Why does the Mormon Faith demand

the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (as stated by Elder Ezra Taft Benson in 1980):
  1. The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.
  2. The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works.
  3. The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.
  4. The prophet will never lead the Church astray.
  5. The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at any time.
  6. The prophet does not have to say “Thus saith the Lord” to give us scripture.
  7. The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to know.
  8. The prophet is not limited by men’s reasoning.
  9. The prophet can receive revelation on any matter, temporal or spiritual.
  10. The prophet may be involved in civic matters.
  11. The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.
  12. The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly.
  13. The prophet and his counselors make up the First Presidency — the highest quorum in the Church.
  14. The prophet and the presidency — the living prophet and the First Presidency — follow them and be blessed; reject them and suffer.
I remember when the IRS was going to take away the LDS churches tax exempt status becuase of institutional racism
the the "Prophets" proclaimed blacks could now become full members of the LDS church even though they still teach blacks are marked with the curse of cain

I left the church for over 20 years for that. The first I heard of it was at a Youth Conference and they announced that "blacks" were allowed to obtain the authority of the Priesthood. I was astonished and asked why that was even doctrine? Never did get a satisfactory answer. I was 16. I left the church and the following year met the love of my life. It took 20 years to reconcile that disparity in Christian agape. On one hand we're told that everyone who lives on the earth kept their first estate and gained bodies. Meanwhile those who didn't keep their first estate were the 1/3 host of heaven that are now called demons or evil spirits. So why would anyone be barred from enjoying the full benefits of the Gospel? Trust me, I struggled with it for years.

Hey ever read where the "prophets" changed their mind on Polygamy?

My great, great grandfather had three wives. There is a town named after him about 50 miles from where I live. It's called Bloomfield. My great grandfather had two. My grandfather was born in Mexico because my great grandfather was eluding incarceration for being polygamous. Yes I'm quite aware. One of the dorms at BYU is named after my family. We're a prominent family in the church.

How about where the "prophets" decided it was ok to invest tax free church income in parking lots and shopping malls

Not quite sure why you find this offensive. The parking lots and shopping malls you mention are adjacent to the temple and tabernacle and some of it is church property. Why wouldn't the church help pay for upkeep?
the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (as stated by Elder Ezra Taft Benson in 1980):
  1. The prophet is the only man who speaks for the Lord in everything.
  2. The living prophet is more vital to us than the standard works.
  3. The living prophet is more important to us than a dead prophet.
  4. The prophet will never lead the Church astray.
  5. The prophet is not required to have any particular earthly training or credentials to speak on any subject or act on any matter at any time.
  6. The prophet does not have to say “Thus saith the Lord” to give us scripture.
  7. The prophet tells us what we need to know, not always what we want to know.
  8. The prophet is not limited by men’s reasoning.
  9. The prophet can receive revelation on any matter, temporal or spiritual.
  10. The prophet may be involved in civic matters.
  11. The two groups who have the greatest difficulty in following the prophet are the proud who are learned and the proud who are rich.
  12. The prophet will not necessarily be popular with the world or the worldly.
  13. The prophet and his counselors make up the First Presidency — the highest quorum in the Church.
  14. The prophet and the presidency — the living prophet and the First Presidency — follow them and be blessed; reject them and suffer.

And? This is instruction for members. What does that have to do with anything?
It sounds like Cheesus feels that being prepared for hard times is wrong...

You must depend on the all powerful government, not yourselves or your community.
Not quite sure why you find this offensive. The parking lots and shopping malls you mention are adjacent to the temple and tabernacle and some of it is church property. Why wouldn't the church help pay for upkeep?

I find it offensive becuase the LDS church is tax exempt and at the same time DEMANDS that it's members tithe 10% of their gross wages or lose membership in the church and burn in hell.
Probably why Romney doesnt want to release his tax records. But anyways

The LDS church even has a tech support website for those collecting the tithes to keep track. BTW if you fail to tithe your 10% you get counseled
Here is an excerpt

Bishop The bishop is responsible to:

  • Oversee tithing settlement and make sure all tasks are accomplished.
  • Meet privately with each individual or family so they can declare their tithing status.
  • Declare a status for members who do not attend tithing settlement.
Bishop's counselors

The bishop’s counselors are responsible to:

  • Record and deposit donations made during tithing settlement
  • Accomplish tasks assigned to them by the bishop.
Ward clerks

The ward clerk and his assistants are responsible to:

Executive secretary

The executive secretary is responsible to:

  • Coordinate tithing settlement appointments and accomplish other tasks he is assigned by the bishop.

