the great battle cry of radical feminism is that anyone who dares to limit the functions of a woman in society is a misogynist. no man is allowed to pass judgment on those realms which are distinctly a matter of womanhood. as with most other downtrodden minorities, the mantle of victimhood is donned proudly and questioning its validity is considered a mark of bigotry. the simple fact is that we all have our limitations and we have even more limitations imposed on us by agreeing to live within a society.
while the ethos of our society may affect the regulations we are forced to live under, our personal moralities often differ greatly from the compromises we must make for the sake of community. the premise of this thread, that abortion is a moral alternative, is a direct result of those compromises. we hem and haw over the definitions of "life", we weigh the rights and desires of one group against another, we allow the demands of the mob to overbalance the scale and come to the conclusion that no woman should be held accountable for the results of this particular action. in a society that would scream if i were to crush a puppy underfoot, we glorify the right of women to deny the duty inherent in this action and betray their unborn children. i'm certainly no adherent to the concept of the sanctity of life, but neither am i so callous as to find any good in its wanton destruction. call me misogynist if you like and i'm certain that there are those who will consider it hypocrisy because of the impossibility, but these are the same standards i would hold myself to in a similar situation.