Why do Americans want a WW3?

ya, well, when you're at the top, folks usually come after you no matter what the situation is from fighting to news to politics. you're welcome to leave if it bothers you so much. switzerland has been neutral in world affairs forever if that helps
When you say "at the top", m guessing you mean in a military sense? And yes this is true. America spends a ton of money on arms to stay in front whilst other countries spend it on healthcare and schools etc.

What troubles me is the scared attitude that "someone is after us". Their not. The vast majority of people just want food on the table and a peaceful place to live. How many countries have tried to invade America in the last 40 years? How many countries has America invaded?

I dont live in America. I live in a less war like country (that tends to follow your military machine into every stupid conflict you lot create) with much more freedom and allot less scared citizens. Truth be told I probably could not live the lifestyle i do if i lived in America. Your avg wages suck, your healthcare is to expensive, you dont get many holidays and sick days, and there are way to many people.
Uncle Buck, I wish that I could find common ground with you and at least agree on something, and not leave this thread with us on a negative note.

But I keep getting insulted and you don't seem interested in a debate.

I guess this is the internet.

yup, you've sussed him
You're an on ignore nut bag too. I'm starting to think y'all have a gas leak. Lead in the water? A baby daddy that just doesn't give a shit about you? Fucking asbestos?

Fucking hatred is sickening.

It's a Damn mystery. Lord help us ALL.

Love, peace, and chicken grease. We're fucked. Wars a coming. Never wonder why. It's a huge case of the dumb ass I guess?
You guys don't seem to understand that there was nothing here but mud huts and cattle and a scarce local population. Then, some 500 years ago, Europeans got here and started construction. Suddenly, cities, highways, institutions, small states. We tried pulling them into the system, we gave up when we realised that you can't force a different culture on someone because they'll just suffer, and then there'll be instability. So we separated ourselves, both our cultures went separate ways, we got richer, and they didn't move away from our cities, and over time it got worse for them. Eventually the situation came to a tipping point when the international community pressured us to hand over our countries to them in fulfilment of the West's new ideologies regarding equality and race.

The US exported these new ideologies and enforced them around the world.
So.you invade a country. Take over ..everything..change their way of life completely..and you wonder why they dont love you?

Dont you think they had a way better life than before your lot came?
congratulations on your new partnership with a white supremacist who is so superior that he can't even grow a weed plant.

I don't judge a man on his ability to grow weed.

You calling someone a white supremacist is meaningless...you choose to behave that way with such regularity that it has no impact
You calling someone a white supremacist is meaningless...

so you're going to choose to ignore his post calling south african blacks an "inferior culture"?

i guess that's just how dumb racist losers go about sticking together.

your mother is a whore.
so you're going to choose to ignore his post calling south african blacks an "inferior culture"?

i guess that's just how dumb racist losers go about sticking together.

your mother is a whore.

Incorrect, she's a retired lawyer.

I'm not dumb or racist and I'm not ignoring his opinions.

He's entitled to those opinions...only by engaging people in debate will you challenge their point of view.

Not listening to someone and then hurling insults is going to ensure they speak only to like minded types...which means their veiws will never be challenged.

So, in effect, you are helping to create the very issues you moan about
I don't judge a man on his ability to grow weed.

Most shitty growers don't.

You seem to have other judging criteria.

I have to unblock you to see what you say. Giving you a heads up now. I personally think you're a nut bag. You have no grasp of reality. You're a rapid, robot democrat and I want nothing to do with you.

Apologies but there's no reason to quote me. I'm not on your side.

'Hitler was an amateur', huh?

You 2 wingnuts should just 69 together.