Why do Bernie Babies deny helping Trump get elected?

Another buckles embellishment. That's what I thought.

what a pathetic, impotent and feeble non-attempt at defense.

you falsely claimed that BLM murders cops, beats up white people, burns and loots businesses, and you also claimed that you never said they were engaging in acts of terror such as murdering cops or beating up white people or burning and looting businesses.

at least you got a like from a guy who celebrated trump's victory alongside a white supremacist neo-nazi with a "WHITE POWER" tattoo across his back. he 'liked' a picture of trump brandishing hillary's beheaded skull on a sword, but you gave him a pass for that one.

your double standard for different races is crystal clear you bernie worshiping tard.
what a pathetic, impotent and feeble non-attempt at defense.

you falsely claimed that BLM murders cops, beats up white people, burns and loots businesses, and you also claimed that you never said they were engaging in acts of terror such as murdering cops or beating up white people or burning and looting businesses.

at least you got a like from a guy who celebrated trump's victory alongside a white supremacist neo-nazi with a "WHITE POWER" tattoo across his back. he 'liked' a picture of trump brandishing hillary's beheaded skull on a sword, but you gave him a pass for that one.

your double standard for different races is crystal clear you bernie worshiping tard.
why would i bother doing that? it always ends the same way.

i present precise evidence proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that what i said was 100% accurate and correct, and you suddenly become myopic/mentally retarded (to an even greater degree)/mute and hope everyone forgets that you literally celebrated trump's illegitimate victory alongside neo-nazis.
why would i bother doing that? it always ends the same way.

i present precise evidence proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that what i said was 100% accurate and correct, and you suddenly become myopic/mentally retarded (to an even greater degree)/mute and hope everyone forgets that you literally celebrated trump's illegitimate victory alongside neo-nazis.
Uh huh. :dunce: Tell me more. Did I torture kittens too?
another impotent and feeble non-attempt at a retort.

i never said you torture kittens, i said you literally celebrated the illegitimate election of a white supremacist alongside a neo-nazi with a "WHITE POWER' tattoo across his back. not to mention countless other white supremacists, holocaust deniers, unhinged cult worshiping muslim haters, casual racists, and other deplorable bags of shit like yourself.

i had the courtesy to mockingly bump the thread just so you could see the evidence yourself, nazi bitch.

don't worry, i screenshotted the evidence so that you can't undo it, you pathetic cowardly loser.
You nuts.
What specifically "wasn't fair"? What determines fairness in an election? Anything short of illegal? Or does moral character play a role?

Your speculation is completely subjective, you need to go into more detail if you want to have people understand your perspective on this.
"The Committee, which plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws."

"Section 4. The National Chairperson shall serve full time and shall receive such compensation as
may be determined by agreement between the Chairperson and the Democratic National Committee. In
the conduct and management of the affairs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee,
particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the
Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and
campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the
Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party
Presidential nominating process."

So according to the DNCs own charter and bylaws, they are to remain neutral. After the election, they admitted they didn't and apologized for it
why would i bother doing that? it always ends the same way.

i present precise evidence proving beyond any shadow of a doubt that what i said was 100% accurate and correct, and you suddenly become myopic/mentally retarded (to an even greater degree)/mute and hope everyone forgets that you literally celebrated trump's illegitimate victory alongside neo-nazis.

Oh yes buckles. You're the bringer of truth. You never lie, embellish, or mislead. You never lied about leaving RIU forever if Hillary lost the election. Nope, never happened. You never lied about Bernie buying his lake home with super PAC money, and even when corrected, continued to trot that out. You don't constantly bleat on about people being racist, nazi, hollcaust deniers with absolutely zero evidence to back it up. Nah, Buckles would never do that.

You're mentally ill dude. Sign out of here and go get your head shrunk
"The Committee, which plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws."

"Section 4. The National Chairperson shall serve full time and shall receive such compensation as
may be determined by agreement between the Chairperson and the Democratic National Committee. In
the conduct and management of the affairs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee,
particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the
Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and
campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the
Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party
Presidential nominating process."

So according to the DNCs own charter and bylaws, they are to remain neutral. After the election, they admitted they didn't and apologized for it


Bernie Sanders is an Independent, he runs as an Independent, he claims he is an Independent and he denounces that he be called a Democrat. Yet he jumped on the Democrat Primary bandwagon. The way most rational thinking people see it, he had it coming.

Now more specifically, what you just showed me has no way whatsoever, in the slightest shown cause that Hillary cheated. You and saggy tits McGee claim the DWS and Hillary colluded to hurt Bernie's feelings. You have still not provided evidence to the claim.

Moreover, stop being distracted. I know it's tough, but we need to focus on the bigger picture.

And furthermore, even if the collusion were true, Hillary beat Bernie by votes. More people voted for Hillary by a wide margin. There was no gerrymandering, no electoral college, no handicaps. She obtained more votes than Bernie, and more votes than Trump. And nobody seems to be talking about that at all.

So sad.

Bernie Sanders is an Independent, he runs as an Independent, he claims he is an Independent and he denounces that he be called a Democrat. Yet he jumped on the Democrat Primary bandwagon. The way most rational thinking people see it, he had it coming.

Now more specifically, what you just showed me has no way whatsoever, in the slightest shown cause that Hillary cheated. You and saggy tits McGee claim the DWS and Hillary colluded to hurt Bernie's feelings. You have still not provided evidence to the claim.

Moreover, stop being distracted. I know it's tough, but we need to focus on the bigger picture.

