Well-Known Member
and now for something completely differentpancakes are immoral because they are desert for breakfast!
i just couldn't help myself

and now for something completely differentpancakes are immoral because they are desert for breakfast!
Your right it is not for me to control and I didn't say it was. The title of the thread is why abortion is moral but it is not. My job is to voice my opion that abortion is wrong. their are laws against weed put in place by some of those people who think smoking weed is wrong. I just find it horrible that the majority of people are more concerned with making rules against using plants than against killing people. I realize abortion is legal but that does not mean I have to believe or say it is not wrong.yeah it may be wrong to you but who are you to controlle any one outside of your immidiate family..........i know lost of people that think smoking weed is wrong how do you feel being persicuted for it?
yeah it may be wrong to you but who are you to control any one outside of your immediate family..........i know lots of people that think smoking weed is wrong how do you feel being persecuted for it?
I think people should hold themselves to a higher standard than animals but what your talking about would be more of a euthanasia if you were to apply the situation to humansWhat about animals that smother, eat, or leave behind their young because they have a defect? That's worse than an abortion to me.
I think people should hold themselves to a higher standard than animals but what your talking about would be more of a euthanasia if you were to apply the situation to humans
These abortion discussions use to make me ill until i realized the all these sick fucks that have no appreciation for life except when its their lives at stake. The folks that think abortions are a-ok are just exterminating themselves, i think it is a form of natural selection. Like animals that are so dumb that they eat their own young.
if we leave that emotional component "at the door" any abomination can be justifiable. our emotions are more than just ephemeral feelings, they are a reaction to some of our most deep seated beliefs the result of an understanding of what is best for the continuation of the species. those unimportant emotions lead us to protect ourselves and those around us, to care for the weaker among us and even to procreate. there is some logic and reason behind our emotions, the logic of instinct and cultural mores.UTI says you can't take all emotion out of an issue, I agree with him, but everything we know about ourselves and other animals tells us that emotions cloud judgment, and when making critical decisions about something, it's best to leave emotions at the door.
when is it that abortion "should have to happen"? are we once again off on that tangent where rape, incest and the imminent threat to the health of the mother are used to justify the wholesale abortion on demand industry?When you do that, you will see the clear benefits behind terminating a pregnancy early if such a thing should have to happen.
The problem is women who use abortion as a form of "oops i fucked up" birth control. Nobody wants to to talk about the emotional damage it does to women. I think it should only be a hard choice when the womens life is at stake. This partial birth abortion is murder! When you kill a babie on the other side of the womb to skirt the law is bullshit. The doctor induces labor, reaches up in the women with a stungun of sorts finds the spinal cord right below the head of the babies and shoots the instrument into the spine of the child. Babie is born dead, in most cases and thrown in the trash. Maybe i am "just nieve" but it sure sounds like murder to me.
documented? will you accept anecdotal evidence? how about my sister's two abortions, direct results of her lapses in attention to the details of her birth control methods. over my lifetime i have known several women who have had multiple abortions and i'm damn near a hermit. i'm certain that there are very few women out there that would consider abortion as their primary means of birth control, but those who believe it to be a secondary means would seem to be legion.where are these mythical women who use abortion as birth control?
i have yet to see any documented cases.
isn't that sort of like saying that is you don't believe in murder don't commit the act, but that we should allow others to engage in it to their heart's content?if you don't believe in abortion, don't get one.
congratulations on what might be your only worthwhile contribution to this thread. we can blame women all day long for the rise in abortions, but that's only because they are the ones who have the final decision in the matter. what comes before is every bit as important. the cavalier attitude of many men concerning the outcome of their sexual encounters is as much to blame as the ignorance or indolence of their partners. one of the results of the "sexual revolution" is a spectacularly casual view of sex in general. unless both sides of the equation are willing to accept their responsibility in the creation of life, the problem of unwanted pregnancy and its resultant abortions can only increase. this might be considered as just another repercussion of our culture's growing denial of any personal responsibility.get a vasectomy instead, they prevent abortion.
in reality that's as much control as you have.
if we leave that emotional component "at the door" any abomination can be justifiable.
our emotions are more than just ephemeral feelings, they are a reaction to some of our most deep seated beliefs the result of an understanding of what is best for the continuation of the species.
those unimportant emotions lead us to protect ourselves and those around us, to care for the weaker among us and even to procreate. there is some logic and reason behind our emotions, the logic of instinct and cultural mores.
of course our emotions may "cloud" issues. every aspect of our thought processes adds another layer of information to the mix that we must muddle through toward some conclusion. life is not the black and white proposition that purely scientific thought would like it to be. we are not machines. life is not some binary code where all the switches are either on or off. things would certainly be simpler if it were, but neither is life simple.
when is it that abortion "should have to happen"? are we once again off on that tangent where rape, incest and the imminent threat to the health of the mother are used to justify the wholesale abortion on demand industry?
The problem is women who use abortion as a form of "oops i fucked up" birth control. Nobody wants to to talk about the emotional damage it does to women. I think it should only be a hard choice when the womens life is at stake. This partial birth abortion is murder! When you kill a babie on the other side of the womb to skirt the law is bullshit. The doctor induces labor, reaches up in the women with a stungun of sorts finds the spinal cord right below the head of the babies and shoots the instrument into the spine of the child. Babie is born dead, in most cases and thrown in the trash. Maybe i am "just nieve" but it sure sounds like murder to me.
isn't that sort of like saying that is you don't believe in murder don't commit the act, but that we should allow others to engage in it to their heart's content?
the cavalier attitude of many men concerning the outcome of their sexual encounters is as much to blame as the ignorance or indolence of their partners. one of the results of the "sexual revolution" is a spectacularly casual view of sex in general. this might be considered as just another repercussion of our culture's growing denial of any personal responsibility.