Why do women clean so damn much!?

Amen. When it gets to plague level uncleanliness, then I'll clean. Until then, it's just a Petrie dish and I'm conducting experiments. Don't get in the way of science, bitch!

So far as ive seen, most women seem to clean mostly in an effort to look good in the eyes of other females, removing ammo so to speak.
This is especially noticable when elderly female relatives visit..

Most guys, 99.9% do Not give a fuck about everything being sparkly.

We prefer comfort and serviceability over pretty.
Women tend to buy a sofa entirely based on its looks, not its comfort.
We prefer having it nice over being able to eat off every surface.

Most men take part in this shit, in order to get pussy.
Forgetting that women prefer confident men over carpets.

When is the last time your wife did anything solely to please you ? And is likely to be doing it for the rest of her life?
When is the last time your wife did anything solely to please you ? And is likely to be doing it for the rest of her life?

Yesterday afternoon in front of a crackling fireplace during a lull in the game. ;)

And she's been doing it for over 30 years & hasn't shown any signs of stopping.
Yesterday afternoon in front of a crackling fireplace during a lull in the game. ;)

And she's been doing it for over 30 years & hasn't shown any signs of stopping.

And you of course do similar for her?

Thats just basic human stuff.

Cleaning the house like the queen is coming for a visit, every day.

Is not.

Expecting you to take part in the nuts.

Is not.
You got a keeper GWN. A gem in a field of boxes of rocks.

They are so rare, and so valuable.

True, i love my wife, but she is an asshole. (not to mention bitch.)

And she wonders why i spend so much time in the mans den..

She´s much better than she was, simply due to me always standing my ground.

I hate however, always having to fucking stand my ground, it gets very tedious and thoughts of divorce come up with regularity.
True, i love my wife, but she is an asshole. (not to mention bitch.)

I hate however, always having to fucking stand my ground, it gets very tedious and thoughts of divorce come up with regularity.

Bro, that doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.

I wish you and your wife well my friend.
Bro, that doesn't sound like a healthy relationship.

I wish you and your wife well my friend.

Its getting better.

But it seems my relationship has rather universal problems.

Mostly in the form of a woman, it makes me wonder if this is the reason why men do not live as long. :D

(Oh, my wife is mostly a happy person and gives me respect and space, its just that these sort of things annoy the shit out of me, mostly because my father used to be very similar, over obsessed with cleaning, demanding and controlling and constantly yelling. Lets just say that if my wife was not just a 5% of what my father was, we´d be divorced.)
True, i love my wife, but she is an asshole. (not to mention bitch.)

And she wonders why i spend so much time in the mans den..

She´s much better than she was, simply due to me always standing my ground.

I hate however, always having to fucking stand my ground, it gets very tedious and thoughts of divorce come up with regularity.

It's a dance, and so very normal. She needs you to stand your ground. You need her to need you. It's tedious, it's awful, but awfully wonderful when you look at it with perspective.

Imagine the dance without her. Sadness. Both sexes need this to complete them.
It's a dance, and so very normal. She needs you to stand your ground. You need her to need you. It's tedious, it's awful, but awfully wonderful when you look at it with perspective.

Imagine the dance without her. Sadness. Both sexes need this to complete them.

Actually, no , i do not need her to need me. (I like strong women.)

And the only reason i need to stand my ground is when she is bitching about something she wants me to do, that i do not want to do. (Well, lately i just calmly say "fuck off" before going to do something i want to do.)

Usually when she is worrying about something that she turns out to be wrong about, like i knew from the start.

Im gonna need more of that perspective you speak of before i consider your words as spoken by someone who has read too many poetry books.

Very beautifully said, what you said, but its meaningless as it is.
Actually, no , i do not need her to need me. (I like strong women.)

And the only reason i need to stand my ground is when she is bitching about something she wants me to do, that i do not want to do. (Well, lately i just calmly say "fuck off" before going to do something i want to do.)

Usually when she is worrying about something that she turns out to be wrong about, like i knew from the start.