  • At least one week before Tithing Settlement Begins: Clerks distribute Year-To-Date Donation Summaries[SUP][2][/SUP]
  • On or after November 15: Tithing Settlement Begins
  • December 31 or before: Tithing Settlement Ends
  • January 31: Distribute Official Tax Statements to donors
  • January 31: Transmit Tithing Declaration Report from MLS
  • January 31: Deliver printed Tithing Declaration Report and Tithing and Offerings Batch Summary Report to the stake president (Note: In the UK these reports are due to the stake president by January 15)
It sounds like Cheesus feels that being prepared for hard times is wrong...

You must depend on the all powerful government, not yourselves or your community.

The Mormons as a group have the food ammo and facilities to come out on top in anarchy

and who better to bring a collapse of the USA then president Mitt Romney
who by decree must follow the Living prophet
I find it offensive becuase the LDS church is tax exempt and at the same time DEMANDS that it's members tithe 10% of their gross wages or lose membership in the church and burn in hell.
Probably why Romney doesnt want to release his tax records. But anyways

The LDS church even has a tech support website for those collecting the tithes to keep track. BTW if you fail to tithe your 10% you get counseled
Here is an excerpt

Bishop The bishop is responsible to:

  • Oversee tithing settlement and make sure all tasks are accomplished.
  • Meet privately with each individual or family so they can declare their tithing status.
  • Declare a status for members who do not attend tithing settlement.
Bishop's counselors

The bishop’s counselors are responsible to:

  • Record and deposit donations made during tithing settlement
  • Accomplish tasks assigned to them by the bishop.
Ward clerks

The ward clerk and his assistants are responsible to:

Executive secretary

The executive secretary is responsible to:

  • Coordinate tithing settlement appointments and accomplish other tasks he is assigned by the bishop.

  • At least one week before Tithing Settlement Begins: Clerks distribute Year-To-Date Donation Summaries[SUP][2][/SUP]
  • On or after November 15: Tithing Settlement Begins
  • December 31 or before: Tithing Settlement Ends
  • January 31: Distribute Official Tax Statements to donors
  • January 31: Transmit Tithing Declaration Report from MLS
  • January 31: Deliver printed Tithing Declaration Report and Tithing and Offerings Batch Summary Report to the stake president (Note: In the UK these reports are due to the stake president by January 15)

Thats why Mitt Romney won't release his tax forms, he would get kicked out of church!
That their followers stockpile food and be prepared for an emergency?

Does Mitt Romney have a diabolical plan?

mormonism is essentially a doomsday cult, just like evangelicals.

mormons believe the "second coming" will only occur after a long "tribulation" where the faithful will be persecuted by the "antichrist" so they prepare for the coming "tribulations" by stockpiling and preparing for the collapse of society

evangelicals believe that they will be raptured away before the "end times" so only the unbelievers will face the "tribulations" before the triumphant return of jeebus and his horde of angels and shit destroys the wicked unbelievers ushering in their jeebus utopia

they keep their congregations small because their numbers are small in most of the country, so megachurches could only exist in mormon strongholds in utah and whatnot.

jews also keep their congregations small too, for the same reason. the rabbi (or the mormon bishops and preists) can minister to the faithful more effectively. smaller congregations lead to more one-on-one time with the individual members.

utah is not earthquake prone like california, but it still has some, also, doomsday cult. they believe the tribulations will be accompanied by earthquakes storms and raining brimstone from the skies and whatnot.

mormons are RUMORED to have a vast netwoirk of shelters and what can only be described as Fallout style Vaults (Pip-Boys not included) but the only underground bunkers of any size that i am aware of is to house genealogical records and such. mormons dig that shit.

in the final analysis mormons are NOT a scary cult determined to HelterSkelter the world so they can breed up an army of the faithful for some nefarious plot, they are fecund observant christians of a type only slightly odder than the average manistream christians. if you live next door to mormons they dont try to drag you with them to church, and "a thanks but no thanks" always stops the preaching. they arent nearly as pushy as most christians, and they are downright respectful of other faiths, especially when compared to baptists or evangelicals.
Thats why Mitt Romney won't release his tax forms, he would get kicked out of church!

