Why do people die at music events?


Well-Known Member
Many of you know my stand on the price of drugs and some of you disagree.

The short of it is this - you pay for what you get, and 5 hours of bliss under the influence of pure MDMA is worth 40 bucks or more.

I've been thinking about this. consider.

A large group of people are unwilling to pay for the true worth of pure product. The market acting as a market does (remember, the drug trade is a reflection of a truely unregulated, truely free marketplace), substitutions that are less costly or more easily obtainable will happen with greater and greater regularity in a market where cost is a prime concern and purity only secondary to that price.

So what we have in a situation where MDMA can be substituted, counterfited or cut, is that people will die. Furthermore, when the people die, many will attribute those deaths to the original chemical, disregarding the fact that it may well have not been that chemical that is to blame. It was stated that some people, experienced users may never have even had real MDMA but inferior RCs and have no idea what the experience of X really is. This makes the situation even more difficult for the general drug taking population.

So long as the demand outstrips supply AND price is assigned not by that rarity but by what folks are "willing" to pay, the situation will remain as it is, where less than 25 pecent of all MDMA on the market is genuine and relatively pure.

IF we demand purity first and low price second, there will inevitably be fewer deaths, and of course, more genuinely happy customers.

so there.
How about the venues taking on some responsibility? How about all our local bars as well? I was just browsing on the internet for drug test kits. A MDMA test kit is a couple bucks some places. For a full panel of tests you can find them for 15$. These kits ought to be sold everywhere we go. But it is taboo, isn't it? Music venues ought to be responsible and educate the fans as much as possible by #1 Selling drug test kits at cheap prices. #2 Handing out flyers and info about what to watch out for. I think bars should do this as well. ........ yeah right..... we will just keep ignoring the fact that EVERYONE is doing drugs that are illegal.... even church going Sally down the street is not taking her depression/anxiety pills as prescribed. ......... keep fightin' for that weed to be legal, chase that carrot my fellow pot heads.... in the mean time prohibition will rage and rage
Unfortunately because it is very enjoyable and it's illegal we've decided that MDMA is worth upwards of $50/g in the US while methylone feels pretty similar (if you don't cut it the potency is even similar to the cut to shit stuff sold when you do get MDMA) and can be purchased for <$10/g.
I've been very glad to see articles about why we need to have substance testing at fests and about how we need to reconsider these bans because kids are going to experiment with drugs and and we should be able to educate them about the risks.
I wonder how many frat party attendees end up in the ER or morgue because of alcohol per capita compared to people at parties or fests or raves or anything else where alcohol isn't the main focus.
How about the venues taking on some responsibility? How about all our local bars as well? I was just browsing on the internet for drug test kits. A MDMA test kit is a couple bucks some places. For a full panel of tests you can find them for 15$. These kits ought to be sold everywhere we go. But it is taboo, isn't it? Music venues ought to be responsible and educate the fans as much as possible by #1 Selling drug test kits at cheap prices. #2 Handing out flyers and info about what to watch out for. I think bars should do this as well. ........ yeah right..... we will just keep ignoring the fact that EVERYONE is doing drugs that are illegal.... even church going Sally down the street is not taking her depression/anxiety pills as prescribed. ......... keep fightin' for that weed to be legal, chase that carrot my fellow pot heads.... in the mean time prohibition will rage and rage
In many locations it's illegal to sell test kits for the purpose of testing drugs.
"I took 6 hits of Molly." - girl who died at this year's electric zoo. Too bad the hosts/organizers can't test attendees for stupidity. Anyone with half a brain knows six doses of any drug is gonna fuck you up... Then again what is the standard measurement of a "dose"? All I'm saying is personal responsibility needs to become a factor somewhere in this equation. The people who run these events aren't these dumb kids parents.
I used to dose like that but I always made sure I had a damned good idea of what I had. I have a feeling anyone who says they took six hits of molly has no idea even how big those hits were let alone what they were.
Its because the first day they trip, then they roll, then they do *Insert drug here) and teh whole time drink like fishes and dont sleep, lol.

