Why do Americans want a WW3?

you know, no offense, people worry about a century of slavery, where in the beginning of the slavery it was the idgenous people of Africa who were selling to the white slave owners for power and land. So who is truely at fault, the afican ancestors or the European who actually transported to the west...hmm
I think Hillary said it best: At this point, what difference does it make?
You guys don't seem to understand that there was nothing here but mud huts and cattle and a scarce local population. Then, some 500 years ago, Europeans got here and started construction. Suddenly, cities, highways, institutions, small states. We tried pulling them into the system, we gave up when we realised that you can't force a different culture on someone because they'll just suffer, and then there'll be instability. So we separated ourselves, both our cultures went separate ways, we got richer, and they didn't move away from our cities, and over time it got worse for them. Eventually the situation came to a tipping point when the international community pressured us to hand over our countries to them in fulfilment of the West's new ideologies regarding equality and race.

The US exported these new ideologies and enforced them around the world.
You guys don't seem to understand that there was nothing here but mud huts and cattle and a scarce local population. Then, some 500 years ago, Europeans got here and started construction. Suddenly, cities, highways, institutions, small states. We tried pulling them into the system, we gave up when we realised that you can't force a different culture on someone because they'll just suffer, and then there'll be instability. So we separated ourselves, both our cultures went separate ways, we got richer, and they didn't move away from our cities, and over time it got worse for them. Eventually the situation came to a tipping point when the international community pressured us to hand over our countries to them in fulfilment of the West's new ideologies regarding equality and race.

The US exported these new ideologies and enforced them around the world.
maybe cities, highways and institutions are suffering to them.
so what youre post is really saying..... we took over their area and pushed our ways on them, but they didnt seem to like it.
definitely the whites who produced massive amounts of demand for slaves, then kept them in intergenerational slavery for hundreds and hundreds of years.

but ya know, being a slavery apologist is a good look for you.

eh I'm not one of those, I'm just looking at the overall historical record. Black like to look at whites as the oppresors that they are the ones who did it. Where in reality indigenous african people are the ones who tracked, them down, caprtured them, hauled them to the whites for sale. All because of greed and they wanted to get ride of thee rivals. Just makes ya think
Uncle Buck, I wish that I could find common ground with you and at least agree on something, and not leave this thread with us on a negative note.

But I keep getting insulted and you don't seem interested in a debate.

I guess this is the internet.
Uncle Buck, I wish that I could find common ground with you and at least agree on something, and not leave this thread with us on a negative note.

But I keep getting insulted and you don't seem interested in a debate.

I guess this is the internet.
maybe if he showed you his penis youd love it
eh I'm not one of those, I'm just looking at the overall historical record. Black like to look at whites as the oppresors that they are the ones who did it. Where in reality indigenous african people are the ones who tracked, them down, caprtured them, hauled them to the whites for sale. All because of greed and they wanted to get ride of thee rivals. Just makes ya think

That's the truth.

But to add more: the major inventors of slavery is the Arab world. They hit Africa at the East coast by Mozambique and Tanzania. No one comes close to them in terms of sheer scale, brutality and duration of the slave trade.

I don't even understand why anyone mentions slavery under whites, they happened to abolish slavery permanently. They were the first culture to 'have a moral problem' with it. Started with upper class women in England.
That's the truth.

But to add more: the major inventors of slavery is the Arab world. They hit Africa at the East coast by Mozambique and Tanzania. No one comes close to them in terms of sheer scale, brutality and duration of the slave trade.

I don't even understand why anyone mentions slavery under whites, they happened to abolish slavery permanently. They were the first culture to 'have a moral problem' with it. Started with upper class women in England.
It's because of the participation in it.. just because we abolished it doesn't make everything fine. You must be forgetting the civil war. It's not like one day everyone just decided.. "well this is wrong"
Everyone had slaves once upon a time, heck, even the white people, the slavic people were so integrated into slavery it got its name from them.
People with disproportional power will ALWAYS find a way of benefiting themselves at the cost and risk stacked against those lower in the food chain, regardless of race.
Today we are living in a world where people build their own jails with the language they choose to use. There are way too many Don Quixotes charging windmills with good intentions.
I don't even understand why anyone mentions slavery under whites.

there's a lot that you don't understand, like basic plant biology for one.

The so called Islamic State is certainly our enemy, they are also the enemy of Muslims everywhere, and they are something we must not ignore. However it is a fight for the hearts of people, something bombs cannot fix. The blood of martyrs is always lifeblood for any cause and strenghthens it instead of weakens it. We do much to make their sales pitch for them, like using the words and sentiments of "Radical Islamic Terrorism". That is a propaganda word; propaganda to work us up into an emotional state where we will gladly hand over our constitutional freedoms and welcoming hearts so the "gov't can keep us safe" and propaganda for them to use a recruitment. It makes it a much easier sale to a moderate Muslim that the west is their enemy when we choose to act like it and treat them in that way. I know many Muslims, and to say that terrorists are Muslim in the same way the guy down my street is who is Muslim, is to say that Timothy McVeigh was a Roman Catholic, therefore Catholics support domestic terrorism. Its simply shitty logic. It is an insult to all good, God fearing, good hearted, hard working, honest, integrity filled people who happen to be Muslim to call these terrorists "Muslim" in anyway. Islam is a cover for being soulless blood thirsty thugs. Thats why I prefer the saying of "The so called Islamic State" as ISIS does not represent Islam, and has killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.

What Im referring to as "winds of war feel like they are blowing" is the rise of nationalism everywhere, peoples all over are accepting that old belief that they are superior to all their neighbors in the world, and all "others" should minimally be suspect. This is the beginning of how relationships between countries and peoples break down. Making it far easer to sell "Those damned xyz people are at fault". And we step one step closer to drawing each others blood over dirt, how we do business, how we worship or don't, etc. My fear of the winds of war are blowing have little to do with the so called Islamic State, but with peoples everywhere filling themselves with the arrogance of superiority of their people over all others.

I truly hope I'm wrong as hell about this feeling, I'd rather be proven wrong by history than right, honest...
Can't like this enough. I feel exactly the same way, and even if the war isn't fought with bullets but dollars instead, there will be many casualties of innocents.
dont you have some weed plants to tend to make rent this month? get that done so you can come back and bitch about what you dont contribute to, or just move back home to canada and shut the fuck up
Still contributing nothing of value, I see. Crawl back under your rock.
you know, no offense, people worry about a century of slavery, where in the beginning of the slavery it was the idgenous people of Africa who were selling to the white slave owners for power and land. So who is truely at fault, the afican ancestors or the European who actually transported to the west...hmm

Is that clear enough for you, racist?
Motherfu¢kers ask of me to sacrifice my children. All of whom are military age.

For this? Fucking Ukraine? Oil? Territory? Heaping piles of shit???

Let's not get it twisted. I'm all for a good fight....but This?

Gotdamn if we ain't Nazi's. But Hitler was a amateur. A hack. Nothing can compare to today's lethality of war fare.

I'd enjoy my children enjoying a long life. Sorry motherfu¢kers just can't let it happen. Fucking psychopaths. Basturds. Damn them to Hell.

Thank You Lord for that hiccup. Keeps things unnecessary shitty. The pay off after this life better have a good pay off or Ill be just as pissed as I am now.

Fucking Humans.