Not exactly
He would not be a full member until his tithes where paid in full
That means he could not recieve blessings or enter the temple, go to heaven etc etc

Ok he would be kicked out of church until he paid his religion "tax"
Maybe if he didnt have a bunch of cult followers and limited himself to girls over the age of 13 people would not of hated him and his kind back then

History is written by the victors. Who really knows what happened then? The Mormons weren't writing by the campfires while the events were current. I'm no Mormon and I am not advocating for them. I am saying this is the US and they have as many rights as anybody else. Besides, if you are jealous of them they do accept converts.
The Mormons as a group have the food ammo and facilities to come out on top in anarchy

and who better to bring a collapse of the USA then president Mitt Romney
who by decree must follow the Living prophet

Chesus, you really are wrong here. Romney has no standing in the church. He has no influence in any way, shape or form. Like I stated. We have no interest in domination. The meek shall inherit the earth, remember? I don't know where you got this conspiracy foolishness but Mormons have no interest in the dealings of Gentiles. ;)
doesn't sound as bad as "evangelicals" as far as level of doomsdayishness

The Mormons aren't in your face with it either. I have lived all my life in the West and was raised on a cattle ranch until I had to attend junior high and that was 90 miles one way to the school. In good years it took 125 acres to feed a cow/calf pair. Run 20 sections of that. 90 miles to town, 50 miles to water but just 6" from Hell. Many neighboring (if you easterners can imagine driving 25 miles to your nearest neighbor) ranchers were Mormons and a few were mean old drunks. I preferred the Mormons. Are they different? I guess we all are different to somebody.
History is written by the victors. Who really knows what happened then? The Mormons weren't writing by the campfires while the events were current. I'm no Mormon and I am not advocating for them. I am saying this is the US and they have as many rights as anybody else. Besides, if you are jealous of them they do accept converts.

Why dont you actually read about the history of mormons
compare what was written by them and others and decide for yourself

And yes Christian evangelicals suck ass as well
But they are not organized as a monolithic organization like the mormons nor are they preparing food ammo and facilities for the coming mormonpocalypse
The Mormons aren't in your face with it either. I have lived all my life in the West and was raised on a cattle ranch until I had to attend junior high and that was 90 miles one way to the school. In good years it took 125 acres to feed a cow/calf pair. Run 20 sections of that. 90 miles to town, 50 miles to water but just 6" from Hell. Many neighboring (if you easterners can imagine driving 25 miles to your nearest neighbor) ranchers were Mormons and a few were mean old drunks. I preferred the Mormons. Are they different? I guess we all are different to somebody.

The church's holdings include:

  • AgReserves Inc. - the largest producer of nuts in the United States (circa. 1997)[SUP][1][/SUP]
  • Hawaii Reserves, Inc. - Miscellaneous church holdings in Hawaii. When combined with the Polynesian Cultural Center (the leading paid visitor attraction in Hawaii[SUP][26][/SUP]) and Brigham Young University-Hawaii, LDS Church-related entities generated revenue of $260 million for the Hawaii economy in 2005.[SUP][27][/SUP]
  • Farmland Reserve Inc. - 228,000 acres (923 km²) in Nebraska,;[SUP][28][/SUP] 51,600 acres in Osage County, Oklahoma;[SUP][29][/SUP] and over 312,000 acres (1,260 km²) in Florida (dba Deseret Cattle and Citrus).[SUP][30][/SUP]
  • Bonneville International Corporation - the 14th largest radio chain in the U.S.[SUP][1][/SUP]
  • Deseret Morning News - a daily Utah newspaper, second-largest in the state of Utah.[SUP][31][/SUP]
  • Beneficial Financial Group - An insurance and financial services company with assets of $3.1 billion.[SUP][/SUP]
Senate Committee Testimony Transcript:

