Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree completely with you on this one Stoney. Hey conservatives, since your set of morals seems to include racism, oppression, and just plain ugly selfishness all in one package deal, I think I'll pass on the morals thing.
Instead, I think I'll continue leading a life without morals, a life spent advocating equality(in all aspects) and being compassionate towards the less fortunate. Oh wait, I think some people may consider those traits to be morals. Now I'm confused, which of us is being moral again?![]()

republican presidents end wars, while dem presidents start them. The dems were for slavery and against civil rights.(dem congress put cannabis on the book, while repubulicans fought against it) 67 chicago DNC?? the republicans do nothing but push moral beliefs.(most of the time, they are way to moral if anything)
photo of 192? DNC in DC.(yep, that would be 20,000 demorcatic klan members)

please put away your racism trump card, it clearly can't be used to attack republicans.