Honestly after having to been to a big one or two of these festivals im surprised MORE people dont die given the quality and credibility of substances offered and the mentioned stupidity and naivety of kids at these concerts.

Alot dont even know what methylone/bkmdma is and assume they are getting "molly" or "rolls" the only thing they know want or care about. Others like youve said have taken it and it was similar enough and way cheaper so they dont mind, (honestly BKs not bad just gets abused and a bad rap because its used to deceive)
Taking a random white powder from a dirty kid at in a field definitely has its risks, but yeah use a test kit. or buy good drugs like L or mushrooms ;-)
To be fair... he did mention to buy a test kit... so he probably knows that MOST junk being sold as lucy isn't actually lucy. And was just stoned so worded it to seem like you should only use kits for MDMA... but IDK.
I personally dont do any drugs that come as a powder unless i know someone that has done them, and have in the past only done them to see what its all about. But I agree, with the purity varying so much, the girl taking 6 hits, may have been used to a weak source, and thought 6 hits wasnt that much. Thats part of the danger of those kind of substances. The same danger is there with hallucinogens. varying purity's can really screw someone over.
Hahaha..I shamed,embarrased and scrutinzed people all weekend with a kit...and showed then it worked..gave thim some fluff and showed them the test..they ate it and were blissed up!..one dude come around with like 8 or 9 sheets of some garbage looking blotte and some 'molly'..as we were testing the molly he's trying to pimp the 'acid'..of course the molly was lame,and of course the acid was not acid..then everyone yelled to all the campers not to buy this guys shit..it was priceless..
I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people who bought 10 sheets of what they believed was LSD for a cheap price that was overpriced NBOMes. I wonder how often I could have pulled that hustle?
Still at least kids are getting fake drugs when they get ripped off these days...
I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people who bought 10 sheets of what they believed was LSD for a cheap price that was overpriced NBOMes. I wonder how often I could have pulled that hustle?

Many many times. You still can. but the guilty feeling adds up after a while ;)
I got some straight fluff..shit is insane..even for me..I fucked up and ate 20 over a day..its that olskool carboard fluff..laid heave...gotta love a family fest!
Personal responsibility is fine and great but if there is no access to a drug test kit people ain't gonna get one. We are all only human. A little bit of alcohol and people are humping other people they normally wouldn't even touch. Get a big group together and people are getting high and dancing then people will want to participate and/or do things they would NEVER normally do. Thats when it would be great to have drug test kits available. Just like condoms. There should be spermicide and condoms in every bar and at every show. Of course people should be responsible, but were just fucking people, man
My buddy was making fun of me while he thought I was asleep...'hey,did you test that ham sandwich and make sure it was ham...?'..stuff like that..then he bought some sass,and was like'rory know what it is..it comes from sassafrss'..and then back to joshing on me..I wasn't asleep..after I rested,I got up and told him what sass was,how to make it(laymans terms),tested it..then told him porks a slow killer,you don't need to test it...he was embarrased..but he did say he wanted a test kit soon..some people know it all..I don't..but I know how to be safe..and just cause my friends think,doesn't mean its true..that's why I help..last thing I want is to go to a funeral,again.
Why don't they just call it NBOMEs? and why are NBOMes so cheap? I thought LSD was cheap at 5$ at hit or 10$ or whatever people pay now. 40$ for a strip of LSD sounds right ...maybe 50$... thats cheap , I think.... wtf are NBOMes anyways? Wiki says its just like LSD...they came out in 2003 i think wiki said....so I never tried them... I did my last hit of LSD in 2001 or 2002... haven't heard of anyone with LSD since...until the silk road and reading you guys on RIU. I just stuck with shrooms and street E which was probably not E as you guys say.....

If I ever get to a festival or concert , I will have a test kit though. thats for sure. Even if I don't plan on scoring, then I will have it for others. Especially, the next time I go to Vegas.