And furthermore, even if the collusion were true, Hillary beat Bernie by votes. More people voted for Hillary by a wide margin. There was no gerrymandering, no electoral college, no handicaps. She obtained more votes than Bernie, and more votes than Trump. And nobody seems to be talking about that at all.

So sad.
He's an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. Is there a rule written somewhere that says Independents can't run as Democrats during an election? Inherent flaws within the two party electoral system make it much more difficult for Independents to win, Sanders knows this.

"He had it coming", had what coming?

The evidence has already been provided in other threads, I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. You said the primary was fair, I corrected the record

If you were interested in 'the bigger picture', you would realize the political strategy used by Democrats the past 8 years has failed
After the election, they admitted they didn't and apologized for it

obama disavowed reverend wright because he said "god damn america" for its racist practices.

why should he have apologized for anything reverend wright said?

and how exactly is more expected of you because you are white?
Oh yes buckles. You're the bringer of truth. You never lie, embellish, or mislead. You never lied about leaving RIU forever if Hillary lost the election. Nope, never happened. You never lied about Bernie buying his lake home with super PAC money, and even when corrected, continued to trot that out. You don't constantly bleat on about people being racist, nazi, hollcaust deniers with absolutely zero evidence to back it up. Nah, Buckles would never do that.

You're mentally ill dude. Sign out of here and go get your head shrunk

sorry for reminding people that you described BLM as a terrorist organization, you white.
He's an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. Is there a rule written somewhere that says Independents can't run as Democrats during an election? Inherent flaws within the two party electoral system make it much more difficult for Independents to win, Sanders knows this.

"He had it coming", had what coming?

The evidence has already been provided in other threads, I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. You said the primary was fair, I corrected the record

If you were interested in 'the bigger picture', you would realize the political strategy used by Democrats the past 8 years has failed
Only by about 1000 seats...

But some people will quibble, in spite of the optics.
Only by about 1000 seats...

But some people will quibble, in spite of the optics.
hillary put bernie in charge of campaigning in wisconsin and he was a total failure there. he even lost after campaigning for his buddy russ feingold, who i love. hillary did better than bernie's boy feingold.

every single person bernie has ever endorsed has lost, and lost worse than hillary or anyine she has endorsed.

so why are we to believe that you bernie worshiping cult members know how to win?

obama won big time and took a supermajority with him, but you racist bernie worshipers can't stop badmouthing him because he writes books and goves speeches now, like all former presidents.
hillary put bernie in charge of campaigning in wisconsin and he was a total failure there. he even lost after campaigning for his buddy russ feingold, who i love. hillary did better than bernie's boy feingold.

every single person bernie has ever endorsed has lost, and lost worse than hillary or anyine she has endorsed.

so why are we to believe that you bernie worshiping cult members know how to win?

obama won big time and took a supermajority with him, but you racist bernie worshipers can't stop badmouthing him because he writes books and goves speeches now, like all former presidents.
And yet Democrats are 1000 seats down since the day Obama took office.

You run around in circles to avoid explaining that OR addressing solutions.

And I can say that without insulting you.

Can you?
He's an Independent who caucuses with the Democrats. Is there a rule written somewhere that says Independents can't run as Democrats during an election? Inherent flaws within the two party electoral system make it much more difficult for Independents to win, Sanders knows this.

"He had it coming", had what coming?

The evidence has already been provided in other threads, I'm not interested in convincing you of anything. You said the primary was fair, I corrected the record

If you were interested in 'the bigger picture', you would realize the political strategy used by Democrats the past 8 years has failed

He caucused with the Democrats ONLY during the last primary. He is not a Democrat, he has said so himself.

He had the Hillary beat down coming.

You have not provided evidence, if you have, you would have cited it already. I NEVER said the primary was fair, I asked how Hillary cheated. Stop making shit up and substantiate your claim already.

Your last statement is unfounded and moot.

Try harder man, try much much harder.
What specifically "wasn't fair"? What determines fairness in an election? Anything short of illegal? Or does moral character play a role?

Your speculation is completely subjective, you need to go into more detail if you want to have people understand your perspective on this.

to remain neutral.

they threw the election.

he who laughs last laughs best..sanders supporters got the last laugh.
He caucused with the Democrats ONLY during the last primary. He is not a Democrat, he has said so himself.

He had the Hillary beat down coming.

You have not provided evidence, if you have, you would have cited it already. I NEVER said the primary was fair, I asked how Hillary cheated. Stop making shit up and substantiate your claim already.

Your last statement is unfounded and moot.

Try harder man, try much much harder.

and yet Hillary is in the milk aisle at Costco on her never ending 'what happened' tour.
"The Committee, which plans the Party’s presidential nominating convention and promotes the Democratic Platform, the statement of core principles at the heart of our Party, is governed by its Charter and Bylaws."

"Section 4. The National Chairperson shall serve full time and shall receive such compensation as
may be determined by agreement between the Chairperson and the Democratic National Committee. In
the conduct and management of the affairs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee,
particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the
Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and
campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the
Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party
Presidential nominating process."

So according to the DNCs own charter and bylaws, they are to remain neutral. After the election, they admitted they didn't and apologized for it

DWS was paid for her job? oh honey..there's laws..this was not a volunteer position.

i hope Sanders sues the shit out of them and buys a fourth home.

there was a time john mccain couldn't even remember how many homes he has..but bernie got a third from inheritence money.
DWS was paid for her job? oh honey..there's laws..this was not a volunteer position.

i hope Sanders sues the shit out of them and buys a fourth home.

there was a time john mccain couldn't even remember how many homes he has..but bernie got a third from inheritence money.
You're dumb and a racist...

Go back to the Republican Party you were registered with for all those years.