Why do Bernie Babies deny helping Trump get elected?

He's playing stupid trick question games. Shillary may not have cheated, but plenty of her allies in the DNC certainly did.

She was too busy taking money from speeches to Wall Street Banks and refusing to release the transcripts.

oh paleeeeeeeeeease, those two witches conspired along with media. fact.

you don't seem to understand that DWS and HRC are BFF's. do you not know this? females will go to the end of the earth for each other..and they did..and they wouldn't have gotten caught if not for russia's meddling.

while i still voted clinton because russia ddn't want me to, they certainly opened my eyes..i have a long memory.
He's playing stupid trick question games. Shillary may not have cheated, but plenty of her allies in the DNC certainly did.

She was too busy taking money from speeches to Wall Street Banks and refusing to release the transcripts.

If you think my question is a "stupid trick question" you're not nearly as intelligent as I was led to believe. But thank you for admitting that Hillary Clinton did not in fact cheat.

and this will be the second fucking time i'm not answering you..

You make a claim, I ask you to support said claim and you get your panties in a twist and get triggered? How can we take you seriously? I'm doubting we ever did.

The DNC tipping the scales isn't cheating? Have you read the DNC bylaws?
Why are you answering my questions with a question? Why are you not capable of supporting the claim?

ttystikk seems to be the only one here that is honest with themselves. You don't have to be honest with me, I could care less... but when I call you out on your dumbshit claims, you better be ready to support it or be made a fool of.
oh paleeeeeeeeeease, those two witches conspired along with media. fact.

you don't seem to understand that DWS and HRC are BFF's. do you not know this? females will go to the end of the earth for each other..and they did..and they wouldn't have gotten caught if not for russia's meddling.

while i still voted clinton because russia ddn't want me to, they certainly opened my eyes..i have a long memory.

even if what you say is accurate, which i doubt it is... how is what they did cheating? Bernie, the longest running INDEPENDENT in U.S. Congressional history as admitted to not being a Democrat. Yet he chose the Democratic primary is the platform to run.

It seems to me that Bernie could have run as an Independent like others did, but chose to disrupt the Democratic party. Many could say, he had it coming.

Hillary beat Bernie fair and square. Hillary beat Trump fair and square. More people wanted Hillary to be president than either of the aforementioned candidates. Facts are facts. You should try sticking with them some time. People with any semblance of intelligence might take you seriously.
Why are you answering my questions with a question? Why are you not capable of supporting the claim?
The DNC tipping the scales for any candidate is cheating

I'm not sure what you're having trouble with here, exactly..

They apologized for it, people resigned because of it..
The DNC tipping the scales for any candidate is cheating

I'm not sure what you're having trouble with here, exactly..

They apologized for it, people resigned because of it..
oh paleeeeeeeeeease, those two witches conspired along with media. fact.

you don't seem to understand that DWS and HRC are BFF's. do you not know this? females will go to the end of the earth for each other..and they did..and they wouldn't have gotten caught if not for russia's meddling.

while i still voted clinton because russia ddn't want me to, they certainly opened my eyes..i have a long memory.
He's playing stupid trick question games. Shillary may not have cheated, but plenty of her allies in the DNC certainly did.

She was too busy taking money from speeches to Wall Street Banks and refusing to release the transcripts.

Bernie's team cheated too. I'm not saying this makes any of what Hillary's team did OK. Just saying political campaigns are not a game. People seek advantage up to the point of breaking the law. If they think they won't get caught, they go past that line, like Trump's team did with Russia and Sanders team did with DNC mailing lists.

If all this cheating swung the primary to Clinton, why didn't it affect everybody about the same? Everybody has the same access to the same information. Yet Black Americans and Hispanic Americans were the ones who turned the primary toward Clinton. Bernie lost big time in those groups. Between 65% and 75% of all Democratic party voters who are Black and Hispanic voted for Clinton.

Bernie babies forget that it's almost impossible to win the Democratic nomination without doing well in those groups. They were practically invisible to Sanders campaign. Just like how it has always been in Vermont. The rest of the county isn't like Vermont. Bernie disregards those groups which is why he lost.

Or are you saying that black and brown people are more easily led astray than white people?
Bernie's team cheated too. I'm not saying this makes any of what Hillary's team did OK. Just saying political campaigns are not a game. People seek advantage up to the point of breaking the law. If they think they won't get caught, they go past that line, like Trump's team did with Russia and Sanders team did with DNC mailing lists.
It's hilarious you believe they are at all comparable

The entire Democratic establishment backed Clinton when their own bylaws say they have to remain neutral

We're talking about whether or not the Democratic primary was fair and neutral to each candidate. If you believe it was, you're ignorant and blinding yourself to the reality of what happened. You can go down the list of evidence. The case is so strong at this point, half of you have gone from complete denial in the beginning, to now accepting the DNC shenanigans, as Chomsky put it, that they tipped the scales for Clinton. The proof is in the pudding on that one, the conduct of the DNC undoubtedly helped get Trump elected as president. People can see the corruption now.
It's hilarious you believe they are at all comparable

The entire Democratic establishment backed Clinton when their own bylaws say they have to remain neutral

We're talking about whether or not the Democratic primary was fair and neutral to each candidate. If you believe it was, you're ignorant and blinding yourself to the reality of what happened. You can go down the list of evidence. The case is so strong at this point, half of you have gone from complete denial in the beginning, to now accepting the DNC shenanigans, as Chomsky put it, that they tipped the scales for Clinton. The proof is in the pudding on that one, the conduct of the DNC undoubtedly helped get Trump elected as president. People can see the corruption now.
You can't read, I guess.

Nobody denies the DNC violated it's own rules.

Just deny that it swung the primary from Sanders to Clinton. Sanders lost by a whopping large margin.
Nobody denies the DNC violated it's own rules.
That's called cheating, many people deny it, you denied it for a pretty long time
Just deny that it swung the primary from Sanders to Clinton.
Unfortunately there's no way to know that, I'm not interested in making claims based on speculation one way or the other. What's more important is what we can prove. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make that kind of conduct illegal for future elections so there would be no need to speculate?
That's called cheating, many people deny it, you denied it for a pretty long time

Unfortunately there's no way to know that, I'm not interested in making claims based on speculation one way or the other. What's more important is what we can prove. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make that kind of conduct illegal for future elections so there would be no need to speculate?
So tell me, why did the cheating not affect all groups about the same. I'm not talking about points shaving, Clinton won by 12% margin. She got about 3 million more votes than Sanders. It would take a huge effect to swing the primary by that much. Yet you weren't swayed. I wasn't. Is it only white guys who weren't affected? That's the only way your claim of "rigged" works. Clinton won by whopping large margins the Black, Hispanic and women Democratic votes.

Face it, no need to speculate. Hillary beat Sanders because he ignored black, Hispanic and women's issues in his campaign. He's still doing it.