Why do Bernie Babies deny helping Trump get elected?

So tell me, why did the cheating not affect all groups about the same. I'm not talking about points shaving, Clinton won by 12% margin. She got about 3 million more votes than Sanders. It would take a huge effect to swing the primary by that much. Yet you weren't swayed. I wasn't. Is it only white guys who weren't affected? That's the only way your claim of "rigged" works. Clinton won by whopping large margins the Black, Hispanic and women Democratic votes.

Face it, no need to speculate. Hillary beat Sanders because he ignored black, Hispanic and women's issues in his campaign. He's still doing it.
Speculate all you want. You're making claims that can't be verified one way or the other, so I don't see any value in it. The claim was that the primary was fair, the evidence says it wasn't. The degree of which is irrelevant to that fact.

Why do you oppose the idea of making the DNC bylaws legally binding to prevent something like this from happening in the future?
Speculate all you want. You're making claims that can't be verified one way or the other, so I don't see any value in it. The claim was that the primary was fair, the evidence says it wasn't. The degree of which is irrelevant to that fact.

Why do you oppose the idea of making the DNC bylaws legally binding to prevent something like this from happening in the future?
I'm not speculating. I'm stating facts. I didn't even say the primary was fair. It's the candidate's job to win. Bernie didn't even try to win. He pretty much avoided speaking to black and brown voters. Winning the Democratic primary is practically impossible without doing well with those voters. Bernie had to know that yet he didn't even show up in most southern states ahead of the primaries that pretty much ended any chance of him winning the nomination.

You are speculating about rigged and even admit you can't say if it mattered. I'm saying Bernie didn't even try because, in fact, he didn't reach out for the Democratic primary votes of women, blacks and Hispanics.

He still is not.
I'm not speculating. I'm stating facts. I didn't even say the primary was fair. It's the candidate's job to win. Bernie didn't even try to win. He pretty much avoided speaking to black and brown voters. Winning the Democratic primary is practically impossible without doing well with those voters. Bernie had to know that yet he didn't even show up in most southern states ahead of the primaries that pretty much ended any chance of him winning the nomination.

You are speculating about rigged and even admit you can't say if it mattered. I'm saying Bernie didn't even try because, in fact, he didn't reach out for the Democratic primary votes of women, blacks and Hispanics.

He still is not.
This isn't about Sanders' performance during the primary

This is about whether or not the DNC tipped the scales for Clinton

You've already admitted as much

No further argument is necessary
This isn't about Sanders' performance during the primary

This is about whether or not the DNC tipped the scales for Clinton

You've already admitted as much

No further argument is necessary
If this is an argument whether or not the DNC tipped the scales for Clinton then answer my question:

Why did the cheating not affect all groups about the same? I'm not talking about points shaving, Clinton won by 12% margin. She got about 3 million more votes than Sanders. It would take a huge effect to swing the primary by that much. Yet you weren't swayed. I wasn't. Is it only white guys who weren't affected? That's the only way your claim of "rigged" works. Clinton won by whopping large margins the Black, Hispanic and women Democratic votes.

Why would DNC "rigged" have no effect on only white guys?
That's called cheating, many people deny it, you denied it for a pretty long time

Unfortunately there's no way to know that, I'm not interested in making claims based on speculation one way or the other. What's more important is what we can prove. Wouldn't it be great if we could actually make that kind of conduct illegal for future elections so there would be no need to speculate?

What an obtuse moron..:clap:
All groups did not accept the evidence until after the primary, many still haven't, despite the evidence
Answer the question. If DNC cheating caused Bernie to lose to Hillary in the primary,

Why did the cheating not affect all groups about the same? I'm not talking about points shaving, Clinton won by 12% margin. She got about 3 million more votes than Sanders. It would take a huge effect to swing the primary by that much. Yet you weren't swayed. I wasn't. Is it only white guys who weren't affected? That's the only way your claim of "rigged" works. Clinton won by whopping large margins the Black, Hispanic and women Democratic votes.

Why would DNC "rigged" have no effect on only white guys?
you won't like the answer..
Try me. I'm not aware of your caring much for my feelings. So tell it like it is.

Why did the DNC cheating only affect women, black people and Hispanics? By this theory, only white guys are immune to that super de duper question leaked in the third debate. What else was there that is supposedly behind this nefarious DNC cheating?
I'm not making that claim

I said DNC cheating helped Clinton win

Do you deny that the DNC helped Clinton win? No, right? So we're in agreement.
Ok, so if DNC cheating helped Clinton to win, then why did that cheating only affect the votes of women, black people and Hispanics? White men are the only demographic that Sanders won.
Do you deny that the DNC helped Clinton win?
You claim that DNC cheating helped Clinton to win, then why did that cheating only affect the votes of women, black people and Hispanics? White men are the only demographic that Sanders won.

I'm boring in on a logical fallacy of yours. You are squirming like an eel on the shaft of a spear. Explain how this cheating by the DNC did not affect white men but everybody else.
The DNC tipping the scales for any candidate is cheating

I'm not sure what you're having trouble with here, exactly..

They apologized for it, people resigned because of it..

If you think "tipping the scales" is cheating, then I must assume you are absolutely livid that Trump and Russia colluded to sway an entire election. I mean, you have to be literally losing sleep over it.

Being apologetic and being guilty of something are, and often can be, two different things in the world of politics. Especially when it comes to Democrats. They seem to apologize for the dumbest things. Conversely, Republicans and Independents seem to never apologize for anything.

And to note, "They apologized for it, people resigned because of it.." is not a sound argument to affirm a claim. Surely they taught you better in college.
Speculate all you want. You're making claims that can't be verified one way or the other, so I don't see any value in it. The claim was that the primary was fair, the evidence says it wasn't. The degree of which is irrelevant to that fact.

Why do you oppose the idea of making the DNC bylaws legally binding to prevent something like this from happening in the future?

What specifically "wasn't fair"? What determines fairness in an election? Anything short of illegal? Or does moral character play a role?

Your speculation is completely subjective, you need to go into more detail if you want to have people understand your perspective on this.