone the use of the procedure on anyone i know (well, maybe a couple of folks. any takers?). even the most indifferent of us is not purely a rational being. our emotions tinge even our most scientific endeavors and cannot simply be severed from any issue.

Best to try.
i think people should just mind there own business and get the fuck out of everyone Elise's.......... i personally think the world would be better off if more people had abortions............i think it should be encouraged in some places lol..........i remember seeing people picketing at a abortion clinic talking shit to the girls wtf .......ima start picketing at churches and forcing my views on people that never asked my opinion.........if you think its wrong DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!! worry about what you do not others.............im not saying that everyone should get abortions i think some situations
you should..........
The 'potential life' argument is the same in my eyes for sperm, yet each of us beats it as frequently as we sleep, for anybody to use that, especially a guy, and I'm not saying you did specifically, but I know it was brought up in the thread already, I just wanted to address it. Why is one full 'potential life' more valuable than one half of a 'potential life'? They are equally as 'potential' forms of life in my eyes, that's why we can't be so distressed over the loss of all of the BILLIONS of 'potential' lives, and start worrying about all the actual lives that are already here that are lost on a daily basis.

It might be callous, but life itself is pretty callous.

Best to try.
Your sperm is no more a potential life than the hundreds of thousands of skin cells you slough off each day. It is a single cell that performs a specific function. It only performs that specific function under very specific conditions. Medman said he was being humorous in bringing it up. It seems you are being serious in bringing it up. Please don't even go there Pad. This is a serious topic IMO and I don't joke around about it. Some abortions are necessary. Just like nearly everything in life it's not a black and white issue. Ectopic pregnancies happen all the time. This is where the fertilized egg doesn't descend properly from the fallopian tubes into the uterus. If left unchecked, not only is there virtually zero chance of survival for the fetus, the danger to the mother is pretty grave. Of course it should be aborted. Not even a question in my mind. On the other hand, the 19 year old woman who has graduated from high school who is on her 3rd abortion because she can't keep her legs closed or be bothered with birth control, yeah, I think it's wrong. I still don't think she should be denied an abortion if that's what she chooses. Even if it were outlawed people would still seek them out and the practice would descend back into back alleys with unsterile conditions and unqualified practicioners would be butchering women. I don't want to see that either, but I would like to see better steps taken to educate women and curtail what I call "medically unnecessary" abortions.:joint:
Your sperm is no more a potential life than the hundreds of thousands of skin cells you slough off each day. It is a single cell that performs a specific function. It only performs that specific function under very specific conditions. Medman said he was being humorous in bringing it up. It seems you are being serious in bringing it up. Please don't even go there Pad. This is a serious topic IMO and I don't joke around about it. Some abortions are necessary. Just like nearly everything in life it's not a black and white issue. Ectopic pregnancies happen all the time. This is where the fertilized egg doesn't descend properly from the fallopian tubes into the uterus. If left unchecked, not only is there virtually zero chance of survival for the fetus, the danger to the mother is pretty grave. Of course it should be aborted. Not even a question in my mind. On the other hand, the 19 year old woman who has graduated from high school who is on her 3rd abortion because she can't keep her legs closed or be bothered with birth control, yeah, I think it's wrong. I still don't think she should be denied an abortion if that's what she chooses. Even if it were outlawed people would still seek them out and the practice would descend back into back alleys with unsterile conditions and unqualified practicioners would be butchering women. I don't want to see that either, but I would like to see better steps taken to educate women and curtail what I call "medically unnecessary" abortions.:joint:

Good post man, I agree with pretty much everything you said.
lowrider i tried to rep you.
evidently i already did for something else.
lol @ picketing a church.
pancakes are imoral because they are desert for breakfast!

i gave you + rep now but its true ...........ive been there b4 it sucks yo weighing out your options i was 19 at home broke..........just imagine the type of life i would have been able to provide that child? i think the selfish thing would be to have had the baby........ it was not a heartless choice me and my girl cryed allot and she hated me for 4-5 months.........i think an abortion clinic is the saddest place you can set foot in but if you have weighed your options and that's the way you choose to go then i dont think anyone can tell you otherwise..........there were like 1 or 2 girls in there that had the weekend speed pass they already knew them by name n shit........i was thinking there should be a cap on the amount of abortions you get but then again after seeing how they acted not to mention that the had a third grade education maybe they should get a fucking government voucher itll be better off instead of sopporting there numerous children with my hard earned money.......
it is not moral-it is wrong, very simple debate

yeah it may be wrong to you but who are you to control any one outside of your immediate family..........i know lots of people that think smoking weed is wrong how do you feel being persecuted for it?