Why do Americans want a WW3?

May i ask...

Why is it that, when Russia had foreign business interests, you refer to it as them "digging their dirty fingers in a bit deeper?"

Yet you boast of USA being the no1 country in the world... financially achieved by (empire) overseas business interests and foreign policy.


You also stated that globally EVERYONE acknowledges the USA to be the number 1 country

This is incorrect!

We acknowledge that the USA is the no1 superpower, fine...glad that's of importance to some

...but you also have the highest prison population per capita, inferior public health and good education is only for the wealthy so by any other measure you are far from no1.

Having more bombs and planes makes some people happy, not all.

...and personally, ttystick may (or may not?) be foreign born...who gives a fuck?

Entitled to his opinion and expresses it rather well...and has Yoda in his pic, so when you weigh it up...who cares within which man made borders he was born?!?
Foreign born to American parents, through no fault of my own.

I let him rant and dig himself deeper. And laugh.

His level of self important nationalistic ignorance is repugnant to any objective viewer, but sadly it's not an uncommon affliction here in 'Murrica.

America has the world's largest prison population outright. Since we've privatized them, we need to keep feeding them bodies to increase profits, right?

Our war machine is the greatest in history, and certainly the most expensive. This explains our increasingly belligerent foreign policy.

Yet those who have served in our armed forces are treated as second class citizens the moment they muster out, often against their will, because otherwise their pensions would be unaffordable.

We care nothing for the pollution and climate change we've created, it's more profitable to keep digging coal out of the ground... or at least convenient to promise it in exchange for votes from people like him. Thanks to national defunding of public education, his brand of stupidity is rampant here- and easily manipulated by the ruthless and unscrupulous.

Our system is headed for a crash of historic proportions. The only question left is whether we'll take the rest of the planet down with us.
Foreign born to American parents, through no fault of my own.

I let him rant and dig himself deeper. And laugh.

His level of self important nationalistic ignorance is repugnant to any objective viewer, but sadly it's not an uncommon affliction here in 'Murrica.

America has the world's largest prison population outright. Since we've privatized them, we need to keep feeding them bodies to increase profits, right?

Our war machine is the greatest in history, and certainly the most expensive. This explains our increasingly belligerent foreign policy.

Yet those who have served in our armed forces are treated as second class citizens the moment they muster out, often against their will, because otherwise their pensions would be unaffordable.

We care nothing for the pollution and climate change we've created, it's more profitable to keep digging coal out of the ground... or at least convenient to promise it in exchange for votes from people like him. Thanks to national defunding of public education, his brand of stupidity is rampant here- and easily manipulated by the ruthless and unscrupulous.

Our system is headed for a crash of historic proportions. The only question left is whether we'll take the rest of the planet down with us.

My cousin understands economics so much better than me...he also warns of the crash you speak of.

Heavy times
America used to be a wealthy country... Until some evil lil Talmudic Gangsters figured out how to rob us for our wealth and bankrupt us from the inside out ...

No wonder they got the boot from EVERY country in History.. it sucks they got control of the entire Western World... since 1947-48 Evil has been the Zionist only agenda ... Money Junkies will do anything to get that High
America used to be a wealthy country... Until some evil lil Talmudic Gangsters figured out how to rob us for our wealth and bankrupt us from the inside out ...

No wonder they got the boot from EVERY country in History.. it sucks they got control of the entire Western World... since 1947-48 Evil has been the Zionist only agenda ... Money Junkies will do anything to get that High
Id love to Ryu/Ken "ALL YOU CAN" right to Lindsey Grahams homo war monger ass... evil Zionist puppet whore
You're deeply misinformed, your worldview is badly distorted and you're extremely anti-Semitic, which is a serious impediment to your understanding of who the REAL actors are.

As a class, Jewish people aren't any richer than anyone else. There's a few, but white Christians make up the vast majority of America's ultra wealthy donor class. It's what they do with their money that's the problem, not their religion.

Lindsey Graham may not represent your or my interests, but he's a consummate politician. In the America of today, that means finding money for his campaigns for office... Which means going to the donor class. THAT'S how the ultra rich are running out political system to serve their own interests at the expense of the rest of us.

Or system is corrupt, all right. It just doesn't break down along sectarian lines.
Foreign born to American parents, through no fault of my own.

I let him rant and dig himself deeper. And laugh.

His level of self important nationalistic ignorance is repugnant to any objective viewer, but sadly it's not an uncommon affliction here in 'Murrica.

America has the world's largest prison population outright. Since we've privatized them, we need to keep feeding them bodies to increase profits, right?

Our war machine is the greatest in history, and certainly the most expensive. This explains our increasingly belligerent foreign policy.

Yet those who have served in our armed forces are treated as second class citizens the moment they muster out, often against their will, because otherwise their pensions would be unaffordable.

We care nothing for the pollution and climate change we've created, it's more profitable to keep digging coal out of the ground... or at least convenient to promise it in exchange for votes from people like him. Thanks to national defunding of public education, his brand of stupidity is rampant here- and easily manipulated by the ruthless and unscrupulous.

Our system is headed for a crash of historic proportions. The only question left is whether we'll take the rest of the planet down with us.

