mr sunshine
Well-Known Member
I scrub my balls once a week . It may not sound very frequent but when i do i scrub them till they bleed!
I miss having the place cleaned for me, but thats what happens when the girl moves out. I HATE cleaning, so instead i just don't make a mess. it works for me, then just keep company to one room that i never use other wise and no one knows im a mess.
We are what we eat
The things we consume can fuck with our brains, like- diet anything, sugar free anything, anything with msg as well as too much natural sugar. Believe it or not, the gluten in wheat is a huge problem + the fact that most wheat is GMO, as is corn
Add to that most people overlook the importance of proper vitamins and minerals, like Magnesium, Krill Oil, Astaxanthin, soil-based probiotic like Pet Flora; when the digestive tract is out of whack, everything follows, eventually
Were you to gt her to do these things every day for 30 days, IMO you would see a drastic change
Yeah, I had the same problem and let mine go a couple years ago. You can only have so many skunks that crawled under the house and died... I've since upgraded the ventilation system, but still paranoid about bringing a stranger in the house.And I don't care how baked you are, cleaning still sucks.
Used to have a maid service, had to let them go a few years back due to "tomatoes" growing in house.
Do the Test:
Say, "Thanks for cleaning, I don't really care, but that's great..." You must say this as assholish and nonchalantly as possible.
1. If she flips her shit then you know she thinks you are a pig, a disgusting pig. Dump that bitch, your torment will never end until you beg for death.
2. If she says "oh, no problem, i love to clean", then she's passive aggressive, but you're still a disgusting pig and your torment will be extended to the depths of feverish nightmares.
Either way, fuck that and ignore her. You are a MAN. Don't change for her, just make her think she might be able to change you one day. That will get you BJs.
You're welcome. Oh, I am married.
I like when married guys are dicks to their women.I love a BJ from a passive aggressive revengeful woman.Even if she is married
I like when married guys are dicks to their women.I love a BJ from a passive aggressive revengeful woman.Even if she is married
My wife is like that, always cleaning and then complains about it.
Frankly i dont give a shit.
I dont see the point spending my life making my home fit for surgery.