Why do Americans want a WW3?

The so called Islamic State is certainly our enemy, they are also the enemy of Muslims everywhere, and they are something we must not ignore. However it is a fight for the hearts of people, something bombs cannot fix. The blood of martyrs is always lifeblood for any cause and strenghthens it instead of weakens it. We do much to make their sales pitch for them, like using the words and sentiments of "Radical Islamic Terrorism". That is a propaganda word; propaganda to work us up into an emotional state where we will gladly hand over our constitutional freedoms and welcoming hearts so the "gov't can keep us safe" and propaganda for them to use a recruitment. It makes it a much easier sale to a moderate Muslim that the west is their enemy when we choose to act like it and treat them in that way. I know many Muslims, and to say that terrorists are Muslim in the same way the guy down my street is who is Muslim, is to say that Timothy McVeigh was a Roman Catholic, therefore Catholics support domestic terrorism. Its simply shitty logic. It is an insult to all good, God fearing, good hearted, hard working, honest, integrity filled people who happen to be Muslim to call these terrorists "Muslim" in anyway. Islam is a cover for being soulless blood thirsty thugs. Thats why I prefer the saying of "The so called Islamic State" as ISIS does not represent Islam, and has killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.

What Im referring to as "winds of war feel like they are blowing" is the rise of nationalism everywhere, peoples all over are accepting that old belief that they are superior to all their neighbors in the world, and all "others" should minimally be suspect. This is the beginning of how relationships between countries and peoples break down. Making it far easer to sell "Those damned xyz people are at fault". And we step one step closer to drawing each others blood over dirt, how we do business, how we worship or don't, etc. My fear of the winds of war are blowing have little to do with the so called Islamic State, but with peoples everywhere filling themselves with the arrogance of superiority of their people over all others.

I truly hope I'm wrong as hell about this feeling, I'd rather be proven wrong by history than right, honest...
I see where you're coming from, and I can understand that. I agree that the fight against ISIS cant be won with bombs, but only because it has no defined borders. I think the only way to fight it is through marketing and education. I think most understand not all muslims are this, but from our vantage point its impossible to tell the difference. until they run at you with a bomb on their chest, which is too late. its sort of like street gangs, but on a global scale (ms13?). you cant kill an idea with a bullet, and I dont think radical Islam (which it is radical, because their interpretation of their religion is radical) will ever go away. what needs to happen is that belief needs to be condemned from with islam itself. however, given what so many Imam's seem to be in public screaming for, i think its unlikely. therefore, they will all be suspect until different choices are made.
same with a houseful of gangsters next door; considered suspect until difference choices are made. thats all it is.
the nationalism thing you feel, i think, is just people feeling their cultures being threatened and defending it. short of murder and violence, i dont see any harm in that
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I really hate to say it, but WW3 is already here. Its not conventional though, its being played out with the "1" and the "0", under our noses. You cn also look at the middle east as well, there war is between the 12th century and the 21st.....
no doubt future wars will see less bullets and bombs and more hacking/propaganda
So in all this discussion, no mention of the Democrats declaration of war on Russia since the election?

"act of war" is all you hear if you watch msnbc.
yep, gone is the "trump is working with russia" drivel as has been said for months now because that was shot in the foot when he lit up syria after russia bowed down. anything the left and MSM media can do to remain in victim mode and keep the fear emotion pumping in their sheep is what they will do. its pretty predictable. where is bernie supporting his idol maduro?? not a peep. not a peep about how Le Pen is the trump of france and is performing in polls very similarly to trump. she has a great shot at winning, despite all media writing her off because shes on the right. just like what happened with trump. silly libs, emotion isnt legislated, so no one cares how you feel except the douchbags playing your emotions for your vote
Lol, you think going into the middle east was bad? Try Africa, you'd have to carpet bomb the place unless you like shooting children.
not all muslims are this, but from our vantage point its impossible to tell the difference.

what a stupid fucking thing to say.

not all christians are like the westboro baptist church, but from our vantage point it's impossible to tell the difference. so now i have to assume all christians want to kill fags.
gone is the "trump is working with russia" drivel as has been said for months now because that was shot in the foot when he lit up syria after russia bowed down.

ya mean, the completely ineffective fireworks display that he called putin in advance to get clearance on?


by god you are fucking dumb.
And poof, that fixes the mess left behing by years of colonization. What were they like before europeans ruined them was the question.
Looks like you put the cart ahead of the horse on this one? Lets dissect this awesome display of Democrat voter critical thought

"And poof, that fixes the mess left behind by years of colonization." - assuming colonization was a mess is only your opinion

"What were they like before europeans ruined them was the question." -this question should be answered prior to above statement because you just made it clear you dont know the answer. yet you already proclaimed to in the prior sentence.

this is why Dem's are so easy to ignore...
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sure, if you ignore the whole centuries of slavery thing.

you know, no offense, people worry about a century of slavery, where in the beginning of the slavery it was the idgenous people of Africa who were selling to the white slave owners for power and land. So who is truely at fault, the afican ancestors or the European who actually transported to the west...hmm
you know, no offense, people worry about a century of slavery, where in the beginning of the slavery it was the idgenous people of Africa who were selling to the white slave owners for power and land. So who is truely at fault, the afican ancestors or the European who actually transported to the west...hmm

definitely the whites who produced massive amounts of demand for slaves, then kept them in intergenerational slavery for hundreds and hundreds of years.

but ya know, being a slavery apologist is a good look for you.