That is some Mighty Fine Writing.
Thank-You, Well Said.
Simple answer? They don't. The soldier's health Care system is underfunded and soldier's pensions only kick in for those who do their 20 years- and they're a pittance.
Thats so wrong..

We dont have the military size you guys do of cause but they earn a very good wage (more than the min wage with lots of perks on top). Have access to low % loans. Are encouraged to stay enlisted as they are well trained (its not an easy trade to actually join) and training costs money.
Enjoy a great tax free pension that is completely separate from any other income stream they may have later in life.
Eg. If they decide to work as a carpenter then the carpenter income is taxed but he still receives his tax free service pension on top.

In regard to health its all free anyway pretty much, solder or not..they do have access to specialized treatment centers for PTSD etc.
Please send him my regards.

I'm terrified of what's to come, not just for me but my kid.
I have never been worried about a major outbreak of war but lately it seems America is forcing one to happen. I dont want to see my son die in somebody else's madman inspired war.

My thinking is that the debt is so high that a good war will not only mean some debts (the large ones) become null and void.But also the population will again be culled back and it will be like a reset for the mega rich. Who of cause will prosper hugely.
Thats so wrong..

We dont have the military size you guys do of cause but they earn a very good wage (more than the min wage with lots of perks on top). Have access to low % loans. Are encouraged to stay enlisted as they are well trained (its not an easy trade to actually join) and training costs money.
Enjoy a great tax free pension that is completely separate from any other income stream they may have later in life.
Eg. If they decide to work as a carpenter then the carpenter income is taxed but he still receives his tax free service pension on top.

In regard to health its all free anyway pretty much, solder or not..they do have access to specialized treatment centers for PTSD etc.
This is the promise in America; sadly, our military doesn't live up to its pension promises any better then our corporations do.
May i ask...

Why is it that, when Russia had foreign business interests, you refer to it as them "digging their dirty fingers in a bit deeper?"

Yet you boast of USA being the no1 country in the world... financially achieved by (empire) overseas business interests and foreign policy.


You also stated that globally EVERYONE acknowledges the USA to be the number 1 country

This is incorrect!

We acknowledge that the USA is the no1 superpower, fine...glad that's of importance to some

...but you also have the highest prison population per capita, inferior public health and good education is only for the wealthy so by any other measure you are far from no1.

Having more bombs and planes makes some people happy, not all.

...and personally, ttystick may (or may not?) be foreign born...who gives a fuck?

Entitled to his opinion and expresses it rather well...and has Yoda in his pic, so when you weigh it up...who cares within which man made borders he was born?!?
Look dude. World reserve currency makes you no.1. Simple as that.
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I have never been worried about a major outbreak of war but lately it seems America is forcing one to happen. I dont want to see my son die in somebody else's madman inspired war.

My thinking is that the debt is so high that a good war will not only mean some debts (the large ones) become null and void.But also the population will again be culled back and it will be like a reset for the mega rich. Who of cause will prosper hugely.
Except that our debts are now held by the ultra rich, who will call them in whenever they need leverage to control our political system. Wars become the means to extract money from American taxpayers to convert into profits on defense contracts.

The only populations that get culled are those unfortunate enough to get in the way of American 'diplomacy' abroad. We need our wage/debt slaves... Can't raise taxes on us and indebt our children if we don't exist to be 'protected'.
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Look dude. World reserve currency makes you no.1. Simple as that.
Don't look now, but China's currency is the international currency of the future.

So much for number one. And why does being number one confer any real advantage?

Once again you're just dribbling irrelevant information from the corners of your mouth and utterly failing to make any coherent point.

Go back to your pennies.
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i've heard that from way too many neo-nazis and white supremacists. i can show you spandy saying the same, as well as kyned and red1966.

then i can show you their posts where they make reference to "black culture" and just name any city that is 90% black.

you dumb neo-nazi spammer.
I have given you an example in whites with the Celtic fringe....if youre mostly illiterate then admitting it is the first step.
Except that our debts are now held by the ultra rich, who will call them in whenever they need leverage to control our political system. Wars become the means to extract money from American taxpayers to convert into profits on defense contracts.

The only populations that get culled are those unfortunate enough to get in the way of American 'diplomacy' abroad. We need our wage/debt slaves... Can't raise taxes on them and intent their children if they don't exist to be 'protected'.
Those debts are held in what currency? The fact you refuse to educate yourself on this is remarkable given your high opinion of yourself.
oh, that totally negates all the other times that white supremacists and racists have tried to play the "it's their culture not their race" card.
Other times, other posters. You said so yourself. So I suppose it does as I'm not them. Show us on the doll where they touched you.
Don't look now, but China's currency is the international currency of the future.

So much for number one. And why does being number one Conner any real advantage?

Once again you're just dribbling irrelevant information from the corners of your mouth and utterly failing to make any coherent point.

Go back to your pennies.

Yes China's currency does. Russia is busy with a national credit system as well. My point is simply that the feds charter ran out in 1933. Prove that wrong dude. Or are you here just to expel?

Pennies are treasury at least, not fed. That's repugnant to you why exactly?