Why do Americans want a WW3?

would you grow apples if no one wanted to buy them?

So stupid. Yes. But some dumbass white people want to come and pay 10x what they're worth to me then they get them. Your analogies are always so dumb. As if noone grows apples for personal use, baiting deer; apple jack hooch ect.
Not at all.

Having a $ for $ import and export is not great for export when you have a high min wage...Most countries with a high min wage DO NOT want to be the traded $. Its hurts trade and therefore min wage = Its bad for the working class.

Much better to have imports at a higher rate than exports. Better for the economy, crates jobs and means a higher min wage = better for the working class.

For eg.. we like our $ to be at about 75c US$. anymore than that is not as good financially. Last year it got over $1 and trade fell way off.
china's economy had been growing at incredible rates for over 15 years as an exporter for the world, i think it worked out there. but, i do understand what you are saying, and you are right that manufacturing requires lower labor rates to be profitable, which is very tough in america for various reasons.

the reason your countries trade falls off when your currency goes up is because the true costs of the product are passed on at a more equal value to its final destination. Making them less profitable for the importer and more costly for the end customer. The lower value of yours (or other lower than US value currencies) is the only reason the products are imported to begin with. you're in canada right? just guessing off the exchange rate of .75

so, in your case, your countries currency couldnt become global currency because your economy cant support it. the chinese yuan would be my guess to replace the dollar if there was a replacement
You have been conditioned to think the way you do by the mega rich.

china's economy had been growing at incredible rates for over 15 years as an exporter for the world, i think it worked out there. but, i do understand what you are saying, and you are right that manufacturing requires lower labor rates to be profitable, which is very tough in america for various reasons.

the reason your countries trade falls off when your currency goes up is because the true costs of the product are passed on at a more equal value to its final destination. Making them less profitable for the importer and more costly for the end customer. The lower value of yours (or other lower than US value currencies) is the only reason the products are imported to begin with. you're in canada right? just guessing off the exchange rate of .75

so, in your case, your countries currency couldnt become global currency because your economy cant support it. the chinese yuan would be my guess to replace the dollar if there was a replacement
Oh, look! Another brainwashing victim!
so you're a farmer trying to feed his family, and no one wants to buy apples. you're gonna grow them anyway?

no wonder you live in a trailer and scrap pennies.

So stupid. We are going to eat the apples, make apple products and trade them. If noone wants them we gonna eat a fuck load of apples until we get sick of them and grow some more shit we like. I make great hooch out of apples so no worries boy.
So stupid. We are going to eat the apples, make apple products and trade them. If noone wants them we gonna eat a fuck load of apples until we get sick of them and grow some more shit we like. I make great hooch out of apples so no worries boy.

you're kind of missing the point that slavery, like everything else, was driven by demand from white slavers. like the ones in your home state.

but if you want to keep being stupid, that's your choice.
china's economy had been growing at incredible rates for over 15 years as an exporter for the world, i think it worked out there. but, i do understand what you are saying, and you are right that manufacturing requires lower labor rates to be profitable, which is very tough in america for various reasons.

the reason your countries trade falls off when your currency goes up is because the true costs of the product are passed on at a more equal value to its final destination. Making them less profitable for the importer and more costly for the end customer. The lower value of yours (or other lower than US value currencies) is the only reason the products are imported to begin with. you're in canada right? just guessing off the exchange rate of .75

so, in your case, your countries currency couldnt become global currency because your economy cant support it. the chinese yuan would be my guess to replace the dollar if there was a replacement
No im not in Canada and the true cost is always the true cost..the cost of Trade swings though. From transport costs to exchange rates. If it costs $5AU to produce a crate of Apples. The true cost is $5. Exchange rates dont effect the cost in this instance.
Exchange rates effects who buys the product on the international stage. At .75c to the $AU America may buy it. But if the $ are equal then they may look at a cheaper crate of Apples. Guess where they come from? Yep, a country with a low min wage.

Our currency (like any currency) is indeed global. You can go just about any where in the world and exchange currency for another. Even on seed sites..

The US doller is the most widley used in trade, by far. But its not the only one. Any currency can be used as the comparible one as long as all parties agree. EU for eg is used widely as is the Sterling. In fact there was a big push back to the Sterling in the GFC. The US dollar was not stable at the time.
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the one where i said several times i own the bitch. and do not hire idiots like you. now get back to work before you get written up
You also said you had to buy health insurance from your employer.

You slipped up dude. We know you don't own or run shit.

Face it. You were caught in a lie. I even asked you about it like 3 to.as in that thread and you refused to answer.
you're kind of missing the point that slavery, like everything else, was driven by demand from white slavers. like the ones in your home state.

but if you want to keep being stupid, that's your choice.

Fact is your home state had slavery as well. Mine had a black and white street how about yours? You havent earned the right to comment on that in america though because you are not old enough or black enough to have experienced any of it so shut the fuck up singling the United States out. It's really ignorant.

Your Apple analogy fails for the same reason your direct economic argument does. The apples were being consumed locally already.
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Everything is relative brother man, as black as you feel, there are millions (the far majority), of Africans in Africa, that would think people in just about any urban ghetto is living the high life.

These shitty shanties in the front house them, most often far from amenities, like schools, clinics, police and other services. Babies are being brought home from the hospital to those. Your problems (although real), to them, are 1st world problems. Be grateful for what you have, and let your talents earn you what you deserve.
You also said you had to buy health insurance from your employer.

You slipped up dude. We know you don't own or run shit.

Face it. You were caught in a lie. I even asked you about it like 3 to.as in that thread and you refused to answer.
you must be proud. but i do both, work full time and own a franchise. what else ya got
Everything is relative brother man, as black as you feel, there are millions (the far majority), of Africans in Africa, that would think people in just about any urban ghetto is living the high life.

These shitty shanties in the front house them, most often far from amenities, like schools, clinics, police and other services. Babies are being brought home from the hospital to those. Your problems (although real), to them, are 1st world problems. Be grateful for what you have, and let your talents earn you what you deserve.
yep, everything is relative. its not just africa tho. its the same in any non developed country. to know its out there is one thing, but to see it and walk in it is another. i saw just a glimpse in the DR a couple years ago, and thats not as bad as many other places. most of the folks complaining in these forums have no perspective and dont have a clue how good they have it here. yet they complain they arent given more free stuff when they are in the best country on earth. its unfortunate. but we all make decisions
so you're going to choose to ignore his post calling south african blacks an "inferior culture"?

i guess that's just how dumb racist losers go about sticking together.

your mother is a whore.

Culture does not equal race. Redneck cracker culture of north Britons, Scot highlands and a certain Irish county are a Celtic fringe and hardly comparable to literate law abiding civilized European culture before america existed.

All white though. More examples upon request.
The black ancestors would had no reason to capture people to sell if there was no market for slaves. Who created that market at that time?

Get it? No demand, no reason to capture them.
Tribes conquer and enslave other tribes sometimes in history. It's not cool but it happened in Africa and america before settlers.