Why do women clean so damn much!?

Well, then you know. My experiences are no more special or unique than yours. I don't know any more than you do, about your life, or mine, or anything.. I just know that I don't know everything, and I should try to learn from anything.

I don't know shit, but I know I don't know shit. So I treat life differently than someone who thinks they know "everything". Get it?

That is actually something that i have known since i was a kid.

We dont know shit, because in comparison to all knowledge, our knowledge is less than a drop in an ocean.

Still, from a human perspective, i and you know quite a bit.

It would however be very foolish to treat life as we were allknowing and we agree on that.
Anger is mostly useless.

The more you love someone the easier it is for them to piss us off. make us afraid or worry.

Emotional mastery is essential. (Mastery and understanding of negative emotions but allowing positive emotions to bloom.)

Getting rid of hate, fear and anger.

Well, understanding your fear so it does not make you angry or hate needlessly. (Angry can be useful and so can fear.)
And they are needless 99% of the time.

You have way more understanding of your anger than I do. Great! I suck at this. Life is a journey of inward discovery. Too bad we waste so much time on ourselves before we can focus positive energy on others. I wish I could do that more.
You have way more understanding of your anger than I do. Great! I suck at this. Life is a journey of inward discovery. Too bad we waste so much time on ourselves before we can focus positive energy on others. I wish I could do that more.

Well, i was forced to learn my anger, simply because it was so much.

And dangerous and harmful to even my own life. (through pushing others away from me. We all need others.)

It is not wasting time, discovering yourself and "fixing" yourself (becoming better through understanding of yourself and your needs.)

You Can Not Fix Others.

You can give them love and understanding and a example of how to be. (focus positive energies on them.)

But the need to fix others is just an avoidance of your own faults.

The better you become, the better the world becomes.

A smile can save lives.

(i am not talking about physical comforts, in these we should all come together and make a better world.)

Yah, but that leaves me with a statement from you "Your wife is a bitch because its a dance and its all necessary and you will understand later."

Kinda of an unnecessary statement and not helpful , so really pointless to say.

I know why my wife is a bitch, she is insecure. Something im working on helping her with.

This I can help you with. Consider for a moment that her insecurity is not her problem, it's yours. You can't accept that part of her personality, therefore it's a problem. If you integrate that into your perspective of her, then it's only her problem. Not yours, you've dealt with it and can contain it. Maybe even help her with it from a perspective of acceptance and love. It could be very deeply ingrained from childhood, that is a very difficult thing to work through with someone you may have only known for 1/2 or 1/3 or their life. You have to compete with the person they've built up from childhood, and comparably you are a stranger.
This I can help you with. Consider for a moment that her insecurity is not her problem, it's yours. You can't accept that part of her personality, therefore it's a problem. If you integrate that into your perspective of her, then it's only her problem. Not yours, you've dealt with it and can contain it. Maybe even help her with it from a perspective of acceptance and love. It could be very deeply ingrained from childhood, that is a very difficult thing to work through with someone you may have only known for 1/2 or 1/3 or their life. You have to compete with the person they've built up from childhood, and comparably you are a stranger.

Very insightful, up to a point.

I know why she´s insecure and it is only my problem because of the anger tirades and bitching and worrying. (meaning it affects me.)

But thanks, this is what i was talking about earlier, your perspective on this has widened my perspective.
You Can Not Fix Others.

You can give them love and understanding and a example of how to be. (focus positive energies on them.)

Thankfully I learned early on that trying to fix others is a fools game. Acceptance is the only way to treat others, and the only way to be treated. From there a person can change on their own.
Thankfully I learned early on that trying to fix others is a fools game. Acceptance is the only way to treat others, and the only way to be treated. From there a person can change on their own.

If they want to, that is the crux of the matter, that and having enough experience to understand the problem and fix it.

Neither can be given by others.
Very insightful, up to a point.

I know why she´s insecure and it is only my problem because of the anger tirades and bitching and worrying. (meaning it affects me.)

But thanks, this is what i was talking about earlier, your perspective on this has widened my perspective.

Sadly, the only thing you can do is remove yourself from the environment of bitching and worry.

You've widened my perspective as well. We are all a part of god, and we're learning from each other. A god that is all matter, all thought, all time. I'm not really religious, but in these instances I think we serve a god that exists to explore human thought and emotion. Ok, too deep.
Sadly, the only thing you can do is remove yourself from the environment of bitching and worry.

You've widened my perspective as well. We are all a part of god, and we're learning from each other. A god that is all matter, all thought, all time. I'm not really religious, but in these instances I think we serve a god that exists to explore human thought and emotion. Ok, too deep.

I defuse her anger through humor, when i am not capable of it, i retreat to the den, :) so yeah..

Calling it god, when it is just us..

Well, That would mean we are god. Even the smallest part of god, would be god too.

But what is god?

What is being a god?

Looking at the parts of god, it is just us.

So, why call life, living beings God? Why make it more complex? The term god has too many connotations. The greatest ideal today is that god is love, but why personify love?

See, The god then would be the sum of us, like we were cells in its body.

But that would mean that there would never be contact between us in actuality. We would serve by existing and no need of thought about it.

Is there a higher form of life, caretaker(s) to us as we should be the caretaker of life? (If we were not a mewling brat in time.)

Id like to think so.

Sometimes life moves in unexplainable ways and there are things that no science can explain as of yet.

For me...

Its never too deep.
Maybe our existence, our experiences, is the only point of god? If god knows everything, then our free will and experiences would be the only new excitement it would have... We are the playpen of god.
Maybe our existence, our experiences, is the only point of god? If god knows everything, then our free will and experiences would be the only new excitement it would have... We are the playpen of god.

Well, you could think of some theories i suppose.

God being the only thing in existence, cant really do anything, nor interact or ever truly know itself.

So maybe We, I, created a small pocket universe in a part of itself and sorta went through a portal into time, existing in a sense outside of itself.

Being outside of time, the god could enter time as many times as it wanted and "create" as many new beings as it wanted, each new person being itself.

Or in the beginning, there was only god and it was boring, so it exploded itself into infinite pieces and there was life.

There are others stories though of life than the christian stories.

In one story there was only cold and heat in the beginning.

But then life sprang from the joining of those opposite. (meaning life sprang from itself and the only gods are those empowered through knowledge.)

But anything would be just a story, i do not think we are near enough advanced to even come close to understanding life, ourselves or even the idea of god.

Maybe that is all that god is, an idea.

A figure in dreams only.