Why do Americans want a WW3?

Fact is your home state had slavery as well. Mine had a black and white street how about yours? You havent earned the right to comment on that in america though because you are not old enough or black enough to have experienced any of it so shut the fuck up singling the United States out. It's really ignorant.

Your Apple analogy fails for the same reason your direct economic argument does. The apples were being consumed locally already.
Yet another stupid, shitty post in a long line of vacuous inchoate ramblings.

Your pennies are calling.
Demand is exactly why it happened, stupid.

We're waaaaaay ahead of you- not that it's exactly a challenge, penny pooper.

Holy shit you are really really stupid! Explain the demand for an iPhone before it was on the market please. You know, a better Apple analogy than the one that already failed and you acknkwledged.
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Except this is no non-developed country, some of us live in houses much nicer than the average US house, with much higher living standards, potent education and health care, all by virtue of being born to a group with opportunities reserved almost strictly to themselves or their ancestors. Heck, I am dirt poor but I live in a nice house and own another small one. If I go to the doctor or hospital, I am serviced immediately, there is no waiting, although this is true for most people here who reach a certain level of job, where medical aid is part of the benefits. I can count the number of times the police or traffic officers have stopped me in road blocks on one hand. The other day, I flagged down a police van, while on the way back from buying a bag full of weed, to report someone I saw vandalising municipal property with a hammer..
Apples is great analogy unclebunk. Was there a demand for an iPhone before it was invented? Funny how every thread turns into a fu

Holy shit you are really really stupid! Explain the demand for an iPhone before it was invented please. You know, a better Apple analogy than the one that already failed and you acknkwledged.

My g/f was struck with marketing.

...I wanted to get laid.
and how does America afford to pay the returned solders a pension. That must add up to huge sums of $$ especially with the amount of troops you lot have on the ground.

My dad did 2 tours of duty in Vietnam (sounds like a song...) he hasnt had to work since. Govt pays him approx $1300 a fortnight.

How does your govt afford that?
Wow, man, I see lots of homeless vets in some of the US documentaries and reality shows I watch.
Maybe they make them up.

Anyway, thought I'd just enter homeless vets into google...
First hit; In January 2014, communities across America identified 49,933 homeless veteransduring point-in-time counts, which represents 8.6 percent of the total homelesspopulation.
Wow, man, I see lots of homeless vets in some of the US documentaries and reality shows I watch.
Maybe they make them up.

Anyway, thought I'd just enter homeless vets into google...
First hit; In January 2014, communities across America identified 49,933 homeless veteransduring point-in-time counts, which represents 8.6 percent of the total homelesspopulation.
What..homeless vets in the number one country in the world? @visajoe1 Why doesnt your war mongering Govt pay them better? Is it because they are by and large expendable, uneducated poor people?
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yep. maduro needs to go. but why is anyone surprised at the results of a bus driver running a socialist country? it was a dictatorship for about a day before they caved like the pansy morons they are. i dont thing russia would call in the debt though, i think they'll just dig their dirty fingers in deeper to what is left of that country. but even if they got citgo, i dont expect the venezuelan government would just allow russia, or anyone, to drill their oil and walk away with it even if it was a legal result of their own breach of contract. rules and laws are just an inconvenience to those leaders, as shown by their attempt to completely do away with their congress.

that said, if you think trump is somehow in a bad shape at all as a result of maduro and the citgo situation, you're way overthinking dude. that has nothing to do with our country either way it goes and we wont notice anything except maybe a refreshment of the citgo brand

May i ask...

Why is it that, when Russia had foreign business interests, you refer to it as them "digging their dirty fingers in a bit deeper?"

Yet you boast of USA being the no1 country in the world... financially achieved by (empire) overseas business interests and foreign policy.


You also stated that globally EVERYONE acknowledges the USA to be the number 1 country

This is incorrect!

We acknowledge that the USA is the no1 superpower, fine...glad that's of importance to some

...but you also have the highest prison population per capita, inferior public health and good education is only for the wealthy so by any other measure you are far from no1.

Having more bombs and planes makes some people happy, not all.

...and personally, ttystick may (or may not?) be foreign born...who gives a fuck?

Entitled to his opinion and expresses it rather well...and has Yoda in his pic, so when you weigh it up...who cares within which man made borders he was born?!?
and how does America afford to pay the returned solders a pension. That must add up to huge sums of $$ especially with the amount of troops you lot have on the ground.

My dad did 2 tours of duty in Vietnam (sounds like a song...) he hasnt had to work since. Govt pays him approx $1300 a fortnight.

How does your govt afford that?
Simple answer? They don't. The soldier's health Care system is underfunded and soldier's pensions only kick in for those who do their 20 years- and they're a pittance.