Why do Americans want a WW3?

it could be argued that US shale oil drillers are defending the country by increasing the global oil supply and driving the price so low (~$50/bbl now up from $40 not too long ago) that Russia cant afford a war. which may be why they were/are working with syria and supplying them because they need the revenue. time will tell
anything is possible, but what is likely is much different. so, the whole world "super powers" are all working together on some conspiracy against Turmp? i put the odds of that somewhere around .00001%.

next question.

You're all jacked up. How many sodas you drink today analxs?
Oh, you don't see the hypocrisy in this, lmao
no wonder you guys use this word at the wrong time, you just dont understand the word.

here is some examples from your heroes in a your guys preferred language, memes






Ignoring uncle buck now? Well, you gave it a couple a weeks, lulz.
hes blocked, so i dont see his worthless typing. but i know hes there cuz he likes his fellow lemmings posts like its fresh jizz that he loves to slurp up. but, im fair, so i include him on digs since you all band together anyway like water buffalo over a cliff
hes blocked, so i dont see his worthless typing. but i know hes there cuz he likes his fellow lemmings posts like its fresh jizz that he loves to slurp up. but, im fair, so i include him on digs since you all band together anyway like water buffalo over a cliff

Can't hang, huh analxs? Well, you gave it good couple of weeks, lmao.
and there is a strong possibility that CITGO might be owned by Russia in a few weeks because of a loan Russia gave to the venezualen state oil company... That loan is securitized by their 49% equity stake in Citgo. Being President isn't a game for amateurs. It isn't just about 1 business. Lives and Economies are at stake. Not a shit hole resort with a name on it that has been bankrupted a few times
and there is a strong possibility that CITGO might be owned by Russia in a few weeks because of a loan Russia gave to the venezualen state oil company... That loan is securitized by their 49% equity stake in Citgo. Being President isn't a game for amateurs. It isn't just about 1 business. Lives and Economies are at stake. Not a shit hole resort with a name on it that has been bankrupted a few times
yep. maduro needs to go. but why is anyone surprised at the results of a bus driver running a socialist country? it was a dictatorship for about a day before they caved like the pansy morons they are. i dont thing russia would call in the debt though, i think they'll just dig their dirty fingers in deeper to what is left of that country. but even if they got citgo, i dont expect the venezuelan government would just allow russia, or anyone, to drill their oil and walk away with it even if it was a legal result of their own breach of contract. rules and laws are just an inconvenience to those leaders, as shown by their attempt to completely do away with their congress.

that said, if you think trump is somehow in a bad shape at all as a result of maduro and the citgo situation, you're way overthinking dude. that has nothing to do with our country either way it goes and we wont notice anything except maybe a refreshment of the citgo brand
It's going to be some real bad karma having to wake up to see if I'm alive. Nothing nuclear happened. No bombs dropped. Nothing glowing or melted to glass.

The sun will be shining and nobody is killing each other. Is that too much to ask in life? Is peace that fucking hard?

I want to see my children prosper. Not fight a fucking war. It's the simple things in life...
yep. maduro needs to go. but why is anyone surprised at the results of a bus driver running a socialist country? it was a dictatorship for about a day before they caved like the pansy morons they are. i dont thing russia would call in the debt though, i think they'll just dig their dirty fingers in deeper to what is left of that country. but even if they got citgo, i dont expect the venezuelan government would just allow russia, or anyone, to drill their oil and walk away with it even if it was a legal result of their own breach of contract. rules and laws are just an inconvenience to those leaders, as shown by their attempt to completely do away with their congress.

that said, if you think trump is somehow in a bad shape at all as a result of maduro and the citgo situation, you're way overthinking dude. that has nothing to do with our country either way it goes and we wont notice anything except maybe a refreshment of the citgo brand

by "at the top" i mean #1. its globally accepted that the US is the #1 country in the world. the heavyweight champ ufc/boxing is #1. the cubs are world series champs #1. the dollar is the preferred currency of the world, #1. these are examples of what i mean.

when you are the best, or "at the top", people want to come after you. its just human. someone wants to beat the heavyweight champ. another country wants their currency to be worth more (all of them, except china probably), the entire MLB wants to take the cubs down. you follow?

military is just our shield, our security, and absolutely it is to threaten anyone anywhere from thinking they can fuck with this. its no different than the locks we put on the doors of our house. except the military can secure locations and kill if needed, the house being the entire US. which is why no one has invaded in the last "40 years." no one wants to break into this house (america) because they know it has a deadly alarm.

ISIS and liberals are the ones intent on attempting destroying america as we know it. ISIS wont be happy until america looks like syria. and the libs wont be happy until america looks cuba or venezuela.

Im not sure you understand how currency exchange works. Most of the worlds business use US currency to convert due to its stability on a day to day bases.

Your not the number one country in health or education nor travelers. You dont have the happiest citizens in the world nor are the most democratic or free country either..

You may well be the number one country in allot of things..but that does not make you the number one country. It depends what you want out of life and then you move there and that becomes your number one country. Its a purly self imposed statement.

eg. I traveled a fair bit and have lived in deserts and old old cities like London and Rome. I decided i wanted to live on an island, with great hrly rates so i could semi retire at a young age. For this to work i also needed free healthcare and low tax's. So i moved to where i am now. To me this is the best place on Earth.

I appreciate your flag waving and your patreatisim. Its to be commended..but your statement is not factual. IDK how u got on to baseball..do other countries play it? Lets face it isnt like the world cup of soccer or cricket is it?

And maybe no one wants to invade you because they are not as war like as you lot are. You have been conditioned to think the way you do by the mega rich.
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Im not sure you understand how currency exchange works. Most of the worlds business use US currency to convert due to its stability on a day to day bases.

Your not the number one country in health or education nor travelers. You dont have the happiest citizens in the world nor are the most democratic or free country either..

I appreciate your flag waving and your patreatisim. Its to be commended..but your statement is not factual.

And maybe no one wants to invade you because they are not as war like as you lot are. You have been conditioned to think the way you do by the mega rich.
ya, my bad, forgot you arent in the US, so the analogies probably dont translate. your reasoning for the US currency being used for business backs up what i said about US currency being #1. my point is that most countries would want to be the the worlds currency if they could, replacing current #1 US currency. anywhere in the world takes dollars, thats power. you were on track until the last sentence, which may be the case for some, but not me. i think this way because i know what i takes to succeed here
ya, my bad, forgot you arent in the US, so the analogies probably dont translate. your reasoning for the US currency being used for business backs up what i said about US currency being #1. my point is that most countries would want to be the the worlds currency if they could, replacing current #1 US currency. anywhere in the world takes dollars, thats power. you were on track until the last sentence, which may be the case for some, but not me. i think this way because i know what i takes to succeed here
Not at all.

Having a $ for $ import and export is not great for export when you have a high min wage...Most countries with a high min wage DO NOT want to be the traded $. Its hurts trade and therefore min wage = Its bad for the working class.

Much better to have imports at a higher rate than exports. Better for the economy, crates jobs and means a higher min wage = better for the working class.

For eg.. we like our $ to be at about 75c US$. anymore than that is not as good financially. Last year it got over $1 and trade fell way off.
Everyone had slaves once upon a time, heck, even the white people, the slavic people were so integrated into slavery it got its name from them.
People with disproportional power will ALWAYS find a way of benefiting themselves at the cost and risk stacked against those lower in the food chain, regardless of race.
Today we are living in a world where people build their own jails with the language they choose to use. There are way too many Don Quixotes charging windmills with good intentions.

True, lot of folks forget this. The root word of slave is in fact Slav.