Mr. Tayler (Senate Attorney):What is your business?
Mr. Smith (Mormon Prophet and President): My principle business is that of president of the church.
Mr. Tayler: In what other business are you engaged?
Mr. Smith: I am engaged in NUMEROUS other businesses.
Mr. Tayler: What?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution.
Mr. Tayler: Of what other corporations are you an officer?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of the State Bank of Utah, another institution.
Mr. Tayler: What else?
Mr. Smith: PRESIDENT of Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company.
Mr. Tayler: What else?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of the Utah Sugar Company.
Mr. Tayler: What else?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of the Consolidated Wagon and Machine Company.
Mr. Tayler: What else?
Mr. Smith: There are several other SMALL INSTITUTIONS with which I am associated.
Mr. Tayler: Are you associated with the Utah Light and Power Company?
Mr. Smith: I am.
Mr. Tayler: In what capacity?
Mr. Smith: I am a director and PRESIDENT of the company.
Mr. Tayler: A director and the president?
Mr. Smith: Yes, sir.
Mr. Tayler: Had you that in mind when you classified the others as 'small concerns'?
Mr. Smith: No sir, I had not that in mind.
Mr. Tayler: That is a 'large concern'?
Mr. Smith: That is a large concern?
Mr. Tayler: Are you an officer of the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Railroad Company?
Mr. Smith: I am.
Mr. Tayler: What?
Mr. Smith: PRESIDENT and director.
Mr. Tayler: Of what else are you President?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of the Salt Air Beach Company.
Mr. Tayler: What else, if you can recall.
Mr. Tayler: What relation do you sustain to the Idaho Sugar Company?
Mr. Smith: I am a director of that company and also the PRESIDENT of it.
Mr. Tayler: Of the Inland Crystal Salt Company?
Mr. Smith: Also the SAME POSITION THERE.
Mr. Tayler: The Salt Lake Dramatic Association?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of that and also a DIRECTOR.
Mr. Tayler: Are you president of any other corporation there?
Mr. Tayler: It would seem that the number has grown so large that it would be an undue tax upon your memory to charge you with naming them all.
Mr. Smith: What relation do you sustain to the Salt Lake Knitting Company? Did I already ask you about it?
Mr. Smith: No sir, you did not.
Mr. Tayler: The Salt Lake Knitting Company?
Mr. Smith: I am PRESIDENT of it, and also a director.
Mr. Tayler: The Union Pacific Railway Company?
Mr. Smith: I am a DIRECTOR.
Mr. Tayler: Are you an official of any mining companies?
Mr. Smith: Yes, sir.
Mr. Tayler: What?
Mr. Smith: I am the vice-president of the Bullion, Beck and Champion Mining Company.
Mr. Tayler: The Deseret News?
Mr. Smith: No, sir.
Mr. Tayler: You have no business relations with that?
Mr. Smith: NO SIR.
Mr. Tayler: Is the Deseret News the 'organ of the Church'?
Mr. Smith: Well, I suppose it is in some sense the 'organ of the church'. It is not opposed to the church, at least.
Mr. Tayler: It has for years published, has it not, at the head of its columns, that it is "the organ of the church", or the "official organ of the church"?
Mr. Smith: Not that I know of.
Mr. Tayler: Do you know who owns it?
Mr. Smith: How is that?
Mr. Tayler: Do you know who owns it?
Mr. Smith: I know who owns the building that it is in.
Mr. Tayler: Who owns the building in which it is published?
Mr. Smith: The church.
Mr. Tayler: The church?
Mr. Smith: Yes, sir.
Mr. Tayler: Tell us what you know about the owners of that newspaper.
Mr. Smith: It has been for a number of years past owned by a company --- AN INCORPORATED COMPANY.
Mr. Tayler: What is the name of the company?
Mr. Smith: The Deseret News Publishing Company.
Mr. Tayler: Do you know who its officers are?
Mr. Smith: No, it is not owned by that company.
Mr. Tayler: Oh, it is not?
Mr. Smith: No; it is not.
Mr. Tayler: What do you know ----
Mr. Smith: But I say for years it was owned by a company of that kind.
Mr. Tayler: What do you know about its present ownership?
Mr. Smith: I presume that the present ownership is IN THE CHURCH.
Mr. Tayler: You suppose the present owner is 'the church'?
Mr. Smith: Yes, sir; the church.
Mr. Tayler: I do not want to have any misconstruction put upon your use of the word 'presume' because you do not know that it is so owned?
Mr. Smith: I really do not know so that I could tell you positively.
Mr. Tayler: Who would know?
Mr. Smith: I PRESUME I could find out.
Mr. Tayler: Could you find out before you leave Washington?
Mr. Smith: Perhaps so.

(SOURCE: Reed Smoot Case transcript, Vol. 1, pp. 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, and 88)

A day later, because the ownership of the Deseret News and its articles were keys to the case, Joseph F. Smith testified:

Mr. Tayler: In what form does your church have title to the Deseret News property?
Mr. Smith: It owns the deed.
Mr. Tayler: I am speaking of the newspaper, not the building.
Mr. Smith: The press; yes. I would like to state that when I was asked that question before, Mr. Tayler, I was not aware of the fact that I have since learned from my counsel here that during the trusteeship of Lorenzo Snow the Deseret News plant was transferred from the Deseret News Company to Lorenzo Snow, trustee, in trust. I was not aware of the fact, Mr. Chairman, when that question was asked me yesterday, I believe it was. I have since learned that that is the fact and that my counsel who is here made out the papers for the transfer. .....
Mr. Tayler: So that it is now in YOU as trustee in trust?
Mr. Smith: NOW I OWN IT AS TRUSTEE IN TRUST. Furthermore, I will say that I have discovered since yesterday that there is published on the second or third page of the Deseret News the statement that it is the "organ of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints"
(Reed Smoot case, Vol. 1, page 158