Im gonna need more of that perspective you speak of before i consider your words as spoken by someone who has read too many poetry books.

Very beautifully said, what you said, but its meaningless as it is.

Needing another person goes beyond being strong.

When you are 65, and when she is aged and vulnerable. You will see why she cared about you. You will see your own selfishness for what it was, defensiveness. Blind defensiveness. Caring for another person knows no bounds when death is on the horizon. I'm only almost 40, but I have seen life for the truth that smacks into you in the face of death.
Testosterone ruined my first marriage.
I didn't know how to control my emotions (think Roid type rage).
When I finally figured out how to not be the "asshole" my life got exponentially better for both of us.
And I have been unbelievably gifted with Mrs. GWN.
Literally, she is my best friend and soul-mate.
Needing another person goes beyond being strong.

When you are 65, and when she is aged and vulnerable. You will see why she cared about you. You will see your own selfishness for what it was, defensiveness. Blind defensiveness. Caring for another person knows no bounds when death is on the horizon. I'm only almost 40, but I have seen life for the truth that smacks into you in the face of death.

So you are 40 but see what i will see at 65? :D

No person is an island, we all need one another and we all need someone close.

Explain this defensiveness you speak of better?

You are just making brief statements without meat on the bones and alluding to your own wisdom.

It is slightly annoying.
Testosterone ruined my first marriage.
I didn't know how to control my emotions (think Roid type rage).
When I finally figured out how to not be the "asshole" my life got exponentially better for both of us.
And I have been unbelievably gifted with Mrs. GWN.
Literally, she is my best friend and soul-mate.

Anger is mostly useless.

The more you love someone the easier it is for them to piss us off. make us afraid or worry.

Emotional mastery is essential. (Mastery and understanding of negative emotions but allowing positive emotions to bloom.)

Getting rid of hate, fear and anger.

Well, understanding your fear so it does not make you angry or hate needlessly. (Angry can be useful and so can fear.)
And they are needless 99% of the time.
Sorry. If I tell you it means nothing. If you find wisdom yourself, it means everything.

If you tell me and i do not understand, i will not lose any sleep over it and learn anyway later.

You are assuming that i do not possess the wisdom you speak of and are assuming that you have greater vantage over something that in fact i might know more about.

I think i know what you are talking about, but you are rather vague.

So i would like to hear some more of your thoughts on this matter.

Much of wisdom comes from comparing your own notes to other peoples.

You kinda sound like a half assed shaman, speaking half truths in order to appear wiser than you are.
Imagine learning how to ride a bike. I tell you how, did that help you?

Or imagine learning how to balance by yourself, how to feel the bike under your body. What did that teach you on a different level? Confidence, and maybe perspective? Yes. Live life, make mistakes, learn from it.
If you tell me and i do not understand, i will not lose any sleep over it and learn anyway later.

You are assuming that i do not possess the wisdom you speak of and are assuming that you have greater vantage over something that in fact i might know more about.

I think i know what you are talking about, but you are rather vague.

So i would like to hear some more of your thoughts on this matter.

Much of wisdom comes from comparing your own notes to other peoples.

You kinda sound like a half assed shaman, speaking half truths in order to appear wiser than you are.

Well, then you know. My experiences are no more special or unique than yours. I don't know any more than you do, about your life, or mine, or anything.. I just know that I don't know everything, and I should try to learn from anything.

I don't know shit, but I know I don't know shit. So I treat life differently than someone who thinks they know "everything". Get it?
Imagine learning how to ride a bike. I tell you how, did that help you?

Or imagine learning how to balance by yourself, how to feel the bike under your body. What did that teach you on a different level? Confidence, and maybe perspective? Yes. Live life, make mistakes, learn from it.


Yah, but that leaves me with a statement from you "Your wife is a bitch because its a dance and its all necessary and you will understand later."

Kinda of an unnecessary statement and not helpful , so really pointless to say.

I know why my wife is a bitch, she is insecure. Something im working on helping her with.